Florocenosis - what is it? Analysis for florocenosis: a transcript

Many women have ever asked the following question: "Florocenosis - what is it?". This analysis is the diagnosis of a new generation to detect infection of the female urogenital canal. It is characterized by excellent information content of the results and the correct appointment. The examination includes the collection of the main causative agents of genital infections that destroy the vaginal flora, helps to establish an accurate diagnosis, and also helps to choose the appropriate treatment tactics. Identification of obligate pathogenic microorganisms is one of the focuses of the flocenosis test.

florocenosis what is it

What are the indications for the analysis

Infection with sexually transmitted infections occurs with chaotic sexual contacts and sexual intercourse without barrier contraception. Infections arise during failures in the vaginal biocenosis, which are accompanied by a decrease in the number of lactobacilli (Dederlein sticks), as well as an increase in the content of opportunistic microflora (candida, gardnerella, aerobes, ureaplasma). What should be the indications in order to prescribe the vaginal flocenosis?

  • pain during urination, sexual intercourse, lower abdomen;
  • discomfort, irritation, burning;
  • infertility;
  • inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary tract;
  • vaginal discharge;
  • complicated gynecological or obstetric history.

Varieties of microorganisms that provoke sexual infections are included in the NCMT florocenosis test category:

  • mycoplasmosis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • chlamydia

How is the study carried out

With the concept of "florocenosis" - what is it, and what are the indicators for its implementation, we figured out. Now you need to find out how the analysis is carried out . A smear on the flora is a bacterioscopic examination of a scraping taken from specific places. The test makes it possible to establish the presence of an inflammatory effect, find the simplest organisms, pathogenic microflora, and also suspect hormonal disorders.

vaginal flocenosis

As a rule, a gynecologist for research makes a sampling of the contents from the urethra, cervix and vagina. For such an event, additional vaginal mirrors and a disposable scapula with a roundish edge are used. A sample is taken from all doubtful areas, then applied with a small smear to the glass and sent to the laboratory.

Florocenosis: transcript analysis

In addition to the indicated designation of the scraping fence, you can still find the following symbols in the form:

  1. Trich - means the simplest organism of the causative agent of trichomoniasis.
  2. L is the number of white blood cells that are in the scope of the microscope.
  3. Gn - definition of the causative agent of gonococcus (gonorrhea).
  4. Ep - the number of squamous red blood cells in the smear.

Usually, specialists, when they want to report a lack of an element, write down abs, which means "not detected."

White blood cells

Light bodies, designed to protect a person from all kinds of infections. Normally, the number of leukocytes in the smear should not be higher than 15. If the number of white bodies is greater than this limit, inflammatory genital disease can be tolerated. Often, a gynecologist makes the following diagnoses: cervicitis, colpitis and vaginitis, and you may need to conduct an additional analysis for florocenosis.

bacterial vaginosis florocenosis

The more white blood cells in a smear, the stronger the inflammatory process. For example, a considerable number of such elements are usually found with trichomoniasis or gonorrhea.

Squamous epithelium

This is the outer layer of red blood cells that covers the entrance to the cervix and vagina. The epithelium must be present in a smear in women of reproductive age. With a decrease in the number of estrogens in the female body, the number of squamous red blood cells decreases.

With the advent of menopause in a smear on the microflora, one can detect the epithelium of the internal integument of the vaginal mucosa - para- and basal cells. Finding them in a representative of the weaker sex of childbearing age may indicate an increase in the level of male hormones and inflammatory processes.

florocenosis transcript analysis

Staphylococcus aureus

Such bacteria can also show a test of florocenosis (what it is, has been said above). If the amount of Staphylococcus aureus is not more than 5%, then you should not worry. Only in a situation where there is an increase in the number of these bacteria and a decrease in the percentage of Doderlein rods, can one testify to inflammation of the cervical canal or vagina.


In a small amount, it is detected in a sample taken from the vagina. This is not considered a deviation from the norm. If plaque is found in scraping from the canal, malaise of the urinary system can be eliminated. An increase in mucus in the smear is usually seen in inflammatory processes.


They are very small rods, and their detection requires an analysis of florocenosis. Bacterial vaginosis and vaginal dysbiosis are diseases in which they multiply well. Also, sticks are considered pathogens of the disease called gardnerellosis.

analysis for florocenosis

Yeast-like fungi

Such bacteria can be found with vaginal candidiasis (thrush). About closed candidiasis, spore fungi let you know. If female immunity is impaired, then this leads to a revival of pathogenic vaginal microflora, as well as a fungus of the genus Candida. When the thrush exacerbates, the smear contains Candida mycelium filaments.

Cocci flora

These bacteria are spherical in shape. A low number of cocci is not at all dangerous, but when the number of such microorganisms exceeds the percentage of lactic acid bacilli, this already indicates a decrease in immunity or the presence of inflammation. Coccal bacteria are divided into gram-negative (Escherichia coli, gonococci, Proteus) and gram-positive (lactobacilli, strepto and staphylococci) organisms. If a test of florocenosis was made (its decoding was described in this article), and a smear showed the presence of gram-negative cocci located inside the cells, gonorrhea can be suspected.

florocenosis decoding

Key cells

They are also called atypical red blood cells. Found in violation of the vaginal microflora and gardnerellosis. They are squamous cells that are connected to small sticks.

Survey preparation

The analysis is performed by PCR, which has an excellent degree of accuracy. In the study, the laboratory assistant finds the place of the bacterial DNA, repeatedly increases it, considers the size of the genome after each copying period. For the test, scraping of the cervical canal of the uterus and the mucous wall of the vagina is performed.

The examination is not carried out at the stage of the menstrual cycle. Two days before taking the biomaterial, they are not advised to use vaginal products, spermicides, have sex and douche. In agreement with the gynecologist, the patient should stop therapy with antibacterial drugs 30 days before the study. An analysis of florocenosis (what it is - everyone already knows) helps to determine infection with sexually transmitted diseases that can destroy a woman's fertile function.

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