Mackerel: nutritional value, calorie content per 100 grams, useful properties

Mackerel is a member of the mackerel family. This is a heat-loving, schooling fish that can reach a length of up to 60 centimeters. Mackerel has an elongated body, which is covered with small scales.

As a rule, mackerel gets stuck in schools, and there are no other species of fish in schools. The optimum temperature for the fish is from 8 to 20 degrees. During the winter, the fish goes to a depth of 250 meters, where it leads a sedentary lifestyle, and in the spring it moves closer to the shores. The average life expectancy of mackerel reaches 15-18 years.

nutritional value of mackerel

Delicious mackerel dishes are often found on Russian tables. She is loved by both adults and children. But what is the nutritional value of mackerel and how high in calories this fish can be found in this article. And also further will be presented some delicious recipes for cooking this fish.

Chemical composition

The chemical composition of mackerel contains a huge amount of vital substances for the human body. The benefit of this fish is provided due to the following elements:

  • vitamins of group B, A, C;
  • selenium;
  • calcium;
  • sodium;
  • magnesium;
  • fluorine;
  • nickel;
  • iodine;
  • molybdenum;
  • cobalt;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • zinc;
  • copper;
  • manganese.

It is important to note that when eating only 100 grams of this fish during the day, you can ensure the body is filled:

  • selenium - 93.8% of the daily norm;
  • phosphorus - by 39.7% of the daily norm;
  • vitamin B12 - by 791.7% of the daily norm.

The nutritional value of mackerel 100 grams is:

  • 18 grams of protein;
  • 13.2 grams of fat;
  • 0 grams of carbohydrates;
  • 0 grams of dietary fiber;
  • 67.5 grams of water.

The benefits of mackerel

This fish is enriched with an acid such as Omega-3, which can increase immunity and improve metabolism. Therefore, mackerel should be a mandatory product in the diet of children, people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, pregnant and lactating girls.

mackerel in the oven quickly and tasty

The protein found in mackerel is absorbed three times faster than, for example, beef. And it is also important that only 100 grams of mackerel contains half of its daily norm for an average person.

When mackerel is consumed, the level of oxygen in the cells rises, thanks to which all internal organs are enriched, and also fish helps to trigger regeneration processes in the mucous membranes and skin.

Fish oil allows you to expand the vessels of the heart muscle, thereby reducing the risk of blood clots. With regular use, bones, teeth are strengthened, immunity increases.

All substances found in fish can ensure the normal functioning of cells, overcome harmful bacteria and establish a water-salt balance in the body. It is important that this fish does not need to be consumed in large quantities, it is only necessary to introduce several servings of stewed or boiled mackerel into the weekly diet, and the benefits for the body will already be noticeable in a few weeks.

Calorie fish

During cooking, the type of heat treatment depends on what the calorie content of the product will be. The table below will show in detail what calorie content of mackerel per 100 grams will be in boiled, fried, stewed and other types of its preparation.

Cooking method

Calories per 100 g (kcal)

Protein (g)

Fats (g)

Carbohydrates (g)

Baked Mackerel (without butter)





Baked mackerel in foil with tomatoes (without oil)





Fried mackerel (in butter)





Braised mackerel in sour cream with onions and carrots





Cold Smoked Mackerel





Smoked mackerel





Boiled mackerel





Lightly salted mackerel





Dried mackerel





Grilled Mackerel





Pickled mackerel





Having learned what the calorie content of mackerel is per 100 grams, you can easily understand in what form this fish is most nutritious. From the presented data it is clear that the smoked mackerel will be the most caloric. But from the use of this fish stewed or pickled, the body will receive fewer calories.

Having understood what nutritional value a mackerel gives the body, and what health benefits it can bring, you can begin to consider the simplest and most delicious recipes.

Fried Mackerel in Vegetable Oil: A Simple Recipe

First you need to prepare the fish. Fresh mackerel should be cleaned and washed in water.

Next, the fish is cut into identical pieces and breaded in flour with the addition of a small amount of salt. A little vegetable oil is poured into a heated pan (you can use either sunflower or olive). Next, put the fish in a pan and fry on both sides. Serve fried mackerel with any favorite side dish.

delicious mackerel dishes

Stewed mackerel in sour cream: recipe

Using this recipe for stewed mackerel in the oven quickly and tasty cooked, you can feed the household. At the same time, this dish will not only help saturate the body and satisfy your hunger, but also bring benefits.

First you need to prepare the ingredients, namely:

  • mackerel - 1 pc.;
  • potatoes - 500 g;
  • carrots - 100 g;
  • onion - 2 pcs.;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • sour cream (15% fat) - 100 g;
  • greens, salt, vegetable oil, spices - to taste.

Mackerel is peeled and cut into small pieces. Vegetables should also be peeled, thoroughly washed under water and chopped. Next, in a refractory form, lubricated with vegetable oil, you need to lay the ingredients in layers:

  • 1st layer - potatoes;
  • 2nd layer - fish;
  • 3rd layer - onions and carrots;
  • 4th layer - tomatoes;
  • 5th layer - greens.

Each layer needs a little salt. Then in the form you need to add sour cream and place it in the oven for 30 minutes. Mackerel is cooked in the oven quickly and tasty. Serve the dish without an additional side dish.

nutritional value of mackerel

Cooking Mackerel in a Multicooker: Recipe

In the presence of a multicooker, the preparation of any dish is greatly simplified. In the case of this fish, you should first pour a little water on the bottom of the bowl. Next, you need to clean the fish, chop it and salt. Food foil needs to be covered with a special container for steaming and put mackerel in it. Further on top of the fish spread a little onion, sliced ​​in half rings, and a few slices of lemon.

Cook fish in the β€œSteamed” mode for 25-30 minutes. Such a fish will be useful for both children and adults.

Harmful Mackerel

For a healthy body, this fish is not able to do any harm. However, it should be remembered that in the presence of diseases such as renal failure, hypertension, pancreatitis or cholecystitis, mackerel should not be consumed in salt or smoked form.

boiled mackerel good

For problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to exclude this fish from the diet. In some cases, it is permissible to eat mackerel only in boiled form. However, it is worth remembering that high fat content can lead to unpleasant consequences. Therefore, the inclusion of this product in food should be agreed with the doctor.


Having examined the nutritional value of mackerel, its benefits for the body and calorie content, we can conclude that this fish is unique and indispensable for humans. Its use can positively affect health, strengthen immunity and vital systems.

what can be prepared from mackerel

Knowing what to cook from mackerel, you can delight yourself and your loved ones with delicious and very healthy dishes. Anyone can use the above recipes and easily bring them to life.

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