Sites filled with contextual advertising methods to quickly get married. The cost of such online courses is usually quite tangible for a wallet. Relevant literature is printed and sold out in huge print runs. Books are not that expensive, but the content of books is usually limited to banal advice on how to lose weight and expand your social circle. At best, readers will at least be advised to work with self-esteem. And what really helps? Revise your views and attitudes.
"I'm alone. What to do? ”- from this question is breathing real despair. In the courtyard of the 21st century, in our time, the position of a woman may no longer depend on the position of her husband. A woman can live as she likes and not give anyone a report, but almost everyone who does not find a partner feels unnecessary and unrealized.
There are objective factors that impede successful marriage, and there are subjective ones. Paradoxically, objective factors are easier to change for yourself. I will explain. An objective factor is the lack of men who are fit for marriage. You already want to ask, “What if I am lonely due to unfair statistics?” The simple answer is to look not only in your own country. Think you can't stand the competition? And here, subjective factors are already important. The ability to communicate, the ability to love and care, the willingness to change and the desire to fall in love.
The fact is that no matter how much one talks about the value of a person in the marriage market, relationships are always a process subject to accidents. We are not on the exchange, where the exact quotes are constantly changing and the participants are always focused on profit. People tend to have prejudices and stereotypes of assessment of reality that can be used. For example, “Russians are beautiful and caring.” Use, and it doesn’t matter that in your case, both are controversial. They don’t love at all for what they like when making their first impression. It is enough just to attract the attention of an interesting man, to communicate deeply and meaningfully, and if you manage to arouse feelings in him, he will no longer compare. And your price in the marriage market will already be in the background.
But the ability, or rather, the inability to communicate - the reason for loneliness number 1 for most single women. “Because of the lack of communication, I am alone, what should I do?” We need to learn how to make new acquaintances. It’s better to train not on men, but on women. People of the opposite sex are not aliens at all, both men and women can be of the same type and give similar reactions in similar situations, regardless of gender. Therefore, try to find among women that psychotype with which it is easiest for you, and then, having made friends with at least five representatives of this psychotype, look for such a man. In addition, friends often introduce free men in a sincere desire to help. So you will solve two problems at once.
The ability to love develops in the family, if you have not seen good examples of love, it will be difficult for you. "Because of the inability to love, I am lonely what to do." You need to learn how to give care and love to strangers. Become a foster mother in an orphanage, join an organization that helps the homeless, make friends with mentally ill people who need support. This will not only allow you to take a fresh look at the world, but also prepare you for future relationships.
Flexibility is necessary not only if you want to marry a foreigner. In any marriage, you need to change habits. There is one interesting exercise that helps you change more easily. You just need to do the usual actions 2 hours a day not with your working hand, that is, right-handed - with your left, and vice versa. The tip is simple, but it helps.
What to do if left alone after a divorce or death of a partner? Give yourself time to heal your wounds and not force yourself to look for someone just because everyone is talking about the need to be married. Without the desire to fall in love, nothing will come of it. Very many people do not need to get married at all due to natural features.
And where to look for the groom? Easiest on the Internet. Of course, you will have to sort out and chat with many men, but a better way has not yet been created. And then you don’t have to worry about the question “I am alone, what should I do?”