How to learn magic. Spells

The world of mysterious, magic, magic has been attractive to humanity at all times. To control the elements and destinies, to subordinate people and events, to rule, to receive what is desired by a wave of the hand, to become omnipotent and omnipotent, to learn the secrets of nature and the beyond - who would not want this? Strange question, right? And therefore, esotericism and occultism to this day cause burning interest throughout the world.

Awareness of Responsibility

how to learn magic
Remember the biblical expression that knowledge “multiplies sorrow”? In our case, discussing how to learn magic, we rephrase it somewhat. The knowledge associated with occultism at times increases a person’s sense of responsibility for his every step and deed, for every action. After all, magic is primarily power. And it must be disposed of wisely.

Many people think about how to learn magic in order to get a loved one, great wealth, easily deal with ill-wishers. What a wonderful life it would seem then to come! Alas, this point of view is too superficial and short-sighted. After all, you have to pay for everything, including secret knowledge. More precisely, for their use.

Knowing how to learn practical magic, not all people can resist the temptation to use it for not very specious purposes or not to look where the human eye and consciousness should not go at all. In this case, the Law of Karma may turn on, and not only the curious person will suffer, but many representatives of his family, relatives and loved ones. Therefore, when trying to learn how to learn magic, first of all, think about whether you have enough endurance, seriousness, a cold, sober mind and elementary decency to carry this heavy burden of knowledge with dignity. For the true practicing magician has the same covenant as the doctor: “Do no harm!”

Elemental magic

A modern person, more or less knowledgeable of the history of earthly civilization, remembers how in times of paganism people deified the forces and elements of nature. It was believed that they are controlled by spirits that can help in witchcraft affairs. Those energies possessed by the 4 most important elements - water, earth, fire, air - are really unlimited in their power. Primitive shamans and medieval alchemists were able to subjugate the forces of nature to themselves, put at the service of their own needs. And with their help they created the seemingly impossible. To cause a thunderstorm, to tame a typhoon, to incinerate at a distance - these are not fairy tales, but the very “miracles” that magicians connected with the elements are capable of. To manage them, it’s important for you to remember a few universal rules.

Firelord: Step One

how to learn fire magic
How to learn fire magic?

  • In addition to special knowledge, you must absolutely firmly believe in yourself, in your abilities and in that you achieve the desired result (without faith, any knowledge is dead).
  • To be able to make a strong-willed effort, that is, to give your thoughts and desires a strong energy impulse.
  • Have a well-developed imagination, visualize the development of events that you need.

First, try to develop the skills in these areas. And only then can you go to the next step in how to learn the magic of fire, air, etc. This is the first step that brings you closer to your desired goal - to get closer to the elements.

Firelord: Step Two

how to learn white magic
The next stage, which are initiated in the masters of the occult sciences, is the establishment of direct contact with the elements. How is this supposed to happen? In the case of fire, do this: Left alone in a room, light a candle. First, just look at the flame, absorb its warmth, study the shades of glow, feel the element as you feel a person close by, who is close to you. You have to tune into the fire as the receiver's antenna tunes into radio waves. Feel the vibrations of the flame. This is especially necessary in cases where you are interested in how to learn magic at home, independently, and not under the guidance of a mentor.

The element of fire is all-consuming, purifying and destroying at the same time. Subjugate her, tame your fear of her - then you will succeed. Extend your arms as close to the flame as possible. Closing your eyes, imagine how you merge with fire, become one, how it begins to live inside you. When you feel complete identity, say a spell, putting into it the maximum of your will, desire, faith. Its text can be different - deducted from books or invented by you. For example: “A sacred fire, an eternal source of heat and light, an enemy of darkness, a spark of life and renewal! Give me knowledge of the truth, light up the path of life, become a reliable companion in business, so that you can conquer the areas that are not conquered! So be it, my word is strong, tenacious! ”

Lord of the Waters

how to learn to master the magic of water
We move on to the next stage of establishing contact with the elements and talk about how to learn to master the magic of water. To some extent, it is similar to the previous one. Water is the source of life and energy information. With its help, it is good to remove the negative, because this is the first purifier not only of the body, but also of the soul. Water is also an omnipotent healer, especially holy. Therefore, almost all healers and sorceresses speak it to a variety of needs: the beauty and attention of others, love, repayment of debts, death — yes, and they do such dirty tricks too.

