Lube: group composition, history, albums

Times go by - people's tastes are changing. Many musical groups disappear and leave the stage precisely because their popularity invariably fades. The group that appeared back in Soviet times and is popular these days is Lube. Her star continues to burn brightly in the sky. In this article, we will tell you everything about the team: the history of its creation and the Lyube repertoire. The composition of the group will also be indicated. But first things first.

Lube composition of the group

History of creation

The idea to create a group belongs to Igor Matvienko, now a well-known music producer and composer. Between 1987 and 1989 he wrote lyrics for the first album. They were based on poems by famous poets Alexander Shaganov (he worked with the Black Coffee group) and Mikhail Andreev (wrote compositions for The Class and the Forum). For a long time they could not find a suitable candidate for the role of soloist. Initially, they considered the possibility of inviting Sergei Mazaev. However, Matvienko soon attracted the attention of Nikolai Rastorguev. Igor met him for a long time. Rastorguev was a member of the ensemble "Leysya, song", whose leader was Matvienko.

Group name

There are several opinions regarding the appearance of the name of the group:

  1. The idea belongs to Nikolai Rastorguev, since he himself comes from Lyubertsy near Moscow. The name was formed from the first four letters of the name of the city. By the way, the word “love” in Ukrainian slang means “different”. Therefore, the name of the group can be interpreted in different ways.
  2. The name may also be associated with the then popular youth movement of lovers. Its representatives were engaged in the promotion of a healthy lifestyle and sports. Some of their ideas were reflected in the early work of the musical collective.

Pavel Suchkov

The first musical compositions and composition of the group

In January 1989, the debut compositions were recorded: Lyubertsy and Old Man Makhno. It was attended by: Nikolai Rastorguev, Alexey Gorbashov (former guitarist of the Mirage band), Viktor Zastrov (a native of Lyubertsy near Moscow, who worked as a musician in a local restaurant), Igor Matvienko. But that's not all. Anatoly Kuleshov and Alexei Tarasov were invited to record the choir. A little later, other compositions appeared: "Dusya-aggregate", "Atas", "Do not kill, men."

The Lube group initially included, in addition to the soloist, Rinat Bakhteev (drums) and Alexander Davydov (keyboards). Other musicians were invited. For example, Vyacheslav Tereshonok is the guitarist of Lube. Matvienko wanted him to have a quintet. Therefore, the role of the fifth member was gained by Alexander Nikolaev, the bass player of the Lube group. However, soon there is a change of team members. In the spring of 1989 went on tour "Lube." The composition of the group continues to change. A new member joins them. This is Oleg Katsura (former soloist of the Klass group). The team rides with concerts Zheleznovodsk and Pyatigorsk. However, it does not bring success to them. The public has not yet received artists.

In the winter of the same year, Lube (the composition of the group remains unchanged for the time being) was invited to participate in the "Christmas Meetings" prima donna of domestic pop music. At this event, Nikolai Rastorguev and Alla Pugacheva met, who gave the soloist good advice - to wear elements of a military uniform for the performance of the song "Atas". Gymnastics, riding breeches and high boots - this is the image that many remember. Some took him for a retired military man, so naturally Rastorguev looked in military uniform. However, the opinion was erroneous. After all, the soloist did not even serve in the army. After this performance, this element of the wardrobe will become an invariable part of the stage image of Nikolai Rastorguev.

The first album of the group

In 1990, the musical album "We Will Live Now a New Way" was released. It was released amateurly on tape. Over time, he will enter the discography of the group. Members of the collective record the record in the center of Igor Matvienko, which opens in 1990. In the same year, there is another change in the composition of the musical collective. Of the "old" participants, only Alexander Nikolaev, Vyacheslav Tereshonok and Oleg Katsura remain. A new keyboard player appears - Vitaly Loktev. Alexander Weinberg now plays the guitar, and Yuri Ryarich plays the drums. Another guitarist is Viktor Zhuk.

This year was a good one for Lube. They begin to perform on the stage. They are invited to television, radio. Albums are sold all over Russia. The team receives an invitation to participate in such popular television programs as What, Where, When, Christmas Meetings. In the winter of the same year, they perform at the close of the annual song contest of the year with the already-popular Atas song and become the winner of the contest.

