Fortune telling on simple cards for the future and love

Who says fortune telling on simple cards requires specialized knowledge and experience? You can find answers to exciting questions about love and future events not only with the Tarot, but also on a regular deck. Simple fortune-telling on cards (36 sheets) are laid out in a few minutes and give the fortuneteller complete information about an exciting issue. We will consider some of them further.

Fortune telling on simple cards

The easiest way

The simplest fortune telling on playing cards is that which will give the answer "yes" or "no" to the question posed. To do this, shuffle the deck and remove the first card that comes across. Red card - the answer is positive, black - negative.

To desire

Guessing on simple cards for desire looks like this:

  • Make a wish.
  • Shuffle the cards and remove the first 15 sheets.
  • Set aside the aces.
  • Everything needs to be repeated twice. If after the cards were thrice laid out, all the aces came together - the desire is destined to come true.

Fortune-telling on the Ace + 10 relationship

How to find out which of the fans is sincere in feelings? A simple fortune-telling on the cards will give an accurate answer about the attitude of several fans towards you. It is performed in several steps:

  1. From the deck, select all the aces and guess a specific person on each of them.
  2. Select all tens.
  3. Shuffle Aces and Dozens alternately.
  4. Put the aces on the table with the shirt up, and put dozens on top.
  5. Check if there are matches for the suits of aces and ten.
  6. Where there is a coincidence, that young man feels affection for you.
simple fortune telling on playing cards

Fortune-telling "6 cards" on a loved one

This is a very simple divination for love. Shuffle the deck well and remove the cards. Put the top on the table. Shuffle, repeating the steps until there are 6 card sheets on the table. Each card position answers a specific question:

  1. Thoughts of a loved one.
  2. What's on his heart.
  3. What will happen.
  4. Desires of a loved one.
  5. What he does not expect.
  6. What is happening now.

Next, we will analyze the values โ€‹โ€‹by suits. So worms:

7-8Conversation, meeting.
9Love, date.
10Dreams and hopes. If there are 10 peaks nearby, then they will not work.
JackTroubles, problems, difficult questions.
LadyAnother woman. In some cases, the mother symbolizes.
KingA man married or divorced.
AceHome, family related issues.

Next, we will analyze what the tambourine suit means in this context:

Numerical valueInterpretation
6Fast trip.
7-8Meetings, conversations.
9The love of an unmarried couple.
JackTalking about problems.
LadyGirl, lover of a married king of color worms.
KingYoung unmarried man. Sometimes a son
AceImportant business news on paper.

Club suit:

Numerical valueInterpretation
6Business road.
7-8Business negotiations and meetings.
9Deep sensual affection.
10Getting money, profit.
JackBulletin of problems, worries, fuss.
LadyMom, including mother-in-law or mother-in-law, work colleague.
KingDad, father-in-law, co-worker, boss.
AceSomething to do.

And the last, peak suit:

Numerical valueInterpretation
6Long trip, most often at a later time.
7Talking about sadness, tears.
8Feast, invitation to the company.
9Disease, hospital, hospital bed.
10The collapse of the plans.
JackEmpty efforts.
LadyAnger, a feeling of jealousy.
KingA colleague, a noble man, a military man.
AceIf the tip is the top - a feast. Down to shock or death.

Loves or not?

Simple fortune-telling on maps

This simple card fortune telling is about solitaire. Laying it out is pretty fun. Shuffle the deck, conceived a young man and moving cards. Lay them out 6 in a row. See the diagonally matching cards and put them aside. Gather the remaining sheets from the end and, without shuffling the cards, arrange 5 in a row. Repeat until 2 cards are left in a row. After all matching cards are removed, look at how many pairs are left in the end. This will be the answer:

  1. The young man wants to offer you a hand and a heart.
  2. He loves you.
  3. He likes you.
  4. Longing for you.
  5. A man is thinking about you.
  6. He thinks of another.
  7. If there are more pairs - lay down cards another time.

The second method of divination by desire

Make a wish and shuffle the cards. Pull the sheet from the deck at random. The values โ€‹โ€‹are as follows:

  • If the court cards (jack, queen and king) of any suit have fallen, except for the spade, other people will help to fulfill the plan. Peaks say that the environment will interfere.
  • 10 - the desire will come true, but you will have to make efforts, difficulties are possible.
  • 9 - the desire will come true, but not in the way you plan.
  • 8 - today you donโ€™t need what youโ€™ve guessed, you should wait.
  • 7 - the situation requires active action.
  • 6 - soon everything will be resolved, and the desire will be fulfilled.
  • Aces - a wish will come true.
simple fortune telling on cards

For the future

There is another simple fortune-telling on the cards for the future, which is a bit like the previous method. Shuffle the cards, thinking about what concerns you in the future. Draw a card and look at its suit:

  1. Worms - you really don't need what you want.
  2. Tambourines - what is conceived will be fulfilled, but you will have to make some efforts.
  3. Clubs - there are no obstacles to getting what you are thinking about.
  4. Peaks say that you will have the desired in your hands, but at the last moment you will understand that this is not what you need.

On partner relationship

Here is another simple divination on the cards for the love and attitude of a man of interest. Count the number of letters in the name of the partner and put the same number of cards on the table after you shuffle the deck. Arrange the cards in order, and when the sheets run out, take the deck where the last card went and lay it out, starting with the first letter of the name. Repeat until two piles remain. Turn sheets at the same time and watch for matches:

  1. 6 - trip.
  2. 7 - beloved wants to talk.
  3. 8 - a man wants to see each other.
  4. 9 - he loves you.
  5. 10 - suffering and problems.
  6. Jacks are chores, vanity.
  7. Ladies talk about the presence of a rival.
  8. Kings - a man thinks of you.
  9. Aces - he wants to be around.
simple fortune-telling on the cards 36

Fortune telling on simple cards, as on any other, requires time and experience. The predictions received are a recommendation to the actions of the questioner and advice, but not a sentence.

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