Cashmere wool coat - timeless elegance

Coats are usually bought for more than one year, so you need to pay attention to the material from which it is sewn. The best coat fabric is cashmere made from goat hair. It is warm and not blown. It is easy to keep an eye on it and take care of it; in the process of socks, wrinkles do not form and does not crease. On fashionable cashmere coats, Italy, as usual, sets the trends that the whole world is following.

Cashmere coat - luxury and elegance

As the name of an elite wool fabric for coats, cashmere comes from the bearer of a light gun of the Kashmir goat. The thread is so thin that if you compare it with human hair, it will be 3 times less. Therefore, people call it β€œdiamond” wool. At least one and a half kilogram of down takes one product. So much can be obtained from 10 animals only once a year, when goats molt. Hence, such a high pricing.

coat cashmere wool

Noble warm cashmere

Winter women's coats are made of goat hair not only so that they are warm. Such things remain fashionable at all times. Kashmir goats are grown in China and Mongolia, from there they bring us cloth or finished products at first glance thin, but at the same time very warm. Like the natural color of goats, natural dyed yarn is only white and noble brown, gray, black or muted red shades. If you still want to stand out in a bright color, you can choose a cashmere coat made of wool with the addition of alpaca. Such soft-touch fabric does not roll, does not fall off and does not crease. And most importantly, it will be worn for a long time and delight with a juicy color on cloudy winter days.

How to care with cashmere

To keep the coat neat, try to wear suede or leather goods with it as little as possible, especially with belts. Such accessories spoil the look, under them spools, scrapes are formed, the thing loses its attractiveness and quickly becomes shabby. For storage in the off-season, it is better to hang the coat in a cover for clothes, thereby protecting it from dirt, dust and moths.

cashmere coat

How to choose outerwear

Dishonest manufacturers who want to make money on misunderstood buyers produce a series of fake coats and give them at the same time for 100% cashmere. An ignorant layman is almost impossible to see the difference. Disappointments come later: the material burns out, rolls and scuffs appear, which would not happen with natural yarn.

How not to let yourself be deceived and not become a victim of scammers? Very simple, take note of a few tips:

  • To the touch, the coat of cashmere will be softer than any other fabric. It is difficult to confuse it with the rough hair of a camel.
  • Read the composition on the labels. If it says Reine Schurwolle, this is what you need. Do not buy a coat with the inscription on the label β€œWool 100%”: it means that the wool is of poor quality. Try to bypass the markets, there will not be anyone to present their claims.
  • Check how the stitches are sewn. Threads should not stick out and stitches should not be missed. A high-quality product, stitched with a double seam, will last more than one season.
  • To distinguish factory tailoring from β€œbasement”, it is necessary to try on a product on a thick jacket. Wool cashmere on a coat of dubious origin will gather in folds around the shoulders and back.

coat winter women wool cashmere

When trying on the product should not be cramped. In a harmoniously fitting figure, the coat is warm and comfortable. If you have to spend a lot of time behind the wheel, it is better to choose a short model. Or wear a more authentic and free cut. It is possible under the belt, if only it was as convenient as possible.

coat cashmere italy

A woolen coat of cashmere must be selected based on the type of figure. As with the purchase of any other part of the wardrobe, you need to objectively take into account the characteristics of the physique. Tips for choosing:

  • When the waist is not drawn and its girth is about the same as the chest and hips, it is better to buy a model such as a cocoon. It’s fashionable to wear a three-quarter sleeve, and close your hand with a long glove. Pay attention to the style with a collar that adds volume: it will take away attention from the figure. A model with a belt will not work.
  • When the imbalance between the shoulders and hips (such a shape is called the type of "triangle") fit in the form of a trapezoid. Let the model be free to the bottom of the waist, covering wide hips.
  • The figure of the letter β€œT” (the top is wider than the bottom) allows you to wear a shortened coat, free style. A model with shoulder pads and a full-length sleeve will not work.

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