Alexey Kantur

In 1991, guitarist Viktor Zhuk left the band. This year the guys are releasing the first record. However, due to technical capabilities, she could not accommodate all 14 songs. Therefore, an audio cassette with an addition comes out soon. The album cover was unusually framed - it depicted the group in the image of a military detachment that was riding in a tank with a machine gun. Thus, the artist tried to illustrate the main hit of the album - the song "Old Man Makhno." At the same time, the group does not leave the tour and is actively recording new compositions at the studio.

In March of the same year, a concert entitled “All Power - Lube!” Takes place at the Olympic. The group performs not only with old compositions already known to the viewer (for example, Atas, Lyubertsy and others), but also performs new songs. There is also a video version of the concert.

Album release “Don't Get Fooled, America”

The team releases the second album in an atmosphere of prosperity of “pirated” copies of audio and video products. The first few songs of the group were stolen and distributed on the black market. In order to somehow reduce losses, the producer decides to release the official version, which included the entire repertoire. It was rumored that in order to increase the popularity of the group, interest in the album, Matvienko specifically gave “pirates »Some new songs.

First clip

The group decides to shoot the first clip for the song “Don't Get Fooled, America.” The shooting took place in the city of Sochi. A feature of the clip is the use of computer technology to create animation elements. Worked on the video: Sergey Bazhenov (graphics, animation), Dmitry Venikov (artist), Kirill Kruglyansky (director). The shooting took quite a long time, precisely because of their computerization. The work was published only in 1992.

Two years later, Artemy Troitsky (a well-known music columnist) sends a clip without the consent of the band's musicians and their producer to participate in the international festival in Cannes. In this competition, work receives a prize for humor and video quality. In the team itself, the composition is changing again. As a result of the announcement in the newspaper about the recruitment of the choir, new members appear: Evgeny Nasibulin and Oleg Zenin. They become backing vocalists. Yuri Ripyakh leaves the group. He decides to start his project and start promoting the beginning star - Alena Sviridova. Soon the band leaves and Alexander Nikolaev, the bass player. He is forced to take this step by family circumstances. Another new member appears - Lube drummer Alexander Erokhin. Prior to that, he worked in the Walk the Field group.

Alexey Tarasov

The album “Who said we lived badly?”

In 1991, the magnetic album "Lube" was released, in which not all songs are still presented. And next year, the group presents the official version of the album, which includes all the songs. “Lyube” gained even greater love of the audience. The songs that have become the most popular: “Come on, goof”, “Don't play the fool, America” and others. Work on the release of the album, entitled “Who said we lived badly?” Went on for two years. At this time, the team decides to leave Alexander Weinberg - guitarist. He, together with the former backing vocalist of the collective Oleg Zenin, organize the group “Our business”. In early 1992, Lube began work on recording new songs with new quality and other themes.


After recording the songs, the shooting of clips for some compositions begins. At the same time, the idea of ​​creating a feature film with musical episodes of the songs of the Lube group comes. The composition of the group is involved in the filming. The director of the picture is Dmitry Zolotukhin. Filming begins in 1993 in several studios. The main role is played by actress Marina Levtova. Also, some other famous actors of theater and cinema took part in the filming. The basis for the script was the plot of the songs.

The picture was called uncomplicatedly - “Lube Zone”. The plot is simple. The main action takes place in the detention center, where a young journalist (actress Marina Levtova) arrives in order to interview the convicted people. Each story is a new song by the group. Despite the fact that the film takes place in the prison, the criminal tint of the film is not bright. The Lyube Zone, with its drama, depth and new theme, has become a new format in the music world.

Songs began to differ from previously released albums. The most prominent composition is “Horse”. It is written without musical accompaniment, with the participation of the choir. This song will become very popular and loved by fans and spectators. Later, the video for the song will go into the official video collection (1994). This year, the Zona Lube disc is recognized as the best among domestic competitors and receives the Bronze Top prize. Critics, connoisseurs and competitors put high marks on the design of the album itself, the cover of which illustrated scenes from the film.

