Childbirth in 37 years: features, possible deviations, opinions of doctors

Recently, a trend of late pregnancy has been increasingly observed, so it is not surprising to meet a 35-year-old woman with a tummy. It can be said that childbirth at the age of 37 and even a little after 40 became a peculiar trend. You can observe a clear pattern - the country's development affects age. The better developed the country, the older the woman in labor. Why is this happening?

delivery at 37 years old reviews

Late pregnancy

In post-Soviet countries, the phrase “old primogenous” is still used among some doctors, only women in labor are meant here, who are no more than 28 years old and no younger than 26. However, more advanced gynecologists with the term “late pregnancy” correlate expectant mothers who conceived a baby after 35 years.

Births at 37 years are more often observed in developed countries, where the normal age to get pregnant is up to 40 years. A significant role here plays, whether it is the first birth or not. If the child is the first, then the accuracy and alertness of the gynecologist is reasoned and understandable. However, if this is already the 3-4th baby, then excessive doctor attention can be an irritant for a woman.

Pregnancy and childbirth at 37 years have their positive and negative sides. The advantage of "late" conception:

  • Stability in everything. By a more mature age, there is already a certain stable financial situation, as well as strong family relationships.
  • Rejuvenation. Doctors note that during late pregnancy, a woman becomes younger - this is influenced by the hormonal background, which literally colors and makes a woman only more attractive.
  • Mindfulness. Psychologically, by the age of 35, a woman is already ready for pregnancy.

But where there are pluses, there are always disadvantages:

  • Open bleeding.
  • Premature birth.
  • Diabetes in the future mother.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases.

As you can see, there are positive and negative sides, and you must not forget three important aspects: medical, social and psychological.

Can I get pregnant at this age?

Pregnancy is always an exciting and wonderful time. However, for the first time, deliveries at 37 years of age, according to doctors, are undesirable. The ideal age for conceiving and bearing a child is from twenty to thirty years. According to statistics, precisely this period accounts for the majority of pregnancies, because the female body is already ripe and ready to bear and give birth to a healthy baby. Often, the expectant mother does not yet have serious chronic diseases that can be observed in old-timers.

Some women after 30 are very serious about the stage of planning the baby, the state of their body and nutrition. To give birth at 37, according to doctors, went smoothly at the planning stage, you need to visit a gynecologist and pass all the prescribed tests. The probability of giving birth to a healthy baby after 35 will increase significantly if the expectant mother does not smoke or drink, monitors nutrition, takes a complex of vitamins in accordance with age, and does not expose her body and nervous system to stress.

If pregnancy has occurred at this late reproductive age, then you should not miss scheduled examinations and trips to the gynecologist in order to avoid complications and the development of defects or congenital diseases in the child.

pregnancy childbirth in 37 years

First time pregnancy

Not every woman manages to get pregnant up to 35 naturally, so doctors often resort to the practice of artificial insemination. This method allows you to get pregnant, even if a woman is a little over 40. Based on statistics, you can see that cesarean births at 37 years old are done very often, and the older the woman, the higher the likelihood of such a procedure. However, many doctors note that after 30 women do not experience such severe pain during contractions, moreover, they tolerate them much easier.

childbirth in 37 years cesarean

Second pregnancy

As a rule, pregnancy planning for the second time begins no earlier than two years after the first, if the first birth is 37 years old, then the second child will be born no earlier than 40. The second birth and the period of gestation are slightly different from the first time. The psychological aspect plays a significant role here - the period of pregnancy seems to be shorter (although, as statistics show, the second birth occurs the same way, in rare cases, 1-2 weeks earlier). The second baby, relying on the same statistics, is larger than the first. The location of the abdomen when carrying a second child is lower due to already slightly weakened muscles, which exert increased pressure on the organs. Delivery at 37 years of age during the second pregnancy in most cases occurs naturally.

Third pregnancy

Traditionally, a third time pregnancy in a woman who is a little over 30, occurs as planned. Despite the experience of two previous pregnancies, childbirth may vary slightly.

