Why does unclean power appear and why is it dangerous?

Unclean power scares many. Her appearance is inexplicable. Many people experience panic when they encounter pranks of otherworldly forces. But some are attracted to such "games" with evil spirits. Thanks to such enthusiasts, we have gained some knowledge about this phenomenon.

How did evil spirits appear?

There are many versions. Religion connects otherworldly phenomena with fallen angels who have joined the Devil (Dennitsa). Many legends say that living people are frightened by restless souls. In the mythology of different peoples, one can find references to the fact that there is a โ€œrightโ€ death, and there is a โ€œuncleanโ€ one. If a person has lived the term allotted to him from above, he can rest in peace. If the infant died before baptism, an adult committed suicide or was forcibly taken away from life, his soul cannot rest.

Modern esotericists believe that in addition to our world, there are parallel and astral worlds in which various entities live.

What do scientists think?

Recently, various studies are underway to study the phenomenon. Scientists have noticed that in many cases unclean forces manifest themselves in the same way. According to one version, the work of the right hemisphere of the brain gives rise to hallucinations. Because of fear, spasm of the vessels that feed the cerebral cortex occurs. Due to a lack of oxygen, a person begins to see the so-called ghosts.

Another version is psychoprojection. That is, a person sees the embodiment of fears that torment him at the conscious and subconscious levels.

However, these theories account for only 90% of cases. Perhaps, the reason for the remaining 10% will be found soon, but so far there is reason to believe that otherworldly forces do exist.

otherworldly forces

What is evil?

Usually unclean forces scare people. Some walk around the house, rustling, stomping. Some specially hit the dishes, slam the door, move objects. Especially aggressive entities can even be felt. Some may touch people, pull their hair and even choke.

Independent contacts with evil spirits are also dangerous. Not knowing the rules of communication with the other world, it is not necessary to carry out rituals.

How to protect yourself?

Many people know the phrase "perish, evil spirits." But often this is not enough to get rid of the problem. If you are sure that what you see is not at all a figment of the imagination, follow the tips from this article.

foul evil spirits

  • Read the prayer aloud.
  • Go to church for confession, pray, take communion.
  • Try to lead a more correct (from a spiritual point of view) life.
  • Ask the priest to consecrate your apartment.
  • Clean your home yourself.
  • Hang the seven- shooter icon opposite the front door. Opposite it, above the door, place the icon of the Holy Trinity. It is believed that after this, neither bad people nor evil spirits can enter your house.

Of course, there are other ways to deal with otherworldly forces. But they are not suitable for believers. You can use talismans, charms, turn to psychics and magicians, conduct special rituals. But it is worth remembering that religion does not approve of such actions. In addition, there is a possibility that you will turn to a charlatan who will take a lot of money, but will not be able to help you.

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