Communication is primarily communication, in other words, the exchange of information that is significant for the participants in the process. Communication should help achieve certain goals, be effective. In this article, we consider the categories of information, communication, communication. We will study their essence, significance in modern life and other equally significant aspects.
The communicative side of communication
Communication as communication is a mutual exchange of information between interlocutors, the transfer and reception of knowledge, points of view and feelings. It should be noted that information in the process of communication is not simply transmitted from one person to another (the person who transfers the information is called the communicator, and the recipient is the recipient) —the exchange is carried out. It can be implemented both at the speech (verbal) and non-speech (non-verbal) levels.
Verbal information and its transmission
Verbal communication (communication) involves the use of human speech as a means of transmitting information. Often in society one may come across the opinion that speech is capable of hiding the true essence of a person. On the other hand, it is she who can demonstrate it, without any principles and contrary to the will of the speaker. It should be noted that verbal communication (verbal communication) plays a crucial role in public life. The fact is that the effectiveness of a category is usually associated with the communicative aspect.
The key goal of the exchange of information is the development of a single point of view between communicating people, reaching agreement on certain problems and situations. In this case, the correct understanding of information plays a crucial role. That is why the ability to correctly express one’s own thoughts, as well as the ability to listen are integral components of communication as communication.
What affects the understanding of information?
The understanding of the messages received by the communicator to the recipient is significantly affected by their content and form. They primarily depend on the speaker’s attitude to the listener, his personal characteristics, as well as on the specific situation in which the process of communication (communication) proceeds. For example, your conversation with your best friend will be different in one way or another from communicating with clients or teachers. In addition, certain values of the interlocutor should be taken into account during communication. The fact is that in the process of considering the world through your own “vision”, you should not forget that the partner sees, hears and thinks a little differently. By the way, it is from here that a misunderstanding arises between adults and children. They attach completely different meaning to environmental circumstances and objects.
Information Features
The technology of communication and communication suggests that the message sent can be changed as a result of the influence of the personality characteristics of the recipient, as well as his attitude to the speaker, the specific situation and the content of the communication. It should be borne in mind that any information passes a kind of filter of "trust - distrust." That is why often true information may seem unpleasant, and false information - pleasant. To a greater extent, a person trusts information that is received from loved ones, to a lesser extent from distant acquaintances or strangers. Often in the process of communication as communication, a person is faced with the fact that his motives and words are incorrectly perceived by the interlocutor, in other words, they "do not reach" him. Indeed, some obstacles and difficulties may arise in the transmission of information. In this case, we are talking about communication barriers, which are classified into barriers of relationship, barriers of misunderstanding and barriers of socio-cultural differences.
Communication and communication: differences
Today, communication, being a fairly widespread concept, is perceived differently by philosophers, psychologists, creative personalities and other people who are not particularly worried about the content of the category when they are talking on the phone or discussing a topic. Many people think that communication and communication is one and the same category. Is it really?
Communication should be understood as a multifaceted process of mental, intellectual and speech activity, which is aimed primarily at the formation and further development of contacts. Communication is nothing more than a combination of speech and non-speech operations, the result of which is the exchange of information at the level of interpersonal interaction. So, in the concepts of "communication" and "communication" there are still differences.
Category Comparison
The most important property of communication is universality, the ability to correctly connect the varieties of relations between people that exist today, which serve as a tool to meet the need for joint work and make it possible for each person to consider himself as a unique person through the category of mutual understanding. This primarily includes communication (the type of communication that is considered the main one), the interaction between the participants in the communication process and their direct perception of each other as partners developing a dialogue.
Communication as a form of communication
Communication, being one of the types of communication, is endowed with the most important functions. This includes human speech activity, tactile and visual are capable of perceiving information through facial expressions, gestures, intonations and poses. The named form of communication, communication, and speech are closely related. The fact is that in the process of communicative communication a person listens and speaks. In addition, he expresses his own attitude to the interlocutor and the content of the speech. A person can smile or get angry, emphasize the importance of what was said by lightly touching the partner’s hand or “throwing” phrases in an ironic tone. He may lean back a little to demonstrate distrust of the words of the interlocutor, or to perform a number of other actions. Communication and communication tools complement each other, because verbal contact is currently practically impossible without non-verbal information. It should be borne in mind that only in this form does it turn into the basis of communication.
