What does the name Xenia mean?

Ksenia is a rather rare, but very interesting name, which today is becoming increasingly popular. So what does the name Xenia mean ? What qualities are most characteristic of its owner?

Name Ksenia: meaning and history of origin

what does the name xenia mean

Ksenia is a name of Greek origin, which means “guest” or “foreigner” in translation. Interestingly, in ancient Greece they called "little xenia" small playful rhymes with which it was customary to meet guests. By the way, the Greeks called the Port of Euxinus the Black Sea, which translated means "sea of ​​hospitality."

The owner of this name has strong and famous patrons. One of the most prominent personalities in history is Ksenia (Eusebius) of Milas, whose holiday is celebrated on February 6. She lived in the fifth century and was the only child of a wealthy and influential senator of the Roman Empire. Having converted to the Christian faith, the girl ran away from home and moved to Milas, where she created a nunnery and built a temple on her own.

This woman was considered a saint during her lifetime - she helped the poor, supported, comforted and instructed all who asked for help. The story says that Ksenia died during prayer, and at the same time, a solar crown with a cross appeared in the sky.

Ksenia (name): the meaning and opinion of astrologers

xenia name meaning

Astrologers believe that the owners of this name are endowed with special qualities. So what does the name Xenia mean? To begin with, it is worth noting that such women live under the influence of the planet Saturn and have some qualities characteristic of Aquarius. It is also believed that the most successful color for Xenia will be silver and gray. A woman has a patron from the animal world - this is a rabbit. The mascot is chalcedony. As for favorable plants, Ksenia feels great next to immortelle and cypress.

What does the name Xenia mean? Childhood

In childhood, she manifests herself as a very sensitive and vulnerable person. Even at such a young age, this girl is characterized by a developed sense of justice. She actively defends the point of view that she considers correct, and painfully reacts to an unfair attitude.

ksenia name meaning

As for study, there are no problems with this. Ksenia is a diligent and diligent student. In addition, the girl will be a great helper for her mother. She does an excellent job of homework and from an early age is interested in cooking.

What does the name Xenia mean? Characteristics of the main qualities

Growing up, Ksenia retains some children's character traits. She remains all the same sentimental. A heightened sense of justice and vulnerability also remain. In addition, a woman’s behavior is largely dependent on her mood.

Ksenia is an almost perfect employee. She seeks to explore all the facets of her profession. And responsibility and justice make her also an excellent leader.

Such women are wonderful housewives, able to perfectly equip a family nest. Ksenia can choose a wife for herself for a long time, since she is first of all looking for a partner. It is very important for her that you can rely on your husband. And although she likes to do household chores herself, the man’s initiative will be a wonderful gift for her. Ksyusha's real passion is needlework and sewing. By the way, these women love to cook, so they can become wonderful cooks.

Ksenia is a wonderful mother who can always listen, support and help. First of all, she seeks to gain the trust of her child and become his best friend.

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