Intel Core i3-6100 processor: reviews, review, specifications, overclocking, tests

Yes, over the past few years, potential buyers managed to notice that the assortment in the market of computer components has increased several times. Well, new brands would appear, but this remark applies to processors released under the flags of AMD and Intel. The war for the market has gained unprecedented proportions. Who would have thought that an ordinary Core i3 chip with two cores is able to demonstrate excellent gaming potential in tests? But this has already happened, and no one knows how this struggle will end.

Intel Core i3-6100 processor

The focus of this article is an inexpensive product for all fans of resource-intensive and dynamic toys - the Intel Core i3-6100 processor. Reviews, review, specifications, overclocking, tests and expert recommendations will allow the reader to learn a lot about the new product.

A decent range of modifications

Before proceeding directly to acquaintance with the crystal, it is worth getting input data on the modifications. The fact is that Intel was not limited to the standard division of products into a boxed version and OEM supply, but provided the market with two similar processors with the same marking. A significant difference, as practice shows, is only in the clock frequency of the crystal. So, the Intel Core i3-6100 LGA 1151 processor operates at a frequency of 3.7 GHz, and its modification with an β€œT” index only 3.2.

As a result, users saw 4 identical processors on store windows, made in different versions and having an almost identical price. It should be noted that there could be 2 times more models if Intel technologists decided to play with a multiplier lock. Fortunately, this did not happen. By the way, the multiplier is still blocked, so that overclockers will have to purchase a game board with the ability to control the processor bus clock speed. True, it is not entirely clear why to incur such expenses if you can simply purchase a more expensive crystal, for example, Core i5.

First meeting

As expected, the Intel Core i3-6100 OEM processor comes in a regular plastic box without any accompanying documentation. As users have noticed in their reviews, processors are the most expensive crystals that can be purchased "by weight".

Intel Core i3-6100 processor

As for the BOX packaging, here the future owner will not find anything new for himself: a crystal, a complete cooling system and a large amount of waste paper in the form of warranty cards, specifications and instructions. Apparently, the manufacturer compensates for the shortage of paper in OEM supplies.

Jokingly, however, the price of two versions (with and without a cooling system) in the domestic market is almost identical. One gets the impression that the famous American manufacturer Intel simply gives the cooler to all customers who decide to purchase an Intel Core i3-6100 BOX processor. There are no secrets: the manufacturer simply does not welcome other people's products, and therefore creates the conditions under which it is beneficial for the buyer to purchase a proprietary cooling system.

Declared Specifications

By marking the processor, it is easy to guess that this is a representative of the sixth generation of chips created within the walls of Intel. The product, code-named Skylake, is made using the latest 14-nanometer process technology and is part of the new Socket LGA 1151 platform, which works with modern DDR4 memory modules.

As practice shows, the main performance indicator is not the core core frequency, which the Intel Core i3-6100 processor can demonstrate. 3.7 GHz is a really impressive indicator, but there is a more interesting factor that can affect performance. We are talking about the number of threads - there are 4 of them. In fact, Intel engineers used their old Hyper-threading technology, which proved to be excellent with the LGA 775 platform.

The reference bus frequency is 100 MHz, and the multiplier is 37 - no changes in this regard from the manufacturer, and should not be expected. But the amount of cache memory is already interesting. At the first level, 2x32 kilobytes are given for instructions and data. At the second level, 256 KB per physical core, and the third has a full 3 megabytes.

Celestial Gifts

The fact that many buyers consider the Intel Core i3-6100 Skylake processor a miracle is a fact, but for many this crystal also brought unpleasant news. The powerful Core i5 and i7 products purchased earlier (1-2 years ago) are simply not quoted in terms of performance with this baby. True, we are talking about the performance of the system unit, and not about mathematical calculations.

overclocking the Intel Core i3-6100 processor

Finally, Intel has equipped the budget crystals with support for fast memory modules. And here we are not talking about DDR4 technology, but about frequencies. Now the 2133 MHz standard is also available for low-cost processors. The crystal supports two memory channels and can work with 64 gigabytes of RAM.

The product also has an integrated graphics core Intel HD 530, which has 24 execution units. The video adapter works at a frequency of 350 MHz (in Boost mode this indicator triples). As for the video output, here the user is given the opportunity to connect 3 monitors at the same time.

Integrated graphics core

Many buyers know that the Intel Core i3-6100 Skylake processor is equipped with an integrated video adapter, only all of them are trying to buy a gaming graphics card in the budget class on the market, naively believing that the built-in core is not able to demonstrate its worthy potential in games. But it is precisely because of the integrated graphics accelerator that the crystal has such a rather big cost.

There is no point in describing the technical process and characteristics of the Intel HD 530 chip. It is easier to compare gaming capabilities with discrete graphics cards. If we talk about the budget class, the Nvidia GTX 740 and ATI HD 5830 are more suitable for the specifications. As for the game class, gamers have probably already heard about the Geforce GTX 460 (192 bits) and Radeon HD 7750 video cards. So, buy less productive graphics accelerators would just be impractical. Experts recommend starting with the Nvidia GTX 960 video adapters or their AMD equivalents.

Thermal pack

Intel processors should be called the eighth wonder of the world, because only this product on the world market contains many secrets and mysteries. The officially declared power dissipation of the crystal is 51 watts. For such a thermal package, the complete set with a standard cooling system, which the Intel Core i3-6100 processor has in the boxed version, is quite understandable. The characteristics of the chip are also quite economical - 3700 MHz and 14-nanometer technology.

