Evil from time immemorial both attracted and scared people. Evil gods caused panic awe, and all kinds of secret skills, superpowers and sacred knowledge were attributed to their earthly servants.
What happened to the ancient idols? They faded from the memory of people and disappeared into the abyss of time? Yes, but not everyone suffered such a fate. Many people remember to this day, and some are still cautious.
Whose gods are the most evil?
Each nation has its own idea of the criteria of both good and evil. Therefore, to argue that one deity is not meaner than another. However, in response to a similar question, bright mythical names immediately pop up in thoughts. Most of them, of course, entered the mind from the pages of books or from movie screens.
Usually, when discussing the evil essence of ancient idols, three names are immediately remembered: Apop, Chernobog, Set. But, of course, they are not limited to a list of those who could claim the right to be called the most evil deity.
If we consider the history of Slavic beliefs, then the primacy of Chernobog may well be challenged by Maran or Viy. Seth, although very intimidating, is hardly more insidious than Anubis, and certainly not older than him. God Apop is also Egyptian and is not inferior in matters of intensity of anger to his more famous fellow tribesmen. However, not much behind them in the ferocity and deities of Mesopotamia.
Of course, there were villains in every culture. Deities with such an essence existed in both the Vikings and the Druids. There were not very merciful idols of their own in ancient Greece and Rome. If you think about the beliefs of the peoples of Asia, Africa, India and the indigenous people of both Americas, then the palm in the questions of evil may not remain with the Slavic or Egyptian idols.
Set. Furious god
Seth is a controversial figure. He is responsible for sandstorms, wars, chaos, violence and death, all kinds of destruction. At the dawn of time, Set was revered as the protector of the Sun. Moreover, only he is able to defeat the vile serpent from the realm of Death. Patronized by this god and visitors from distant lands, as well as the mining and use of metals. In the era of the ancient kingdoms, Seth was the embodiment of the power of the pharaohs.
The Egyptians considered Mercury to be the planet of this idol, its colors are red and red, and the south is the side of the world.
How did Set get angry? The foreshadowing of the transformation of the deity was the unification of the Upper and Lower Kingdoms. After this event, Horus began to be mentioned in the title list of the pharaohs. From these times, Seth began to occupy a secondary position in the images of idols, simply - he filled the background behind the figure of Horus, which was his nephew.
Seth, the god of Egypt, was born into the family of Nut, personifying Heaven, and Hebe, symbolizing the Earth. Accordingly, he was the half-brother of Isis and Osiris. And it is with his brother that the story of his transition “to the dark side” is connected. Seth, according to myths, inflamed envy to a more fortunate relative and killed him. In addition to this crime, this ancient idol has many other crimes.
Nevertheless, Seth has never been the embodiment of Evil in a global sense. Although with the beginning of the era of the Middle Kingdoms his reverence declined, and the idol itself gained evil traits, he continued to remain the most significant figure in the pantheon of Upper Egypt. He was also the embodiment of military courage, valor and male power. Only sandstorms and, in principle, all the bad weather obeyed him. Moreover, each night Seth defended the rook with the Sun from the claims of the Serpent personifying darkness.
So, as the idol is portrayed in many adventure films, the plots of which revolve around animated mummies, Seth began to look under the rule of the Ptolemies. That is, already at sunset in Egypt. During the period of the New Kingdom, his cult lost its meaning, and gradually the ancient god became an evil creature, whose name frightened naughty children.
Apop. Treacherous serpent
Apophis - originally a god of evil, not experiencing any transformations, doubts. The main function and purpose of the existence of Apophis is the destruction of the Sun. He does this every night, however, without success.
Dwells Apop in the depths of the Earth. Presumably near the shores of the underground Nile. When a boat with the Sun swims along the river, Apopus jumps out of an ambush and pounces on Ra. However, Ra invariably defends someone, and the Sun emerges victorious in this battle. The main defender is Seth. However, in some myths, the Sun is saved by Sekhmet, who not only defeats Apophis, but also cuts off his head.
This ancient god of evil is depicted as a Serpent. The idol does not patronize anything and is not at all interested in worldly affairs. The only thing he is busy with is battles with the Sun. In the event that Apophis succeeds in defeating, he will come out from under the Earth and plunge the world into darkness. At that moment, the end of the world will come. The name of the Snake itself is very consonant with the word "apocalypse."
Apophis is the personification of the original evil, which is not expressed in anything concrete. This is not the devil, collecting human souls and not Loki, plotting. The petty cares of this idol are uninteresting; it is a symbol of primitive chaos and primordial darkness, longing for the destruction of the Universe.
Chernobog. Prince of death
Chernobog Slavs endowed with many functions. It is part of a dualistic understanding of the structure of the world, in which every phenomenon has a reverse side. That is, the Black God is the antipode of the White.
He is in charge of everything that is opposite to good, light and life itself. For example, human misfortunes are also part of the craft of this idol. But, of course, he himself is not solely engaged in what sets up intrigues. The deity has a family and a huge retinue with a strict hierarchy and certain statuses. Even own army is available.
He is responsible for the afterlife, death, cold, destruction, insanity, destruction, and so on. He is also capable of raising bones from graves. The cult of this idol from ancient times implied bloody, sometimes human, sacrifices. The deity was usually depicted as an idol of black color with a silver mustache. Often his companions were ants and crows.