In 1993, the permanent guitarist and member of the group, Vyacheslav Tereshonok, unexpectedly dies. He is replaced by Sergei Pereguda. Lube decided on him because he was known in the music field. In addition, he had a wonderful experience. Earlier, Pereguda was a member of the group of Evgeny Belousov, worked at Integral, Cheerful Guys.

Dmitry archers

The famous "Combat"

The text of the now popular song was written a long time ago. He lay there, waiting for his time for two years. The author of the poems was Alexander Shaganov, music - Igor Matvienko. In May 1995, the song was recorded. The event was dedicated to the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of Victory Day in the Second World War. For the first time, the composition was performed in the capital at a concert in honor of the holiday. They wanted to shoot the clip in military subjects. Several scenes of the gatherings and exercises of the paratroopers had already been worked out, but time was running out, and it was not possible to prepare everything by the deadline. The song "Combat" was recognized as the best in 1995.

Album "Combat"

After the release of the famous song, the group begins to work on the release of a new album. His first compositions sounded during the New Year holidays. A little later, several more new songs were released. The album itself appears on sale in May 1996. A feature of the group’s music is the use of folk instruments simultaneously with the sound of electric guitars, the inclusion of rock elements. To record some songs, an ensemble of folk instruments was invited, as well as an accordion player. Two compositions were recorded in a duet: with Lyudmila Zykina (“Chat with me”) and Rolan Bykov (“Two comrades served”).

Initially, there were two versions of the new album: for audio cassettes and for the disc. For the first option, the order of sounding of the songs was changed, and also the composition “Orlyata-2” was missing. The design of the album was military-themed. A red star is depicted against the background of the uniform of the fighters. Since that time, “Lube” has performed exclusively live, which was rare for musicians of that time. This fact does not go unnoticed by the audience, whose love and gratitude the group won more, nor by critics. The first song of the album constantly occupied the main places of the charts. The collection itself received the award as the best in 1996.

Nikolay Rastorguev

Four Nights in Moscow album

For a long time, Nikolai Rastorguev dreamed of recording a solo album with the songs of the Beatles. In 1996, he decides to implement it. The album comes out in a limited edition. The musicians of the group participated in the recording, as well as Igor Matvienko. The producer of the album was Rastorguev. In the summer of 1996, as a result of a car accident, Alexander Nikolaev (bass player of the Lyube group) dies. We have to urgently seek a new member. Replaces Pavel Usanov. Lube changes its composition again.

"Collected Works of 1989-1997"

The Collected Works was an intermediate work of the group. This album includes the most popular compositions of Lube, whose songs have never ceased to please fans. Also, a new work appeared in the collection - “Guys from our yard”.

Album "Songs about people"

The album was released in December 1997. The main hit is the song “Behind the Fogs”, which was shot by Oleg Gusev and Maxim Osadchim . In addition to her, the audience really liked these songs: "Starlings", "Years", "Isho." The last composition was performed at the Christmas meetings of the prima donna of the national pop. And for the song "Guys from Our Yard" in the same year, two videos were shot at once. The album contains another duet with Lyudmila Zykina - now for the song “The Volga River Flows”. Work on the collection "Songs about People" took place in numerous studios: "Mosfilm", "Lube", "Ostankino", "HRC I. Matvienko." The album is designed in an already unusual manner for the group. The cover shows Lube members traveling in a train car. Calm was felt not only in the design of the disc, but also in the compositions themselves. The songs narrated about relationships, feelings of happiness and unhappiness, sadness over bygone times. At the beginning of next year, “Lube” goes on a tour of the cities of Russia and abroad, which ends with the concert hall “Pushkinsky”. Video and audio versions of this concert were released on discs and audio tapes. Before leaving on tour, the group invites a new guitarist - Yuri Rymanov, previously familiar with Rastorguev.