Where do you start by joining the water element? Perhaps, from contemplation, from an attempt to find in itself a certain similarity with its eternal fluidity and renewal. No wonder Leo Tolstoy noticed that a person is like a river: it is always the same and every moment is different. And you should turn to the elements with the following spell: “Stroke the transparent sea of ​​the boundless, the first principle to all living things, become help to me, let me subdue the rebellious power! So be it, my word is strong, tenacious! ”As already written, in order to achieve real results, you must work hard on yourself!

Perseverance and determination

Even knowing how to learn to master magic, you should not think that you will succeed the first time. Only long trainings, persistent, with the use of all your mental strength, will ultimately lead to the desired result. It is important to achieve harmony with at least one element. Then it will become easier and easier to interact with other forces of nature. And your power will be truly unlimited.

White and black magic

how to learn magic at home
Suppose that you are a good person, you do not accept evil by definition, you want to conjure, but you do not want to deal with dark forces. That is, you care how to learn white magic. Alas, let’s disappoint. Magic - and the word "witchcraft" is a synonym - only one, and black or white, depends on who uses it and why.

Using rituals and conspiracies, healers and healers, shamans and sorcerers turn to the “that” world, to demonic forces. And even if Christian symbolism is used - prayers, church candles and icons - the texts of conspiracies and the actions of the sorcerer themselves are far from religious significance. After all, all these rituals are associated with paganism, communication with the dead, spirits, the use of energy of a completely different plan than human.

Another thing is why the magician needs them. If for treating patients, removing spoilage, love spells, for improving the life of someone who turned to him for help (but not to the detriment of others!) - yes, such magic has a positive effect. In a different scenario, the occultist spoils his karma so much that his soul will have to pay for everything over many reincarnations.

What to learn, how to study

Along the way, the following question arises: "If spoilage, love spells, spells and curses are bad, then should the esoteric know this, does he need such magic?" How to learn to conjure - yes, I must know! And be able to. Otherwise, he will never be able to fight evil, no matter in what forms it appears. Without knowing the technique of love spell, you can not remove it. Acquainted only in theory with a cemetery conspiracy to die, you will never help the patient save his life. And so in every business connected with “that” world. However, being able does not mean practicing! You should hone your skills only on good deeds and deeds. And in no case do not even think about how to quickly learn magic. The case is so subtle and complex, multifaceted that it does not tolerate fuss. Like serving the muses.

how to quickly learn magic

Talents and inclinations

In any type of activity, two types of attitude to one's work are distinguished: amateurish and pros. For those who think about how to learn to master magic, the first is unacceptable. However, magic by and large requires from a person talent, inclinations, a special gift. Mozart and Salieri are not only in art. If a person is not marked by anything significant from birth, then you can memorize the texts of conspiracies by heart, know by heart all the intricacies of magic rituals, but never become a true sorcerer.

Magic, to a greater extent than any other sphere of application of our forces and knowledge, requires dedication, discipline, hard work, responsibility and talent. Yes, it is Talent with a capital letter. A true medicine man must combine the genius of Mozart with the industriousness of Salieri. Only then can he achieve anything.

magic how to learn to conjure

Practical recommendations

And finally, a few practical tips. The most correct way to teach magic is to find a master who would transmit his knowledge to you. These may be village "grandmothers" and "grandfathers" who inherit their power and join the sacraments from representatives of their own kind (receive by inheritance) or other practicing magicians. First-hand information, as well as practical lessons, can become for you an invaluable treasure on the way to mastering this complex science. And, what is very important, only a practicing healer will tell you and teach you not only magical wisdom, but also how to protect yourself from negativity when dealing with "dark forces."

Naturally, try to acquire specialized literature, preferably publications from the beginning of the last century or even older ones. There you will find texts of conspiracies, descriptions of rituals and rituals, explanations of how to use magical objects, talismans, etc. Why exactly old books? Because their contents are the result of the work of ethnographers, collectors of folklore. In modern publications, such information is very doubtful.

Learn the lunar calendar, learn how to use it. Read prayers, delve into their texts, study religious symbolism. Try to broaden your horizons as much as possible. And also be observant, develop intuition, listen and keep an eye on what is happening around you. When a person takes the path of practicing magic, the world around him begins to give him clues.

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