Is melancholy an emotion or a feeling?

Longing often torments the souls of many people. Longing for the homeland, black, green longing, love, spring and a huge variety of its most diverse types torment people, sometimes relentlessly. Let's try to figure out what it is and how to get rid of it.

Longing is

The meaning of the word "longing" in the dictionary of V. Dahl

The word "longing" has many meanings, and various states of the soul are associated with it: constraint of the spirit (from the word "cramp"), painful sadness, languor of the soul, emotional anxiety, boredom, anxiety, fear, grief, sorrow, sadness and feeling when just aching heart.

Longing is an emotion. Or a feeling?

This condition sits inside each person, but not everyone attacks. Usually the victims of this are those who are experiencing a certain emotional decline, which is associated with any changes in life and dissatisfaction with the state of affairs or even themselves.

This feeling is such an emotional state of mind when there is a bitter regret about what is happening, and in addition, it is still fueled by a feeling of one's own insecurity and failure. Longing is an emotion.

A melancholy feeling is sadness. But it should be noted that she does not carry such emotional mood swings. This is just a slight sadness, which peacefully coexists with the adoption of the ongoing changes.

There is a beautiful phrase by A. S. Pushkin on this subject: โ€œI am sad and easy; my sorrow is bright. " The great poet accurately described such an emotional state (feeling).

Longing and loneliness

Quite closely interconnected are loneliness and longing. This is due to the fact that if a person is deprived of the opportunity to communicate with his closest friend, then he unwittingly begins to overwhelm the terrible feeling of loneliness, uselessness to anyone, bitter regret about the lost opportunity to communicate and abandonment.

The so-called green homesickness is also often mixed with a feeling of loneliness. In a completely new environment and environment, people often do not find themselves in a circle of communication due to the difference in mentality (especially abroad).

What types of longing exist

Simply put, sadness, bad mood, anxiety in the soul - this is longing. In psychology, different types of such a state of mind are distinguished, depending on the reasons. Below, we briefly consider some varieties of this condition.

Longing for a loved one (love). More often this feeling arises because of unrequited love.

When a person knows and understands that they will never be together with a loved one, terrible anguish arises on his heart with nothing comparable. This feeling can develop into depression or despair, which is difficult to cure if the person himself does not want to regain the joy of life.

Also, many people suffer pain, a depressing sad feeling, disappointment, and even despair when leaving a loved one in distant places and for a long time.

Sadness, longing

Existential longing. Such longing is a personโ€™s state during the search for the meaning of life. Usually this happens at the moment of transition from one age category to another. After all, the old principles of life are already outdated, and new ones have not yet arisen. A man is trying to analyze what he achieved, what he managed to do in life. And if dreams differ from the results or if there is simply no feeling of satisfaction from everything done, a crisis arises, accompanied by existential longing.

Adrenaline longing. What's this? If a person was actively involved in sports, social life, that is, constantly worked on himself, and then turned out to be out of work, adrenaline melancholy arises. In this case, you definitely need to find a new occupation for yourself, but at the same time, it is possible to lower the bar of requirements.

There is another type of this type of longing - a hangover syndrome. During this period, a person has a loss of control over emotions and a certain feeling of guilt. As a rule, an alcoholic tries to get rid of longing without any help with the use of another portion of alcohol. So there is a binge.

Longing is that

Longing for home, for homeland. Often people have sadness, homesickness. This is due to the fact that there is no number of former friends, that familiar environment. Another way of life, another culture.

Such a feeling corrodes the soul. It killed many talented people who, for various reasons, emigrated from their country. Famous poets, writers, composers, artists, artists abroad lost their talent, gift and inspiration.

Longing for the past (past). This is one of the most common states of the soul. It is very difficult to accept and realize that the past is irrevocable. Sadness, longing for this time is the cause of the corresponding painful experiences.

Vital longing. This state of mind is characterized by depression, apathy, lack of interest in life with almost no reason. In addition, such longing can even be accompanied by pain in the chest and heart. Simply put, in this case, itโ€™s like a stone on the soul. This is characteristic of people who are in the deepest depression.

Longing is an emotion

Mortal yearning. This is the worst psychological condition. He is characterized by thoughts of death or even suicide. This is a rather extreme state of apathy.

Russian longing. This feeling is accompanied, which is one of the forms of depression, sad thoughts about the fate of the people and their homeland, feelings about the upcoming bad events.

Winter longing. Especially in the fall, when there is little sunlight, the body lacks vitamins, it is difficult for a person to adapt to such environmental changes. As a result, longing develops. This is also called winter depression.

Longing is in psychology

Reasons for longing

It is believed that the expression "longing green" arose among landowners, landowners. One of the lords all the time, going out onto his porch, saw nothing but the landscape of green. As a result, he gradually began to yearn for a bright "living" life.

Here are a few reasons for sadness and longing:

  • loss of spirit after victories and defeats;
  • a person does not know what it is necessary to go forward for - the lack of meaning in life;
  • getting into a certain comfort zone from which he does not see a way out;
  • the occurrence of laziness, boredom, routine, apathy (at least one of these components is enough to provoke terrible blues);
  • restlessness of the soul (conscience is burdened with something deeply contrary to its own internal attitudes).

All these reasons are caused primarily by mental inaction or physical inaction. Worse when both moments are present.

Longing is an emotion or feeling

Ways to get rid of longing

  1. Be sure to do something (physical labor, sports, hobbies, intellectual activity).
  2. Strengthen the strength of mind (inner core).
  3. Decide on the meaning of life. It will be better if there are several goals, because a possible failure in one direction can be compensated for by success in another.
  4. Avoid stagnation in the soul. Sloth, boredom, apathy and routine must be swept out.
  5. Find strength to make peace with yourself. Anyone can make mistakes that have the right to exist. You should never regret what was previously perfect, and you should try to love yourself.


In any of the above cases, you can return to a good mood and the joy of life by contacting specialists. But it is important to remember that the results can be more effective if the person himself wants to regain that former normal state.

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