Clay blue for the face: reviews. Natural cosmetics

In an effort to preserve youth and beauty, many women are in constant search of a suitable recipe. The current assortment of cosmetic products used exclusively for this purpose is quite extensive, but not all products have the proper effectiveness, and they can often be called useful only with a stretch. The most popular creams for today are based on exclusively natural ingredients. Actively used for effective care of blue clay for the face. Reviews about her are mostly positive. It should be noted in detail the advantages that this unique raw material possesses.

blue clay face reviews

Varieties of Cosmetic Clay

In nature, there are many different types of clay, differing from each other not only in color, but also in the composition of minerals and minerals. Among this rich palette, every woman will be able to find clay of a suitable shade for herself, possessing truly unique qualities. Which one is right for whom? This is worth exploring in more detail.

White clay

It is recommended for use by owners of oily and combination skin. Masks based on kaolin mixture - they also call white clay in a different way, they effectively whiten and cleanse the skin, removing the excess of released fat and absorbing toxins. White clay perfectly eliminates bacteria and removes visible inflammation on the surface of the skin.

Oily skin will be grateful for a mixture of white clay in combination with parsley, lemon, strawberry or aromatic strawberry juice. For combined integuments, masks with pulp of natural fruits and milk will be an excellent option.

blue clay Price

To strengthen damaged hair, white clay is used in combination with colorless henna or burdock oil, it is slightly diluted with water and left on the scalp for thirty minutes, covered with a plastic wrap. For hair, oily at the roots, a mask based on white clay and cream with the addition of lemon juice is suitable.

Useful Green Clay

Almost emerald color is given to this product by iron oxide. Green clay has been known since ancient times for its antiseptic properties. It quickly destroys harmful bacteria, effectively absorbs toxins accumulated by the skin, and also optimizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, relieving the skin of unpleasant black spots and oily sheen. This product is considered to be a natural medicine, because it acts to improve capillary circulation, restore normal skin hydrobalance. Clay also quickly relieves fatigue, so it is great for taking warm baths.

This type of product works well in combination with white clay. A mask from their mixture is suitable for normal and combination skin, and components are taken in dry form in equal proportions, any essential oil (peach, olive, apricot kernel oil or almond oil) is added to the composition, after which the mixture is diluted with water.

blue clay properties and applications

The use of green clay in the fight against dandruff is effective, for this it is mixed with yolk or with a small amount of olive oil and rubbed well into the scalp.

Delicate red clay

Copper oxide in the composition gives it a bright color, this product has many useful trace elements.

Dry, sensitive skin prone to irritation and rashes can be improved by regularly applying red clay masks. They will help to quickly eliminate unpleasant itching and peeling, as well as relieve irritation and significantly improve subcutaneous blood circulation. Thanks to red clay, it is possible to cure seborrhea, strengthen weak and brittle hair. With the help of this unique cosmetic product, fine wrinkles, an unpleasant vascular network and age spots are effectively eliminated.

Blue clay is one of the most effective

Which types of blue clay are better to use ? Among all types, the most popular and effective is Crimean. For the sake of wellness procedures with its use, many tourists come to this beautiful land. In its natural form, blue clay is much more useful than purchased in a pharmacy, because it receives all the healing properties from the salt brine of the Crimean picturesque lakes and from the presence of beneficial microorganisms and living bacteria. During the processing of the product by drying, brine evaporates, bacteria die. It is for this reason that mud therapy has the greatest effect in those sanatoriums that are located near natural salt lakes and estuaries.

Crimean clay blue

The healing blue clay has a creamy oily structure similar to a rather oily cream or a nourishing mask. It is she who is a part of many expensive hair care products, delicate skin of the face and body. Such clay can be successfully used both for external application and for the treatment of some rather serious ailments. But oral administration should be carried out only under the strict supervision of a doctor.

Of the main healing properties that Crimean blue clay possesses, it is worth highlighting its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory qualities. It is also able to regulate metabolism, improve the circulatory system, etc.

What else is blue clay so useful for? The properties and application of this raw material we will consider below.

Unique therapy

In addition to all the other listed properties, the amazing effect of blue clay in the elimination of many skin diseases was noted, for example, with its help all kinds of ulcers, burns, open wounds heal. Moreover, it can be applied in the clear without risk of infection.

In addition, blue clay treatment can relieve many common ailments. These include sciatica, gout, prostatitis, rheumatism, paralysis, and this list can be continued for a long time.

Constant headache, discomfort in the ears helps eliminate traditional blue clay. During treatment, the body is saturated with many useful trace elements, among which there is radium, which has great strength.

The general composition and main beneficial properties of traditional blue clay

A truly unique composition gives this product amazing qualities. It contains such vital elements as iron, magnesium, calcium, nitrogen and much more.