Still others are usually sudden and swift. The abdominal prolapse in a woman can occur 2-3 hours before the birth, in contrast to primiparous, in which the abdomen moves two (three) weeks before the planned date of birth. The cervix in the third birth at 37 years old opens faster, and soreness is minimized, it follows that the "training" contractions, which are characteristic of the appearance of the baby for the first time, may be absent. The expectant mother should listen to the body and respond to the slightest changes in it.

Previous births have already prepared the birth canal, so their opening is much faster and “elasticity” is much better, which reduces the risk of injuring the baby. The appearance of a secondary patrimonial weakness, in other words, the cessation of labor, is not excluded. The consequences are fetal hypoxia. The obstetrician who takes birth decides whether to have a cesarean or not. The process itself is faster, on average, its duration is 6-7 hours, of which about 5-6 hours are fights, and attempts do not exceed an hour, sometimes even several minutes.

childbirth 3 to 37 years

Complications with a third child

With 3 births at 37 years of age, risks or complications in the postpartum period may occur. The most serious consequences that a woman may face include bleeding, as well as endometritis. Due to an age-related decrease in tissue elasticity during childbirth, injuries, separation of the membranes, or abnormal uterine contraction are possible. These factors can affect heavy bleeding, which is dangerous for the health and even life of the mother.

Endometritis is an inflammation of the uterine mucosa. Reducing contractility affects the discharge: they are delayed, creating a wonderful environment for the development of infections. The disease can be detected only a week after the birth, symptoms - pain in the lower abdomen, high fever.

The venous system also changes with age, so hemorrhoids, varicose veins, varicose veins, and even iron deficiency anemia are no exception. According to statistics, these diseases are present in a woman after the first birth, and after the third time they progress. A constantly changing hormonal background can confuse even the most experienced woman in labor. Recall how childbirth begins:

  • The behavior of the baby. Before childbirth itself, the child can "calm down" and prepare for the appearance in this world.
  • Bloody issues.
  • Amniotic fluid.
  • Lowered belly. However, not all multiparous women report a prolapse of the abdomen.

Pregnancy for the third time is simultaneously different and no different from the previous ones, everything seems to be so familiar, but at the same time, the body is physically and psychologically ready. It is worth remembering that these very precursors may not be present during the third birth, therefore the only advice to the expectant mother is to listen very carefully to her body and have everything necessary for herself and her baby to go to the hospital immediately. Before pregnancy:

  • Pump your abs muscles.
  • Kegel exercises. This is a vaginal muscle workout.
  • Contrast shower last couple of months of pregnancy.
  • During the period of bearing a child, you may have to wear a bandage for the abdomen.

As a rule, the appointed date of birth usually does not coincide with the actual day of X: the muscles during the third pregnancy at this age are not so strong, it is already difficult for them to hold the baby. Do not worry that the process began two to three weeks earlier. Be ready.

first birth at 37

Psychological side

A woman's perception of pregnancy affects the general physical condition of the expectant mother. At birth at the age of 37, the doctors have the same opinion: the age when you want to give birth to a baby is not in the first place, even if this is the first baby in the family. Even provided that the pregnancy has come after 35 years, the expectant mother receives so many positive emotions that they help her through the difficult period of motherhood. All this provided that there is a desire to have a baby or baby.

Sometimes many fears interrupt the desire, which affects the appearance of a depressed state due to an unfulfilled goal. Depression, as in a chain reaction, contributes to a sharp deterioration in health and exacerbation of hereditary diseases. Among other things, during the decline of the emotional state, the development of endocrine and autoimmune abnormalities is not excluded.

During pregnancy with the second, third and subsequent children, slightly different rules apply, because the woman has already tried what it is. Willingness and decision to give birth to a child is caused not by the end of reproductive age and unwillingness to remain without a baby at all. This is a deliberate and balanced decision. Due to the fact that relations with a partner and in the family have already fully developed by this time, there is experience in raising a child (or children) and all the pitfalls are already known, from the psychological side it is much easier for a woman to decide on this again. Moreover, when the family has more than one child, the anxiety of the parents is manifested to a lesser extent, which contributes to a more relaxed mood.

delivery at 37 years old doctors

Socio-economic factor

From the point of view of medicine, health includes the totality of physical, psychological and material well-being, therefore, the socio-economic factor is not the last one at birth at 37 years old. Just at this age, the financial side of the family is already established and quite strong. There are funds to fulfill all the food vagaries of the expectant mother, and if necessary, undergo expensive treatment or pay for pregnancy, a comfortable single room with all the conditions and childbirth in commercial medical organizations.

