How to register in an apartment or in a private house

In modern Russia it is impossible to do without registration. Especially if you live in a regional center or a large city. The more significant the settlement, the more important it is to have a registration in it. It is not surprising that the question of how to register in an apartment is relevant for every responsible citizen.

What is a registration and why is it needed?

A residence permit is a kind of consolidation of a person, more precisely, his place of residence, at a certain address. It may coincide with the actual place of residence, or it may not coincide. Registration allows you to get a job, use the services of medical and state institutions, kindergartens, schools, get loans and much more. Moreover, the fact of registration does not automatically make a person the owner of a house and does not give him the right to dispose of it at his discretion. The only right acquired with registration at the place of residence is the ability to use this area for its intended purpose (i.e. for residential purposes).

What is needed for registration

Since a person can change his place of residence throughout his life, knowing how to register in an apartment can be useful more than once. First of all, it is necessary to decide whether we are talking about our own housing or about rented. If you are the owner of the apartment, and the right of ownership is registered (which received the corresponding certificate), there are no obstacles to registration in this apartment. The situation is more complicated if you are only a tenant. Therefore, the problem of how to register in the apartment, in this case, can be solved only with the permission of its owner. In any case, for registration you will need the following documents:

  • passport;
  • statement;
  • departure slip;
  • document confirming the right of registration;
  • birth certificate of the child, if you need to register it.

The right of registration can be confirmed by a certificate of state registration, a social contract of employment, a contract for the gratuitous use of the premises and other similar documents.

How to register in the apartment: instructions

To register, you need:

1. Prepare the documents required for registration at the place of residence. If you rent housing under a social contract of employment, among other things, you must obtain the written consent of all the family members registered in the apartment.

2. Contact the Housing Office (find out the hours of its work in advance) and fill out the necessary forms.

2.1. Print the forms in advance on the portal of public services and come to the Housing Office with the ready.

2.2. Fill out the forms on the state portal and send them online.

3. If you are not the owner of the housing, the owner of the apartment will have to visit the housing office and fill out the forms.

4. A ready-made package of documents should be provided to the ZhEK employee responsible for the registration.

5. Come for a passport in which a mark will be made on registration (stamped). The waiting time for registration usually depends on the features of the work of a particular organization.

How to register in a private house?

Registration in a private house is practically no different from an apartment. The difference will only consist in the fact that in this case it is necessary to apply not to the Housing Office, but directly to the passport office. In addition, among other documents mentioned above, it will be necessary to provide a house book, in which they will make a note on the registration in the house of a new tenant.

Possible difficulties

Sometimes it is impossible to ensure the presence in the passport office of all the necessary people. In this case, the absent person’s consent to registration will be sufficient through a notary. It is also possible that the lessor is under the guardianship of another person. Then it will be necessary to obtain the consent of the trustee himself. And if the property is pledged, a residence permit can be obtained in it only with the consent of the pledge holder.

Thus, there is nothing complicated in the registration mechanism, you just need to get the consent of all the necessary people and prepare the necessary package of documents. In conclusion, we recall that citizens are required to register in the apartment within 90 days from the date of departure from their previous place of residence. Lack of registration can lead to fines.

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