The superego is an integral part of the personality. What is it like? How is it formed and manifested? Methodology "Super-Ego"

According to the theory of Sigmund Freud, a person’s personality consists of three components: Eid, Ego and Super-Ego. Interacting with each other, they form complex patterns of human behavior.

The superego is the moral attitude of man. His ideas about what he should do in society and what not. Conscience, shame are manifestations of the Super Ego. Read more about this element of the personality structure later in the article.

General terminology

Super Ego is what

So, let's first understand what it is - Super Ego.

In the structure of personality, Freud, the father of psychoanalysis, identified three components: Eid (“It”), Ego (“I”), Super-Ego (“Super-I”).

  • Id

Eid is the first-born, basic component of personality. These are primary instincts and memories that have been squeezed out of consciousness.

An id is a component of the personality that it has from birth, it is unconscious, includes instincts and primitive behavior.

This component of personality functions according to pleasure. If these needs are not met in a timely manner, a person has a state of tension and anxiety.

Eid plays an important role in infancy, since it is this component of the personality that ensures that all the needs of the baby will be satisfied.

  • Ego.

The ego is that component of the personality that directly interacts with reality. The ego helps a person navigate the outside world and shapes his character. This part of the personality is subject to the requirements and standards of reality.

Super Ego Technique
  • Super Ego.

The Super-Ego is the totality of all attitudes, all values ​​that a child has learned. Freud pointed to three functions of the Super Ego: the formation of models of social behavior, self-observation, ethics. This part of the personality directs human activities towards the interests of society. Super-Ego is trying to improve and adjust human behavior in accordance with the laws, culture, prohibitions that are accepted in society.

The super-ego is the last component that forms in the personality. These are all moral values, norms, ideals that we have learned - we get them from our parents, it is they who make up our idea of ​​right and wrong. The super-ego begins to appear from the age of 5.

In psychology, the Super-Ego is aimed at the formation of a civilized and perfect behavior.

The interaction of the three elements

Super Ego Psychology

Sometimes a conflict can arise between these three components of the personality. In psychoanalysis, there is a special term “ego power”, according to which a person with a strong ego is able to successfully cope with stress, problems and difficult situations. Those who are overdeveloped may be too unstable, those who are underdeveloped - weak-willed.

According to Freud, a healthy person has a balance between the three components of the personality.


The structure of the Super-Ego is formed due to the person’s social name (Surname, First Name, Patronymic), which is recorded in the passport or other identification document. For example, stateless persons or having problems with identification cannot become full-fledged members of society.

Super Ego: negative reviews

The personal name of a person determines the harmony of his Super-Ego. Any change of name will inevitably lead to a change in the structure of the personality component, therefore, it will change the social conditions of a person. The correct choice of a name is an important condition for a harmonious relationship between society and the individual.


So, the Super-Ego is the social shell of the personality. The mind of many people is not active, and they perceive the surrounding reality not by their own, but by the collective mind. That is, the label - Super-Ego is hung on the person’s personality. This label is a criterion for how a person will relate to society.

That is, if the Super-Ego is disharmonious, the reaction of others to the person will be negative. A person with a harmonious Super-Ego will always be understood, normally perceived and supported by others.

The negative reaction of society absorbs a huge amount of personal power and creates an uncomfortable and unpleasant environment around a person.

Methodology "Super-Ego"

Not so long ago, the Super Ego company developed the Master Kit technique, which is designed so that people can independently transform reality through the subconscious. It includes 2 main blocks:

  • Work with internal attitudes (knowledge and stable ideas about the world, that which a person strictly and firmly believes in), fears, complexes, insults. That is, with everything that poisons life, impedes development, and prevents self-realization.
  • Work with traits and qualities of character. Each person has strengths and weaknesses, we are all endowed with qualities that we ourselves or society paint in a negative or positive color. With the help of the technique, a person understands that everything, even negative qualities, is not given to him by chance, that each has his own inner strength that will allow him to act. With the help of the technique, a person is able to find this power, to accept the qualities that he tried to suppress all his life and spent a tremendous amount of energy on this.

This technique is aimed at working on attitudes and character traits for the sake of personal growth. This is a completely new approach to understanding the psychology of self-development. A person masters the theory and independently implements this knowledge in real life.

What is Super Ego?

Reviews about the technique

The program has helped many people achieve good results in their careers, business. People install it on computers, phones, tablets and go through all levels in stages. But along with the positive, there are also negative reviews about the Super Ego (the program in question). People say that it does not work, it is quite expensive. Some particularly disappointed citizens regret that they spent so much money in vain, and they believe that this technique is a hoax.

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