1998 was a very busy year for the Lube group. In winter, they perform at a concert in memory of Yu. Vysotsky. At this event, the team presented two of their new songs - “On Mass Graves”, “Song of the Stars”. In the middle of the year, Nikolai Rastorguev starred in the movie “Harness”. And the Lyube group records the main song for this picture. In the winter of that year, Lyube participated in the Song of the Year festival, where it performed its new song, recorded in a duet with Sofia Rotaru - Zasentyabrilo. In 1999, the group turned 10 years old. In the fall, she goes on a tour under the name "Lube: 10 years" in Ukraine. After completing the journey, they present the viewer with a new work - the song "Half Station". She became the main one in the new album.

Lube songs

Album "Half Station"

In 2000, the group’s new album, “Half-Station”, appeared on sale. Preparation and publication of Lube creations takes place during the Chechen campaign. The album is based on thoughts about life. The name was chosen by chance. “We kind of stop and think about something,” says N. Rastorguev. The album includes such compositions as “Old Friends” (which are a continuation of the song “Guys from Our Yard”), “Call Me Quietly by Name” (which became very popular at that time), “Break Through (Opera)” and others.

The album "Come on ..."

The seventh album, “Come on ...” was released in 2002. To create it, old guitars and microphones, an electric organ were used. Even part of the record was recorded in the old Mosfilm studio. This was done in order to achieve sound in retro style. In March 2002, the team presents its creation in the concert hall "Russia". The image of the soloist is also changing. For the performance, he will prefer a regular costume, leaving in the past a gymnast and military boots. At the same time, Rastorguev celebrates his 45th birthday.

Album "Scattering"

The new, eighth album of the group was not the most commercial creation. Its output was timed to the 15th anniversary of the Lube. The song “On Tall Grass” is most popular. In 2007, the soloist of the team celebrates its next anniversary - 50 years. And an event is planned for this event. "Lube" performs a concert in the Kremlin in Moscow. The band later released an audiobook. She reveals to fans a lot of interesting facts: the history of the creation of the team, the facts of the biography of the participants, changes in the composition. The disc contains an interview taken from all members of the Lube. Photos of team members are also presented.

The album "Own"

In 2009, a new album was written by the group. It is called "Own." The author of the lyrics still remains Alexander Shaganov, and the music for the group is written by Igor Matvienko. The album’s hits are songs: “Own,” “A Dawn.” The following year, N. Rastorguev runs for the State Duma and wins by taking up a post on the cultural council. At the same time, the composition of the group is changing - Aleksey Khokhlov (Lube guitarist) leaves. In 2012, backing vocalists joined the group. This is Pavel Suchkov and Alexey Kantur.

The album "For you - Motherland!"

In March 2014, the group celebrated a new anniversary - 25 years. In honor of this holiday, the team gave a concert in the multi-thousand-strong Olympic Hall, which was completely filled. At the beginning of the event, the group performed the anthem to the Motherland (new composition), for which one hundred people were involved. Shortly after the event, in February 2015, Lube released its fifteenth album, “Motherland for You!” The presentation took place on the stage of the concert hall in Moscow. The name of the album corresponds to the name of one of the tracks.

“Motherland for you!” - a song written for the 2014 Olympics in Sochi. The album was well received by the audience. Some compositions (“Just Love”, “Everything Depends”, “Long”) received the Golden Gramophone award. Shortly after the concert, “Lube” releases a collection of the best songs of the group called “55”. In the spring of the same year, the song "And the Dawns Here Are Quiet" was released, which was written for the film of the same name. Her presentation took place on the Internet on the group’s website. In the fall of 2015, a monument to the Lube group was erected in Lyubertsy near Moscow, called the “Guys from Our Yard”.

rinat bakhteev

In April 2016, Pavel Usanov was severely beaten. Lube were left without their bass player. The man died from his injuries. He is replaced by Dmitry Streltsov. In addition to him, these days the structure includes, in addition to Rastorguev, Erokhin and Pereguda. Vitaly Loktev still acts. Kuleshov works. Among the participants there is also Alexei Tarasov. His namesake also did not leave the team. Alexey Kantur continues to perform. The team these days is impossible to imagine without other musicians. For example, Pavel Suchkov has long been a part of it. Do not forget about another member of the group. This is Dmitry Streltsov.

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