Communication systems
Communication and all its attendant processes are closely interconnected with sign systems. It is advisable to include numerical symbols, symbols, alphabet, road signs, as well as sound and color signals. It is worth noting that the use of these symbols contributes to the establishment of distance communication, if direct contact between the participants is considered impossible.
Communication as a communication and a form of interpersonal relationship relations combines perceptual and interactive functions with communicative ones. If communication is connected with the exchange of information between people, the perceptual side is responsible for their perception of each other, and the interactive one involves the organization of interaction between them in accordance with the type of business, personal or official communication.
Non-verbal communication. Optical-kinetic sign system
As it turned out, the exchange of information is carried out not only through speech, but also through other sign systems that together form the means of non-verbal communication. First, consider the optical-kinetic system, which involves the use of pantomimics, gestures and facial expressions. It is worth noting that in the classical literature you can find more than 20,000 characteristics of facial expressions. For example, L. N. Tolstoy in the famous novel “War and Peace” displayed 93 different descriptions of a smile.
When trying to create an internal classification of the optical-kinetic sign system, it turned out that the use of a principle similar to the general one is relevant. So, the face is divided into three parts through horizontal lines: forehead and eyes, nose and nose, chin and mouth. The following are the 6 key emotions that are most often used using facial expressions: surprise, fear, sadness, anger, joy and disgust. You should know that setting emotions in accordance with the "zone" allows you to capture facial movements more or less definitely.
Gestures and postures that a person uses in communication have a fairly serious impact on the person you are talking to. For example, protective gestures (arms crossed on the chest; clenched fists; palms covering the face) suggest an increased sense of closeness of the interlocutor, and, accordingly, worsen contact. On the contrary, a smiling face and open palms unconsciously relieve the feeling of tension even in a person with whom you are in a very strained relationship.
Para- and extralinguistic sign systems
Paralinguistics should be understood as a vocalization system, in other words, voice quality, its key, range. So, anger is accompanied by an increase in the pitch and strength of the voice, as well as an increase in sound sharpness. Printing implies a decline in pitch, sonority and voice power. Extralinguistics is considered as the inclusion in speech of various kinds of inclusions, for example, pauses, crying, coughing, laughing. This includes the immediate pace of speech.
Proxemics and eye contact
Proxemics is nothing more than the organization of time and space in the process of communication. Consider, for example, the norms of approximation of a person to the interlocutor, characteristic of American culture (in centimeters):
- From 0 to 45 - intimate distance.
- From 45 to 120 - personal distance.
- From 120 to 400 is a social distance.
- From 400 to 750 is the public distance.
Team members must be on the right of the leader.
In addition, each person has his own “zone of personal space”, which can be realized intuitively. As a rule, it varies from 40 to 50 centimeters. If an unsympathetic or unfamiliar person crosses this zone, then spontaneous irritation appears. However, with respect to pretty people, one should expect the opposite reaction. By changing the physical distance, you can even control the state of the interlocutor. You should know that in women this distance is to some extent greater than in the male part of the population. That is why ladies react more painfully to its contraction.
Visual contact should be understood as the duration of views, the frequency of exchange of them, change in the dynamics and tactics of views or their avoidance. For example, the researchers showed that a woman who looks at a loved one has dilated pupils of her eyes. Undoubtedly, this makes her face more attractive than her face in a situation where she looks at an unpleasant or stranger.
So, we fully examined the category of communication and the essence of communication as its main variety. In addition, non-verbal means of communication were dismantled. It is worth noting that their combination is currently called upon to implement a number of functions, among which are the representation of the emotional states of the interlocutors, the substitution of speech, as well as its complement. It must be remembered that the categories of communication and communication are not the same thing. Communication is a type of communication or interpersonal interaction. Relevant processes are associated with speech activity and sign systems.
It is important to note that communication combines interactive and perceptual functions with communicative ones. In communication, an important point is the receipt and evaluation of information, including the way they are presented. In communication, both content and emotional background are important. This should not only be remembered, but also actively applied this information in practice.