The skin between the fingers is peeling: causes and methods of treatment. Hand Skin Care Tips

If you do not care for your hands, then their condition will not be perfect. Many women experience peeling between the fingers . Treatment is not recommended to be postponed, since such manifestations can signal health problems of organs and the body as a whole. Exfoliation of skin cells almost never appears as the only symptom. Often there is additionally severe itching and redness, sometimes watery rashes and severe dryness on the palms and fingers, elbows.

between the fingers flaky skin

Causes of the problem

If the skin is peeling between the fingers, the reasons may be different:

  1. Frequent changes in weather conditions. This is especially true for sharp winter temperature changes, to which dry air of heated rooms is added. Hands in winter and autumn should pay maximum attention.
  2. Illiterate hand care. It is highly recommended not to use only one cream. This is due to the fact that after 25 years, the aging process starts, and the epidermis begins to dehydrate rapidly. Regular and comprehensive care can fill the deficiency of vitamins and nutrients. It includes cleansing, nutrition and hydration procedures.
  3. Excess moisture. It may entail that the skin between the fingers is peeling. In this case, treatment begins with limiting contact with fluids.
  4. Ultra-violet rays. They have a negative effect on the natural skin balance.
  5. Lack of vitamins and nutrients in the body. This suggests vitamin deficiency, which is often exacerbated in autumn and spring.
  6. Allergic reaction. Here it is necessary to identify the allergen, for which they are tested.
  7. Contact with household chemicals and aggressive environments, with harsh and excessively chlorinated water without protective equipment.
  8. Certain ailments, such as diseases of internal organs, hormonal failure, problems with immunity, metabolic disorders, dermatological diseases.

Having studied all the factors, it becomes clear how often and seriously the hands are adversely affected. And if you do not take measures, then between the fingers redness and peeling may begin.

cracking the skin between the fingers


One of the most common skin diseases is mycosis. It occurs due to the ingestion and reproduction of various fungi. Most often, they settle on the nail plates and between the fingers. Initially, the disease manifests itself in the form of severe itching and painful changes in the edge of the nail. Then the nail dims, thickens and becomes brittle. Palms may also begin to sweat. Then spots of different colors and sizes appear. The color of the rash is different, ranging from bluish to pale pink. The skin between the fingers peels off, starts to get wet, cracks form. The plates on the nails exfoliate, become yellow and brittle. A full life is not available for people with mycosis. Therefore, even small violations of the skin between the fingers should be carefully studied and cured. The therapy is long and painstaking. Constant medical supervision and discipline by the patient are required. Mycosis is easy to get infected as it is spread among humans and animals.


Eczema often begins with the fact that the skin between the fingers is peeling, blushing. Treatment of such an ailment is difficult, since severe itching is accompanied by a violation of the skin cover. Patients do not stand up and comb the skin to the blood. As a result, the disease is also complicated by bacterial infections. It is also possible to observe such violations of the epidermis as:

  • densification of the inflamed part of the skin;
  • bubbles with fluid;
  • cracks that appear on the site of bursting bubbles;
  • purulent secretion;
  • swelling.

Eczema is a complex and serious ailment that cannot be completely cured, only goes into remission.

flaky skin between fingers treatment

Skin allergy

Sometimes the cause of peeling between the fingers is an allergy. This is not an infectious disease. Immunity simply reacts to an undesirable element that appears in the body and tries to fight it. A lot of histamine begins to stand out, the vessels dilate, the skin itches, becomes inflamed, a rash, swelling and blisters appear.

Sometimes people do not pay attention to peeling between the fingers. But the treatment of the disease is due to the fact that it is difficult to determine the allergen. There are several substances that most often cause allergic skin rashes:

  • Food;
  • plant pollen;
  • animal hair;
  • nutritional supplements;
  • household chemicals;
  • perfume
  • bites of certain insects;
  • Construction Materials;
  • medicines.

One of the diseases that relate to allergies is urticaria. This is a bright pink rash 10-15 cm in size. It passes quickly, however, other signs, such as weakness, severe itching, fever, remain.


This ailment is distinguished by vivid symptoms, rashes form between the fingers, wrists, palms, forearms, and itching, peeling and redness also begin. Hand skin treatment in this case is a difficult and multi-stage process.

The causes of dermatitis are many:

  • exposure to allergens that enter the body from food, dust, medications;
  • contact with the environment;
  • general decline in the immune system or poor heredity.

Often with dermatitis as a result of broken skin or combing, the infection enters the bloodstream. As a result, severe consequences arise, a general decrease in immunity begins and the spread of the disease throughout the body. It should be noted that with the appearance of any symptom, whether itching or dry skin between the fingers, it is necessary to visit a dermatologist.

Treatment is effective when the patient promptly consulted a specialist and procedures are regularly performed.

dry skin between the fingers

Household chemicals as a risk factor

The cause of peeling of the skin is often the use of household chemicals that are used when washing things or cleaning the premises. They can become a provoking factor for the appearance of allergies, dermatitis and eczema.

You can protect your hands from the aggressive effects of chemicals with standard latex gloves. It is better to use those that have an internal cotton coating and a dense structure. This will provide breathing for the skin and protection against direct contact with the products. If the latex is coarse and dense, the skin may rot. To prevent this situation, you can lubricate your hands with any oil or greasy cream. If it is not possible to use gloves, then it is better to buy products marked "hypoallergenic" or for children's things.


