One-day sample application at one’s expense

Life often makes unexpected adjustments to our plans. Sometimes even the most responsible and hardworking employee has a desire or need to leave the office. If the problems that he intends to solve at this time can be resolved in a period of less than 14 days, then he has the right not to appear at the workplace. If you preliminary draw up an application at your own expense for one day or for a larger number of them.

Ability to negotiate

When preparing a statement for one day at your own expense, it is very important to understand that the director of the organization for which you work is not always obliged to give a positive answer. The law proclaims that management has the right to release an employee on unpaid leave "for good reason." At the same time, exactly what reasons should be considered "respectable", it is not said anywhere. This question is decided by the manager, based on personal judgment. Consequently, going on unpaid leave is the result of a mutual agreement between the employee and the head of the company or enterprise.

If it is important for management that you are currently fulfilling your professional obligations, they may not let you go. In this case, you are not entitled to make any claims.

Therefore, it is extremely important to draw up a statement so that the authorities do not have doubts about the need to release the employee for a while.

one-day statement at one's own expense

Exceptions to the Rule

But there are also special cases stipulated by law (Article 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) in the event of occurrence of which the authorities are not entitled to refuse your vacation.


  1. The birth of a child.
  2. The death of a family member.
  3. Own marriage.

Each employee in whose family one of the above events has occurred may not appear at the workplace for up to 5 days. He also has the right to reduce rest and get to work faster. True, a statement on the model they still have to write.

There are also special categories of workers who, having written an application for a day off at their own expense, must be sure that they will be provided with it. These include:

  1. Parents and spouses of those who are injured, injured or killed in the process of performing military service as a result of a disease associated with military service. These people have the right to additionally rest 14 days a year.
  2. Pensioners who continue to work. Management must approve their statements at their own expense for one or several days. Employees of retirement age can use for rest 14 additional days.
  3. Participants of the Second World War. They can rest 35 days a year.
  4. Disabled people who work. Citizens with disabilities can afford to write holiday applications at their own expense 60 times a year.

We repeat once again that in the aforementioned situations, the boss does not have the right to refuse you if he received your application at his own expense for one day.

Also, mandatory leave is granted to students for the duration of the sessions or for the protection of the diploma, if the student provides the necessary documents from the university (certificate-call).

Legally established vacation periods

In the application for a vacation without content (also called the administrator), you need to specify the exact dates on which you plan not to see your colleagues. Before you start writing a statement, you should find out how many days you can personally count on.

If age and state of health do not give the right to additional rest, then 14 days is the maximum number of days in a year that every worker has the right to use as a weekend, without losing anything. If troubles of various kinds often arise in life, and the employer is ready to give you freedom longer than 2 weeks a year, then you can take advantage of this. However, all additional days of vacation will not be included in the report card and seniority, which gives the right to paid leave. This means that the statutory annual leave with salary for you will be delayed.

statement for the day at your own expense sample

Reason to leave

The application is unlikely to receive a positive response if it does not indicate the reasons for going on vacation. Going on holiday during the non-holiday season should be motivated by a serious reason.

An experienced manager has repeatedly come across the most common reasons for employees to go on unpaid leave. These include:

  1. Sessions. A considerable percentage of students combine study with money earning. But 2-3 times a year, these boys and young girls need to attend college to pass exams. As a rule, managers who agree to take students into the team, and themselves are well aware that their employees will be absent for the duration of the sessions. Some managers are ready to temporarily completely remove the employee from work. Others will agree to give days off only on the days when the exam or test is held. In this case, the young specialist will have to write an application for the provision of the day at his own expense each time before the exam.
  2. Need to visit a doctor. At the consultations of some specialists, people register in a few weeks, or even a month. Sometimes a visit to the doctor may be scheduled on a weekday. In this case, you have to take unpaid leave.
  3. Family circumstances. Everyone has relatives and a family. There are situations when they need our help.

If your desire to temporarily not appear in the office is due to one of the above reasons, most likely you will be released on vacation.