What is the use of blue clay for the face? Reviews after its use are mostly positive. Using this natural product, it is possible to achieve the following effects:

  • make quick skin whitening;
  • completely saturate the body with useful substances;
  • to improve the overall tone of the skin, creating the effect of natural lifting;
  • quickly cope with inflammatory processes in the skin;
  • have an instant disinfectant effect;
  • reduce the number of fine wrinkles;
  • significantly strengthen the immune system;
  • help ensure cancer prevention;
  • eliminate the unpleasant effect of the orange peel;
  • significantly improve the overall blood circulation process.

blue clay effect


In addition to its excellent whitening properties and normalization of skin balance, this unique product is able to combat facial rashes. There are many variations of masks with various effects, where clay is the main component. There is a special recipe for oily, acne-prone skin. A mask of blue clay for acne is prepared as follows: two tablespoons of clay are diluted with a similar amount of mineral water, two or three drops of rose oil are added to the resulting mixture. The finished mass should be carefully applied with an even layer on the face, soak the product for fifteen to twenty minutes until it completely dries, then rinse thoroughly with warm water without the use of any cleaning agents.

Blue clay for the face, reviews of which are mostly positive, should be in the arsenal of every woman. In addition to the aforementioned classic version of the mask, there are many more variations with clay that help with acne. To enhance the result, you can add the following to the main component:

  • lemon oil in combination with clay is a suitable option for owners of oily skin;
  • natural honey, and in this case, clay is recommended to be mixed with it and cosmetic oil in an optimal proportion of 2: 1: 1, after which a little water is added to the composition to give the desired consistency;
  • juice of fresh cucumber in an amount of 0.5 tbsp. tablespoons are mixed with clay (2 tbsp. l.) and a small amount of water, you can add a little olive oil and lemon juice to the composition;
  • grape juice is known for its antioxidant properties - in this mask, instead of water, the natural juice of this berry is used with the addition of a small amount of honey.

blue clay treatment

Clay blue for the face: reviews

Effective products based on the described product are often used by the fair sex. At the same time, many note a positive effect in eliminating acne on the face. Clay masks are recommended by cosmetologists to combat acne, because they are completely natural, many of them are easy to make on their own. This tool is easily combined with other beneficial natural ingredients. Many ladies who previously did not believe in the effectiveness of this product changed their mind about it after a trial application.

Hair restoration

The use of blue clay for curls is invaluable. Owners of rare hair, oily at the roots, this gift of nature will help improve this situation. Due to the beneficial minerals contained in clay and due to its suitable consistency, it quite gently cleanses sensitive scalp and hair shafts from existing impurities that remain on the skin for a long time after using various styling products (everyone knows that it is often impossible to cope with them even the strongest cleansing shampoos). Clay effectively nourishes the hair roots and promotes their growth. During use, it is important not to let the mass dry on the hair so that the opposite effect does not occur.

types of blue clay

The process of preparing a useful clay mask is as follows: 2 tablespoons of the product must be diluted with water until an average creamy consistency is obtained, then the resulting mixture is carefully applied to the scalp and hair roots. After that, the head must be wrapped with plastic wrap so that the mask does not have time to harden. After thirty minutes of keeping the composition on the hair, they must be thoroughly washed. To accelerate growth and give the curls a natural shine, you can add a few drops of lemon essential oil or 1 tsp to the mask. ordinary castor oil.

For body

Popularly, this product is called "assistant cosmetologist", because it can be used everywhere, getting the desired effect. Blue clay for the body is an indispensable assistant in the fight against such an unpleasant phenomenon as cellulite, which no diet can cope with. In order to enhance the result, other components useful to the skin of the body can be added to the diluted clay mass - ordinary ground coffee, undissolved mustard powder, cinnamon, various essential oils. This procedure is carried out applying a body mask with a regularity of 2 times a week.

First you need to prepare the mixture as follows: take the required amount of dry clay and ordinary mineral water (in this case, you need to take into account the following calculation: 5 tbsp. L. Powder per 10 ml of liquid). Next, dilute the clay in a plastic or ceramic bowl to the state of sour cream. Wooden spoons are best for stirring the mixture. The finished mixture should be applied in a dense layer to problem areas, wrapped with plastic wrap, and held for 1 hour. At the end of the procedure, remove the mixture that has solidified on the skin with a cotton swab and warm water, you can also take a shower if the application area is quite large.

Expected effect

Why is blue clay useful? The properties and application of this raw material we examined. Now, summing up all of the above, we list the main effects that can be obtained from the use of blue clay in the form of masks. Among them are the following:

  • antibacterial and antiseptic effects;
  • rejuvenation of the skin;
  • removal of inflammation;
  • removal of toxins and toxins;
  • stimulating effect on body cells;
  • improved skin circulation;
  • anti-cellulite effect.

Blue clay is simply an indispensable product that many women have on the shelf. It can provide quick help to the skin if necessary. Clay is actively used in saunas and popular spa salons during the anti-cellulite wrap procedure. The effect is just amazing. Often, ladies easily trust their face to professionals who apply the same raw materials to their face, but for some reason they do not dare to do a similar procedure at home. Clay pharmacy in quality is not inferior to the salon, so such procedures can easily be done independently.

Blue clay: price

Becoming the owner of the described raw materials is very easy. To do this, go to the nearest pharmacy. How much is blue clay? Its price is affordable for everyone and is approximately 100 rubles per package. So in this way this useful product, which many underestimate, falls on the shelves of the house, where all the most necessary and often used cosmetics are located.

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