How to get rid of cannabis and get clean, healthy skin

Leather is a kind of calling card of our appearance. Of particular importance to her condition is women - for good reason they are called the fair sex. In Russia, the skin of tender, white-pink, with a slight blush, about which they said: "Blood with milk", has long been considered the canon of beauty. The southern peoples - dark, also ruddy, healthy, clean. But after all, a huge number of representatives of the weak half of humanity are, alas, problematic: with pimples, scars, pigmentation. And the seasonal “enemies” - freckles, which generously cover their nose and cheeks, and sometimes their forehead and chin in early spring and themselves pass only in the fall, give the ladies blonde or redheads the most trouble. And it happens that they don’t pass. And then you have to resort to the help of various medical and cosmetic preparations.

Problem definition

how to get rid of hemp
To find out how to get rid of hemp, you need to understand in more detail why they begin to annoy us. So, freckles are a special kind of pigmentation, most often transmitted from parents or grandparents. That is, the propensity for them is hereditary, and can manifest itself in a generation or two. Externally, freckles look like small specks, with a diameter of 1 to 3 mm. Color - from golden to light brown. Usually they do not protrude above the skin level, do not cause itching and peeling. Sometimes small hemp merge into large spots, really turning into pronounced skin defects. The intensity of solar radiation in the spring-summer period contributes to this process. How to get rid of cannabis, if they begin to appear in young children from 7 to 10 years old, in adults they disappear naturally only by the age of 30 or do not disappear at all? Let's consider different options.

General recommendations

how to get rid of hemp forever
As you know, the problem is easier to prevent than to eliminate it later. This rule also applies to how to get rid of cannabis. First of all, the face should be most carefully hidden from the direct sun, and generally avoid a long stay on it. Secondly, from around the end of February - beginning of March, special creams should be applied to the skin before going outside, the protective barrier of which from UV rays will be at least SPF 15 or even higher. Thirdly, here's how to get rid of cannabis, if they are just starting to bother you: wipe the problem areas with hydrogen peroxide (3% or 5%), lemon juice or black currant. In addition, body ointment and salicylic ointment help well . Well, take a complex of vitamins C, B¹, A.

Systematic treatment

how to quickly get rid of hemp
How to get rid of hemp forever? A whole complex of procedures is required here. The first thing to take as a rule is to do regular peeling. Scrub your face several times a week. Removing the upper stratum corneum smooths out skin tone, lightens freckles and other pigmentation. Thus, one can gradually make them almost invisible. Still how can you get rid of hemp? Creams containing fruit acids should be used. They are called alpha hydroxide. ANA is obtained from citrus, apple, grape and other fruit crops. By the way, peeling with their use allows the skin to look much better, become smoother and more tender. Small wrinkles are smoothed out, firmness, elasticity appears and, most importantly, pigmentation practically disappears. That is, the upper layer of the skin becomes more transparent, pigmentation is "no." True, with drugs, the concentration of ANA in which reaches from 5% to 10%, you should be careful. First, take an allergy test, and if redness appears, do not use the product.

Retinol rushes to the rescue

Vitamin A oil solution, retinol, is also your reliable assistant in the fight for the face clean, tender and young. The drug is sold in a pharmacy. Its main functions are: stimulation of new, healthy, young skin cells and acceleration of the death of atypical. Add a little retinol to your daily face creams and home masks - and you will notice very quickly how the freckles turn pale and then disappear, the wrinkles are clearly smoothed out, the blood supply to the skin and its oxygen supply improve.

And much more useful

how to get rid of hemp
Like any serious science, cosmetology does not stand still. This also applies to treatment methods for various unnecessary pigmentation, including freckles. Fractional photothermolysis, phototherapy, dermabrasion are some fairly radical means of how to quickly get rid of hemp. The first is connected with the cleansing of the face and body in a point-like manner, when it is the affected areas that are treated, and it is completely painless. Phototherapy requires about 6 treatments to achieve the desired effect. The last of these manipulations involves a longer application - procedures 10-12 on average. Plus, such simple home remedies as a mask from ordinary garden parsley. The whitening effect is amazing. Depending on the season, grind either the stems and leaves of the plant, and then put the gruel in place “x”, or grate a piece of root on a grater and do the same. After 10 minutes, rinse off the mask with warm water and apply a nourishing cream to the skin. Ordinary yogurt (or sour milk, kefir) will turn out to be very effective, eat lotions from it. You can alternate them with rubbing your face with wine or apple cider vinegar.

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