Who will help the prayer of Cyprian from corruption and the evil eye

When a person is haunted by misfortunes, they often say about him: "Someone jinxed." Undoubtedly, every truly believing Christian is under the protection of heavenly forces, but demons do not sleep, trying to find weakness in thoughts and deeds, and sometimes it is possible to find a gap in God's protection by Satan. Such sinners, subject to repentance, are helped by prayer from the evil eye of Cyprian, which is in every prayer book. About how she appeared, and the story will go.

Cyprian prayer for corruption

The hard way of Cyprian

Once upon a time, in the second century from the birth of Christ, in the ancient city of Antioch lived a certain Cyprian, descended from a family of the Magi. From early childhood, his parents taught him the tricks of evil witchcraft, hoping that in this field he will be able to gain power by serving the prince of darkness.

But Cyprian was destined to become a saint.

prayer of saint cyprian

What did Cyprian pray for

Admonished the evil sorcerer, who could have done many troubles, the Christian Justin, against whom all the intrigues, surprisingly the priest, were useless. After numerous attempts to betray the soul of the girl, the sorcerer became convinced of the omnipotence of her faith.

For the first time, Cyprian’s prayer for corruption was voiced when he recognized the weakness of the Prince of Air and turned to the “god Justina” for help in detaching him from Satan. Not afraid of his former master, the priest received the light of a new faith. The devil himself, outraged by apostasy, attacked him, but retreated, met with a sign of the cross, and was put to shame. The Lord heard the prayer of Cyprian from spoilage, at that time his own, and help was not long in coming.

So the devil lost one of his servants, and the teachings of Christ gained a new adept, convinced and faithful. God was pleased to instruct the pagan sorcerer on the path of true love and humanity.

prayer from the evil eye cyprian

What to ask for St. Cyprian

The prayer of Cyprian for corruption is considered the strongest remedy for evil thoughts, evil eyes and witchcraft. Remembering it by heart is not an easy task, it is long and available in the Church Slavonic translation, so you should open the holy book and read it, trying to understand the meaning of the words spoken. This should be done repeatedly, over the course of a full week, and not be afraid to overdo it. This is exactly the case when the more the better.

The prayer of St. Cyprian begins with a request to the Lord to hear him. There is no doubt that the martyr himself will help on the way of following God's commandments, since he, like no one else living on earth, knows that demons are insidious, seductive, and everyone can succumb to them. He will certainly forgive all the iniquities of the worshiper, knowing what is called “from within”, how the dark forces act.

The subsequent text is canonical, and you should not pass it in your own words. The prayer of Cyprian for corruption is among the petitioners, and its whole meaning lies not only in the desire to get rid of the misfortunes, but mainly in the sincere desire to establish oneself in the faith, to strengthen oneself in spirit, to reason oneself, and to earn forgiveness.

Such a sincere prayer will be heard and will reach the Lord, before whom St. Cyprian will invariably become a representative.

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