But what about work? The age of 35-40 years is a period of professional achievements in a career. The woman has already achieved certain goals and has taken a certain position, which is important, because after leaving maternity leave she will not have to climb back to this peak. However, caring for a baby is still a break, and rather big, because not all families can hire a nanny. Not necessarily due to financial difficulties. It is psychologically very difficult to give up the baby whom she wore under her heart for 9 months, giving birth and caring for him, an unknown woman.

If a prestigious job is paid well before pregnancy, a woman's career growth may cease. Especially if the employee is required to keep abreast of constantly changing technologies. Here it is worth weighing the pros and cons even before the conception of the baby.

Late pregnancy is a woman’s personal choice. No one can influence her decision. And even the opinion of doctors is not always the ultimate truth. However, the expectant mother must carefully weigh all the risks so that her choice is the right one.

It is better to be prepared for the fact that during the bearing and breastfeeding of the baby the financial situation in the family will be precarious, there will be difficulties in reinstating to work when the child is with whom to leave or he will go to kindergarten. Sometimes a mother has to look for a new job, which is a little difficult after 40. A late child is primarily a woman’s choice. Neither her husband nor relatives can influence her. And even the medical opinion during childbirth at 37 is not decisive.

delivery at 37 years old

Doctors and Moms

The medical opinion during childbirth at 37 years is ambiguous. Some are convinced that such childbirth can affect the appearance of prolonged depression or, even worse, age will increase the risk of deviations in the unborn baby. While others insist that at this age it is imperative to become pregnant. Indications for the conception of a baby after 35 are:

  • vegetovascular dystonia.
  • cyst;
  • fibroadenoma;
  • myoma;
  • endometriosis;
  • mastopathy.

According to a study by American scientists, babies born to women older than 34-35 years old grow up more adapted to social life, less susceptible to disease, more talented and quick-witted compared to other children of their age. Scientists note that during this period a woman is better aware of her role than at 20-25 years old, mothers are more attentive to their children, but at the same time calmer and more patient. Childbirth at 37 years old has different reviews, but basically it all comes down to one fact: the main thing is the mood of the future mother. This is evidenced by both doctors and women in labor themselves.

Dangers of Late Pregnancy

Bearing and giving birth to a baby after 35 years can have complications. First of all, the following medical problems are possible:

  • difficult pregnancy;
  • gestational diabetes mellitus;
  • complicated postpartum period;
  • metabolic imbalance;
  • identification of chronic diseases;
  • chromosomal abnormalities in the baby;
  • birth complications.

It is not necessary that every woman during childbirth at the age of 37 will experience all or some of these problems. For some women in childbirth, the entire pregnancy is easy, even easier than for 20-year-old girls. But it’s better to know what to expect in order to prevent all possible consequences and visit a doctor in a timely manner.

Difficult pregnancy. In this case, everything is ambiguous and it is difficult to identify any one reason. Of course, at 25 years old, the general condition of the body and activity are higher, and any complications are perceived differently. Pregnant women after 35 often report fatigue, susceptibility to depression and apathy. Sometimes, in response to a heavy load, the body gives in to various diseases. Severe toxicosis or lack of water, as well as premature detachment of the placenta, are possible.

According to reviews, in the first birth at the age of 37, it is better to avoid even the usual ARVI, since any viral diseases or weakened immunity can cause an exacerbation of chronic diseases. The higher the age of the expectant mother, the more various pathologies she has, and frequent colds affect the launch of microflora negatively affecting the baby. As a result, unpleasant sensations in the throat, persistent runny nose, enlarged lymph nodes, chronic pharyngitis.

Childbirth at 37 is not at all scary and still exciting. The main thing is to listen to your body and take care of yourself. Before conception, visit the clinic to treat everything that the doctor reveals and give birth to a healthy baby.

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