Intel Core i3-6100 processor specifications

But enthusiasts have a lot of questions. Firstly, in tests the crystal does not heat up at all even in peak loads. You can get the same 80 degrees Celsius from the processor in only one case - remove the cooler. Secondly, the situation with critical temperature is not clear. The manufacturer set it at around 100 degrees, but this indicator can only be achieved in acceleration without an installed cooling system. It is completely unclear where in the specifications for the processor such strange data on the thermal package comes from. There are suggestions that in the future there will be motherboards that activate a potential hidden from users, although this is still at the rumor level.

Building a gaming platform

There is no need to be skeptical about the reviews of the owners regarding the statements about the gaming power of this crystal. The Intel Core i3-6100 processor tests perfectly with almost any powerful graphics card. As practice shows, the Nvidia GTX 960 reveals its full potential by working in tandem with a dual-core baby. As for the analog from AMD, the Radeon R9 280 is better to limit in the settings, as it simply does not keep pace with the central processor. And, if we talk about a decent layout of the system unit, then there are not so many recommendations:

  • Geforce GTX 970 graphics accelerator (or Radeon R9 290X);
  • 16 gigabytes of DDR4 2133 MHz RAM (in Dual mode);
  • motherboard on a Z170 chip (if you plan to use ultrafast memory).

Yes, such a set does not fit into the budget framework, but these are the most effective components of the system unit, which can 100% unlock the potential of a modern processor belonging to the 6th generation.

Comparison with Intel Products

Do not expect that the Intel Core i3-6100 OEM processor will be a stranger among its brothers. Company policy will never allow budget processors to outperform their older products. True, it should be noted that we are talking about generations, not platforms, and the future owner of this crystal still has a chance in tests to surpass the performance of processors built on the legendary second-generation chip Sandy Bridge.

Intel Core i3-6100 processor review

As expected, the Core i3 chip comfortably fit between Pentium G products and representatives of the expensive Core i5 segment. That's just a significant gap from the leader is able to demonstrate only an increasing schedule. Looking at the numbers, the user will find that the performance gap is minimal.

From word to deed

When you need specifics, experts recommend running resource-intensive toys at maximum quality settings and peering into indicators of the display frame rate. The Intel Core i3-6100 BOX is no exception. This is not a product that is better to test World of Tanks or DOTA 2. This crystal will 100% cope with any game existing in the world:

  • Total War in FullHD resolution and at maximum settings is capable of operating at a frequency of 40 frames per second (Core i5-4460 shows 42 FPS).
  • GTA V (FullHD, Ultra) - 61 FPS (Core i5-4460 shows 2 frames per second more).
  • Thief (resolution and settings are the same) - 100 frames per second (Core i5-4460 loses position - 99 FPS).

There are hundreds of such examples, and judging by user reviews, it makes no sense to make comparisons with early-generation crystals, if you can clearly see what the budget Intel Core i3-6100 processor does with more expensive 4-generation chips.

Alternative from AMD

In the camp of competitors, technologists are also on the alert, and they are vigilantly watching the latest on the market under the Intel logo. True, it turns out that the company is somehow weak, since in the price category up to 10,000 rubles under the AMD flag there is not a single product that could at least get closer to the results of the 6th generation novelty.

Intel core i3-6100 processor reviews

The Intel Core i3-6100 processor, which is being reviewed, simply leaves no chance for competitors to win. Two, four, six cores - not a single chance. There is light at the end of the tunnel - this is an eight-core chip from AMD. Intel is already powerless here, and the performance gap is significant (about 15-20% depending on the game). But the representative of the competitor is in the expensive price segment and simply can not be compared with the representative of the budget class. You can compare the sixth-class Core i5 processor with an AMD product. So be honest.

When hands itch

Overclocking the Intel Core i3-6100 processor in reviews of most owners is not considered. The crystal is already so powerful, it pulls the toys, and there is simply no point in squeezing the maximum out of it. However, in order to dispel the myths created by fans of AMD products, you can find out how the epic with overclocking ends.

First you need to take care of the video adapter and take a really powerful product that will make the processor work at the limit of its capabilities. Here the conversation is short - Geforce Titan Z. You can also take care of a decent cooling system for overclocking. Experts assure that this is not an unnecessary step, since the processor is excellently chased and has simply enormous potential, although it is equipped with a factory-set limit (5 GHz).

And then everything is simple - the multiplier is locked, so overclocking is performed only on the data bus. In fact, it all depends on the capabilities of the motherboard and memory modules (if there is no separation in the BIOS). Theoretically, you can raise the frequency to 166 MHz, but in practice the limit comes at 133 MHz. But this is quite enough to take the psychological barrier.

Overclocking Test Results

Such a large increase in frequency (35%) somehow had a weak effect on actual performance. In demanding games, an overclocked Intel Core i3-6100 processor shows an increase of no more than 10%. This once again emphasizes that it is not at all overpriced frequencies. Most modern applications require a built-in kernel cache.

Intel Core i3-6100 processor tests

Yes, fans of AMD products will certainly win, because such a big overclock will not be able to help the owner of the crystal win the games themselves.

On the other hand, just look at the test results to understand that in fact the Intel processor did not need to overclock this. It in the basic mode leaves behind all AMD representatives (except the flagship with eight cores).

And to be honest with ourselves, buyers looking for a processor in a budget class definitely plan to save. A priori overclocking will not allow this, because to increase productivity you need to purchase: a powerful cooling system, a gaming motherboard that supports overclocking, and a powerful power supply (after all, the crystal starts to consume more).


The Intel Core i3-6100 processor in terms of price and quality can be safely considered the best purchase in a budget class. The crystal is powerful, affordable and cold enough - what else does a fan of resource-intensive games need? But overclockers should better look at products under the AMD logo, because only in this camp you can see decent performance gains in games (10-15%). It’s just not entirely clear what the gain in such manipulations is.

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