If a bird has attacked you, signs will tell you what to prepare for.

Many popular beliefs are associated with the forces of nature. It was believed that flora and fauna help people in life, predicting good and bad. So, there are signs associated with our smaller brothers: animals and birds.

Signs about birds

bird nakala on the head

Now, if a bird attacked you, there are completely different signs for this case. The first thing that any person will tell you: "This is for the money!" Almost everyone knows this. But there is another interpretation of this rare event. How do they interpret his ancient folk signs? The bird has fired up, which means that a person will soon receive well-deserved fame. It used to be that the feathered world marks only outstanding people who are capable of accomplishing a feat. A person who has received such a โ€œmarkโ€ will end up in a critical situation, fate will present him with a test that he will pass with honor. This was rightly considered lucky.

Itโ€™s good if the bird is small. Then its excrement will not hurt you much. But they say that on the Black Sea coast a cormorant can inflict a person. Most likely, this is to a very large income.

We also inherited from our ancestors such an interpretation that the bird nakakat on its head. The sign suggests special luck to this person. Almost all of his wishes on this day will be freely fulfilled. Desire whatever you want - even the impossible will happen!

Modern signs

Sharpness of the people - a phenomenon

pumped up bird omens
irresistible. In any case, civilization did not deprive people of their desire to create signs and customs. Observe and analyze events and now have not become less. Here the drivers have a different interpretation of such an event as a bird jumped up. The signs born by people at the wheel say that this is because the car could have an accident. Many are sure that if the hood is dirty, then you need increased care on the road.

And here is how young people interpret the event when a bird attacked a guy on his shoulder. Signs tell the young man that he will soon put on epaulettes. That is, he will either be drafted into the army, or he will go to work in the police, or another event will happen that will allow him to flaunt in uniform.

Special beliefs about birds

There are interpretations associated with special events in human life. For example, if a bird attacked the brideโ€™s wedding dress, signs indicate that marriage is by design. The girl loves not her chosen one, but those benefits that she plans to receive from him. The groom needs to think about it, if he believes in signs, maybe it is better to postpone the arrangement of his fate.

omega bird

Most people associate bird excrement with income. But, even if you do not get unplanned profits, then you will still be pleased with that day. The bird marked you - fortunately, this is a different version of the popular interpretation of this event.

But if the bird flies in the window, then this, of course, to the unfortunate events in the house. It is believed that the trouble lies in wait for the owners of such housing. After this, a fire or other misfortune may occur. The bird knock on the window is also interpreted. Precautions must be taken.

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