If the skin is cracking between the fingers, vitamin deficiency may be present. The skin, like other organs, requires constant nutrition, which can be obtained from food, especially seasonal fruits and vegetables. In the summer, when a lot of vegetables, fruits and berries are available to a person, the dermis looks healthy. When the skin flakes strongly between the fingers in early spring and late winter, the cause is often vitamin deficiency. By spring, a gradual depletion of the body occurs. This is manifested by such signs as:

  • peeling of the skin on the hands;
  • fragility of nails;
  • hair loss;
  • weakness and so on.

To provide additional nutrition, it is necessary to replenish the supply of missing nutrients. Vitamins tocopherol and retinol are responsible for the state of tissue. They are present in many products. If the skin is peeling between the fingers, it is necessary to include products with:

  • Vitamin A: orange and red bell peppers, carrots, tomatoes, pumpkins;
  • Vitamin E: boiled eggs, potatoes, corn, cheese, vegetable oils.

However, if the skin between the fingers is peeling off, treatment solely with a dietary review does not always help make up for the lack of vitamins. In this case, preparations containing vitamins and minerals will help. They can be bought in online stores or pharmacies. The most affordable are Aevit capsules. Experts recommend drinking them periodically to anyone who has crossed the threshold of 25 years. To strengthen the body, you can use "Supradin" and "Duovit." They help eliminate the causes of peeling, improve the functioning of internal organs and restore metabolism.

hand skin treatment


The selection of therapeutic agents for skin problems should be approached especially responsibly. A good hand cream, ointment, gel should be safe. It is necessary to select such funds that not only relieve symptoms, but also eliminate the cause of the problem, lead to persistent and rapid remission.

Often, special healing ointments are used to eliminate peeling of the skin of the hands. Vitamins B and C are included in their composition. With their help, you can protect the skin from all kinds of negative influences, they relieve irritation, nourish and soften your hands. Often the effectiveness of therapeutic ointments is affected by the presence of antiseptics and antibiotics as components, and in addition, extracts of medicinal plants.

Recently, experts have advised using combination drugs, for example, Klenzit. Such a gel penetrates perfectly into the deep layers of the focus of inflammation. As a result of exposure to the components of adapalene and clindamycin, which destroy bacteria, the peeling zone is reduced, and a positive effect is achieved.

Therapeutic creams that protect against external irritants and restore moisture are quite effective. A wonderful effect can be observed after the application of vitamin products, which contain components of medicinal plants. For example, a good hand cream is Boro-Plus.

Dehydrated and dry skin should be supported by moisturizers that are properly selected. Funds must be applied after each contact with water, in the winter also before entering fresh air. They should contain ingredients such as glycerin, silicone, mineral oils. Also, similar components should be included in the composition of hand soap.

For irritated skin, it is useful to make special baths from various natural products, for example, pickled cabbage brine or potato juice. They are mixed in equal amounts or used separately. On a fine grater, chop the potatoes, mix it with cabbage brine and lower their hands there for 30 minutes.

In addition, it is useful to keep your hands 15 minutes before bedtime in a mixture of a decoction of potatoes, celery and a small amount of vegetable oil. Also effective are baths of decoction of linden blossom, nettle, sage and other plants.

Hand skin nutrition can be provided with oil wraps. To this end, use cotton gloves that are pre-impregnated with vegetable oil, heated in a water bath. Over wear knitted or woolen gloves. After 1.5 hours, everything is removed, and the hands are wiped with oil. Moisturizing the skin can also be done using homemade masks made from cottage cheese, potatoes, oatmeal and fruits.

the skin dries between the fingers and peels

Recommendations of cosmetologists

Experts do not advise delaying an appeal to a dermatologist, since skin problems need careful diagnosis and complex treatment. For example, lichen and scabies progress quite quickly and require specific treatment. During this period, you should limit communication with other people, because the risk of infection is high.

If peeling is not associated with serious diseases, you can visit a beauty salon, which offers procedures such as:

  • Spa It includes a range of hand care procedures. Its main goal is to saturate them with ceramides (lipid compounds).
  • Ultrasonic cleaning. Dead epidermal cells will be removed painlessly and gently.
  • Paraffin therapy. During the procedure, the effect of the sauna is formed. After which the skin becomes incredibly velvety, silky and smooth. Her level of moisture comes back to normal, and age-related changes become less noticeable.
  • Massage.
  • Deep nutrition of the skin of the hands.
  • Professional moisturizing balms and masks.
  • Exfoliation. The procedure is similar to peeling, since keratinized cells are eliminated by chemical or mechanical reagents.

How to care for your skin

To maintain youth and health of the skin of the hands, the following rules must be observed:

  • eat exclusively healthy food;
  • good nutrition;
  • take care of your hands every day with the help of products that compensate for the lack of vitamins and nutrients;
  • avoid excessive temperature extremes;
  • limit the use of foods that irritate the intestines: spicy foods, alcohol, coffee and so on;
  • protect your skin from direct sunlight.

Hands are what people around pay attention to first of all. That is why it is necessary to care for them properly: nourish them with useful products, take care, protect from negative factors.

peeling between fingers

Relapse prevention

If there are preconditions that your skin dries and peels between your fingers, you need to know how to prevent this situation. In order for the fungus to die completely, in addition to adhering to thorough hygiene, a full course of treatment should be taken, even if the skin is already clean and there are no problems.

After therapy, you must again undergo diagnostic measures. Only tests will help make sure of a complete cure. It is better to buy new personal items, manicure scissors, nail files and similar devices.

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