"Knock knock, who is it?" The word is associated with knocking, right? Remember how in the cartoon about Prostokvashino was? Uncle Pechkin knocked on the window, saying "knock knock."
Do you know that the knock, which will be discussed in the article, has nothing to do with the knock? Do not believe? Then read.
A knock - not a knock?
What is a knock? This is fat. Just do not be surprised. The most natural fat. And to be completely accurate, then lard from the internal organs of animals.
In the old days, any internal fat was called fat. Hence the word "obese." That is a fat, well-fed cattle.
Did you know that the more fat inside the animal, the better it was considered? More precisely, not even the cattle themselves, but the feed on which she grew. It is impossible to feed cattle poorly and get the perfect carcass with a lot of fat at the exit.
Who likes fat? With brown bread, pepper and a clove of garlic - how delicious it is. What we call lard in modern language used to be called tuk.
Excursion into the past
What is a knock in the Bible? This is a question, it would seem. How could fat get in there?
Everything is simple. As mentioned above, fat is fat from the internal organs of animals. And before, during the Old Testament, they were sacrificed to God. Animals were divided into clean and unclean. Pure ones are white lambs and sheep. Unclean - of course, pigs. And if some parts of the lambs were allowed to eat, then pigs were never used as a food source.
By the way, Jews were forbidden to eat the internal fat of animals, as well as fat sheep tails. It was believed that the tuk - the best part in the carcass. And to whom they give the best? That's right, to God. And is it possible to eat that which belongs to Him?
Parts of sacrificial animals with fat were to be burned.
In general, Jews could eat fat. But only if the fat was covered with meat. As for the fatty membranes on the intestines, kidneys and spleen, they were categorically prohibited.
Laws that prohibit the use of fat have survived to this day. Whose fat was forbidden to eat?
And here the most interesting: fat of other animals was allowed. I wonder which ones? Beef, maybe.
Salo in modern times
Today, tuk is one of the most popular foods. It is tasty, well-nourished and healthy, if not overeating, of course.
The most popular snack is a bacon sandwich. Various fried dishes are prepared in the lard. For example, potatoes in lard with green onions are also yummy.
All in all, this is a great product. Quite inexpensive if you buy raw and salt yourself. And it gives a feeling of fullness for a long time.
Readers now know what a tuk is. This word used to be called internal fat on the organs of animals, now it is an obsolete name for fat.