Wedding Bottle Stickers: Original Ideas

stickers for wedding bottles
Modern wedding ceremonies are supplemented by new attributes. Stickers on wedding bottles are deservedly popular at such holidays. They allow not for a minute to forget about the importance of the event to both the heroes of the occasion and the guests. Original bottles can be taken with you to the ceremony, on a trip to the sights of the city and at a banquet.

Traditional wedding bottle stickers

In the Wedding Palace, you can use generally accepted wedding attributes: rings, pigeons, etc. They will immediately set the appropriate mood and a solemn mood. Depending on taste preferences, such pictures can be glued on bottles with juice, wine, champagne, etc.

Stickers on wedding bottles on a young table

Here it is necessary to provide drinks both for consumption and those that are used as “untouchable” characters. Traditionally, two bottles of champagne, which are tied with a bright ribbon or braid, should stand on the table of the bride and groom. Stickers on them should, in addition to colorful congratulations, contain information about the date of the ceremony. It is better to make them addressable, with the names of the young. In our age of technological innovation, the manufacture of such wedding items will not be time consuming.

stickers for bottles wedding photos
Bottles with unusual stickers on guest tables

If there is enough time to prepare such original wedding attributes, you can arrange thematic bottles using images of guests and relatives: “Gorilka from mother-in-law!”, “Pepper pepper from mother-in-law”, “Balm from father-in-law”, “Marriage from friends!”, “ Nectar from the father-in-law ”and others. Place drinks on tables. Believe me, this will serve as a spectacular additional element that stimulates fun.

Original stickers for wedding bottles

They can be used by guests to organize a surprise. One copy will not surprise anyone, but the box will be a very extravagant gift. It is better to fill out each bottle for a certain important event in family life. Beating such a present, you can cook an original toast. Here are examples of stickers you can use:

  1. funny wedding bottle stickers
    “With the birth of the first-born!” Here the image of the baby will become appropriate, which will undoubtedly appear in the young couple. The number of such presents can be unlimited: “With the birth of a sister (brother) to the first baby!”, “With a great contribution to the demographic policy of the country!” And others.
  2. “Happy anniversary of living together!” Here, in addition to the names and dates of the marriage of young people, you can include the numbers “1” or “365”, symbolizing the number of years and days lived.
  3. On the other copies of the surprise, also use stickers on wedding bottles: process the photos of young people in special computer programs and depict them after 5, 10, 15 years, etc.
  4. You can think over the design of the card “With the birth of the first grandson!” Or “With the marriage of the son (daughter)!”, Issue it with another copy.
  5. Stickers on funny wedding bottles can also be made with very unusual contents: “With the first pud of salt eaten!”, “With the first broken cup!”, “With the first joint vacation!”, Etc.

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