The birth of a new life is a real miracle. If a woman really wants a baby, then she is struggling to find any hints of pregnancy. It is believed that the most common symptoms are irritability and nausea. Indeed, many women just learn about their interesting situation, but not all. To this day, there are many more interesting and even plausible tests that can be carried out at home and determine pregnancy with urine.
As it was in ancient times
The ancient Egyptians prepared a special drink for determining pregnancy, consisting of the milk of the mother who gave birth and fed the boy, and grass. If such a drink caused a gag reflex in a woman, then she is pregnant.
Hippocrates, for testing, gave the woman water and honey before going to bed. If after a certain time she felt nauseous, then this meant that she was pregnant. By the way, it was this healer who first explained why women stop the menstrual cycle during pregnancy.
Jewish women walked along the grass with dew, after which the tracks were studied. But the details of this test have not been preserved to this day.
In Russia, during the wedding, a girl wore a woolen thread around her neck. If over time it became small, then it was believed that pregnancy had come. In fact, there is some validity in this test. The period of pregnancy really increases in size of the thyroid gland.
It is an interesting fact that our ancestors believed that if watering the plants with urine from a pregnant woman, they would grow more actively and give more yield.
Modern medicine
Modern women do not particularly worry about how to determine pregnancy by urine, they just go to the pharmacy and buy a test.
However, doctors are based on only one test, confirming the fact of fertilization - a blood test in which the level of hCG should be increased. The second method that allows you to clearly identify pregnancy is to listen to the fetal heartbeat, but this is possible only from the 10th week. Ultrasound allows you to determine pregnancy from the 7th week. The remaining methods are related.
By analyzing urine, pregnancy can be determined, the level of hCG is also established, but this technique is not the main one.
There are also a number of specific sensations by which a woman may suspect a pregnancy, but they may or may not be present:
- small vaginal discharge with brown drops;
- fatigue and a feeling of weakness;
- increased basal body temperature;
- manifestation of noticeable Montgomere tubercles;
- increased breast sensitivity.
Naturally, this is not the entire list of symptoms, but the most important of them is a delay in the menstrual cycle. Many women notice sharp and constant mood swings in themselves, this is due to a change in hormonal levels.
No medical tests
Despite the fact that medicine has been developing rapidly over the past century, many interesting methods for determining pregnancy have survived. The results of some of these tests can indeed confirm the special condition of the woman.
It is clear that it is best to go to a medical institution and undergo an examination and donate blood, but if it is not possible, you can resort to tests that our ancestors used.
Manganese solution
How to determine pregnancy by urine? The most affordable way is to dilute potassium permanganate with water until a light pink color is obtained. To this composition add a few drops of urine, always morning and fresh.
If flakes appeared in the solution and the color of the composition did not change, then we can talk about the presence of pregnancy. If it is absent, then the solution will acquire a yellowish tint or simply brighten.
Another available method is how to determine pregnancy by urine. It is necessary to collect a small amount of morning urine in a clean container. A few drops of iodine are dripped into it.
You can talk about a negative result if iodine spreads over the surface. If the droplets stay on the surface for some time, then conception has occurred.
Similarly, white paper can be used. A sheet of paper is wetted with urine and a couple drops of iodine are dripped onto it. If the color of the paper becomes violet and lilac, then pregnancy has come. Blue color indicates the absence of the fetus. By the way, this technique is considered one of the most reliable, but there are failures.
It is believed that it is possible to determine the presence of the fetus in this way only until the 10th week, although at a later date the woman will understand without tests that she will have a baby soon.
The technique is that morning urine is collected, placed in a container and put on fire, brought to a boil. Then it is poured into a transparent container, and if a precipitate appears, then we can talk about pregnancy.
Although this method is not considered reliable, since the protein present in urine coagulates when boiled, it will be difficult to distinguish it from flakes that appear when the fetus is present.
How to determine pregnancy by urine? It will take red wine, which is mixed with urine (morning) in a ratio of 1: 1. In the presence of pregnancy, flakes resembling cottage cheese will appear in the mixture. If there is nothing, the mixture will remain transparent.
However, it should be remembered that such a technique is not the most reliable. Poor quality wine may not allow you to get a reliable result.
Baking soda
Can pregnancy be detected by urine? It is possible, and even with the help of objects and products that are in every kitchen. Perhaps every housewife has baking soda.
To learn about the conception of a baby, you need to collect urine in a container and add a little baking soda. If it sinks to the bottom, you can rejoice, soon there will be an addition to the family. If bubbles appear on the surface, it is too early to talk about replenishment.
Baking soda is a sodium bicarbonate that neutralizes acid in urine. Due to changes in the pregnant woman's body, a reaction with urine is not observed, as the absence of chemistries explains.
Things to remember
Is pregnancy determined by urine at home? They determine it, because our grandmothers somehow found out about their interesting situation without going to the doctor. However, it should be remembered that before collecting urine, a hygienic procedure should be carried out, but do not use aromatic soaps or gels. All modern cosmetics have a certain percentage of chemical compounds, even if the packaging says that it is an eco-product. And any chemical element can react with the same iodine or potassium permanganate, therefore, it is impossible to trust the results obtained.
Testing should be carried out for 20 minutes from the moment of collection of urine, not later. It is important that the state of health of the woman, the presence of diseases of the genitourinary system can adversely affect the test results.
How can urine determine pregnancy? The reliability of all the above methods cannot be denied. Although some women do not believe in such methods. In fact, the reliability of many of the recipes depends on the correctness and sequence of all actions.
For reliability, a woman can collect the urine of her loved ones and test with her. This once again confirms or disproves the reliability of one or more methods.
Despite the fact that a number of women actually confirm pregnancy after home testing, doctors are still skeptical about such methods. And to believe a woman or not in the results is her right.