However, Chernobog brought people benefits. To say that this is a god of evil and only, not quite right. For example, he was sacrificed before military campaigns. It was he who could bestow victory. At feasts in his honor a cup was passed in a circle. This guaranteed mercy and protection from adversity.
This idol not only ruled the kingdom of Death and embodied all human fury. He was also a defender against enemies, the patron saint of warriors, the embodiment of bodily strength and fortress, courage and glory gained by victories in battles.
With an iron hand, this idol ruled the Pekelny kingdom, Navuu and Darkness itself. According to mythology, he had his own mansions and, of course, the throne. Chernobog did not sit on it alone. The reception of citizens and the judging of the dead helped to lead the deity Morena and Radogost. The latter had a lion's head and was a judge. Madder was the deity of death and the wife of the Black idol.
The army of Chernobog was controlled by Viy. An extremely odious figure and very far from his namesake, whom Gogol glorified in his famous literary work.
Viy. Dead governor
This god of evil is very puzzled by the "chores of the household" to his otherworldly. Viy has a lot of worries - the management of the army of the Black Prince and the Underground Kingdom itself occupy almost all of his time, leaving no strength for people to wreak havoc. However, the functions of a “minister” in the state of Chernobog are not the only occupation of Wii. In his spare time, the deity “moonlights” as a jailer, and not anywhere else, but in Pekle himself.
The origin of the idol and its family ties are curious. According to some myths, this is the son of Chernobog and Morena. For others, only a servant. Some myths link Wii with kinship with many idols and designate the father of the Horyne, Koshchei and Pan with goat legs. According to other versions, nothing is known about the children, but there is Brother Dyi, who is constantly in conflict with Veles.
What does Viy look like?
The only similarity between Wii mythological and literary character is the presence of a deadly look. If Viy opened his eyes, not only certain people died, but entire villages disappeared from the face of the earth.
Viy was traditionally portrayed in the form of a powerful old man, endowed with unusually impressive bodily data, with fused eyelashes. For this reason, he himself could not open his eyes, for this he needed minions.
Morana. Goddess of Winter and Death
When the word "god of evil" is said, for some reason the idols possessing the masculine principle are first remembered. Meanwhile, men are more prone to rage rather than evil. This quality is feminine. In the philistine understanding of the term, of course, not in the philosophical.
There are many villainous goddesses in the world. But one of the most controversial and interesting in this list, of course, is Mara. Morena - that's what she was called in full. Another pronunciation of the name is Marena.
This is the Queen of the cold, winter and death are in her charge. In combination, Mara is also the wife of Chernobog. The image of the goddess is very ambiguous. In ancient times, it was the embodiment of disease, adversity, dishonesty. She was also considered a receptacle for unclean spirits who help in an evil enchantment. For example, impairment or evil eye - it is in the competence of Morana.
There is an assumption that the scarecrow burned in early spring in antiquity symbolized precisely this goddess. According to ancient tales, Morena watched the sun before each dawn, she wanted to steal it. But she was always scared and retreated. This behavior is somewhat reminiscent of both Apophis and the crocodile from Chukovsky’s tale.
The symbols of the deity are the moon, skulls and, paradoxically, the sickle. Although this tool allows you to harvest grain, Moran does not appear without it. She cuts, of course, not at all ears, but human lives.
Who serves Moran?
The goddess is served by spirits called maras. Infants who died before they were converted to mar, warriors who fled from the battlefield and were overtaken by enemy weapons at that moment, turn into mar. They also become people who have responded to whispers or confused by the servants of a deity. Mars are worn under the armpits of the head and spread the disease. But this, of course, is not their only occupation. Mostly they roam the earth in search of suitable souls, which are brought into the domain of the goddess. They are located between Navju and Yavju, on the bank of the Currant, near the Kalinov bridge. Such an exact address is present in all Slavic tales, which in itself is quite curious.
What other gods do people remember?
The most famous ancient names of evil gods today:
- Kali is the embodiment of darkness, the destruction of time and the dark hypostasis of Shiva.
- Ah-Puig - Carrying Death and ruling analogous to the Christian Underworld in Mayan culture.
- Hecate - in Greece she patronized witchcraft, owned hellish dogs and appeared in the darkness of night like moonlight.
The moon is a frequent symbol of evil goddesses. Also, unlike male idols, ancient villains are almost always shrouded in a fog of mysticism, magic.
By the evil deities can be attributed to the Roman Mars or its Greek prototype, Ares. Good these idols can not be called. Rage, heat of battle and blood are their “calling card." People and Loki remember. Cunning and cunning, intrigues and intrigues - all this is in the charge of the ancient villain from Valhalla.
Who is the most evil?
What are the most evil gods? Slavic Moran, freezing people, sending diseases and spoils on them? Egyptian Seth, offended by members of his family? Chernobog, sparkling with a silver mustache and waiting for victims? Or maybe the hard worker Wii?
The question of which deity is meaner cannot be answered. The mentality of each nation has its own, subjective understanding of what is "evil." But the most ancient of these idols are those who embody original chaos, darkness. For example, Apophis. But such gods are busy solving global problems and they don’t care about people. Accordingly, their anger is very abstract, and these idols cannot claim the title of “most”.