The formal side of things

If relations with superiors allow you to verbally ask the director to let him go for a couple of days, this does not mean that you do not need to draw up a statement for 2 days at your own expense. Based on legal norms, the only reason for your absence from the workplace during work hours is the director’s order to grant leave.

If there is no strict sample application for the day at your own expense, then the leave order must be written according to a certain template.

Make sure that the formal order is signed.

A statement without a subsequent order does not give the right to rest. Negligence or carelessness in this matter can turn against you.

We increase the chance to get consent

How to write a statement for days at my own expense to be approved?

Let's get it right.

Firstly, the application must be composed correctly. It's not just about punctuation and spelling. Your request should be stated according to a template that is specific and familiar to each leader (his example is below).

Secondly, the reasons are stated clearly. This is true if you work in a company with a large staff, and the application will be transferred to third parties. Without knowing you personally, the leader does not feel any sympathy for you, and the rather vague wording “family circumstances” may not arouse his confidence. If the problem that forces you to write this statement is personal, try to describe it as correctly as possible, but honestly.

Thirdly, if possible, provide a supporting document as an annex to the application. He will become the undeniable argument for.

application for the provision of the day at its own expense

Application for the day at your own expense. 2017 sample

Now that you understand how legitimate and justified are the reasons for granting unpaid leave, you need to start writing an application.

It does not matter in what form it will be drawn up, in writing or in print, the main thing is that the application meets the generally accepted rules for processing such documents.

The addressee of your request should be the director of the organization. The first thing you write: “To the director of LLC“ XXX ”.” These words will decorate the upper right corner. Under the first line it is necessary to indicate the full name of the addressee (in full), but it is also allowed to write a surname with initials. Below write your own position and full name. The hat is full.

Just above the middle of the sheet, in the middle of the line is the word “Statement”.

Below is a text in which you explain the reasons that force you to temporarily leave the work chair. Try to write correctly, in a business style, without introductory words or exclamatory sentences.

Below write the current date and put the author’s signature.

Applications may be attached to the text of the statement.

This is a typical one-day statement at your own expense. If the spelling is in doubt, then you should go to the personnel department of your company. There should be a consistent example of a statement for the day at your own expense.

application for a day off at your own expense

How to transfer the application?

This question does not arise among employees of small enterprises, where everyone sits in neighboring rooms and communicates a lot during the day. In organizations with a staff of several thousand people, employees do not always know the whole leadership in person.

The paper can be sent through the personnel department, personal assistant or secretary of the director.

A statement printed on the model for 1 day at your own expense can be sent to the head by e-mail. In this case, the application should be sent in the form of scans or photos.

If your boss interacts with subordinates through social networks, scans and photos can be sent by personal message. Writing a statement is not difficult.

statement of the day at your own expense

Can you be forced to do work at home?

The fact that time spent on vacation is not paid to you proves that you can completely forget about your work.

However, it so happened that not very conscientious managers let an employee go home only on the condition that he can carry out part of the tasks at home. This should not be.

But it should be remembered that the authorities have the right not to give you administrative leave if they consider the reason disrespectful. And the concept of a “valid” reason is very, very subjective. If the leave is still granted, it means that you have made concessions, and you may also have to make some compromises.

You may also be asked to leave the vacation earlier than the agreed date. Early termination of any vacation, paid or not, is possible, but only with the consent of the employee.

application for 2 days at your own expense

The boss makes you take a vacation

In times of crisis, when there are no orders or work, the heads of the organization may come up with the idea of ​​temporarily letting employees go on vacation. This saves the budget at a time when the company's earnings cannot cover recurring expenses.

But you should know that it is illegal. If there is no work, you must draw up a simple.

During downtime, other functions in the organization may be suggested (provided that the wage for this work is not lower than your average monthly). If you are not being transferred and you are practically not working, the downtime should still be paid. Do not agree to write a vacation application, in which case you lose money.

Can I finish earlier?

It happens that at the time of writing the vacation application, your problem was terrifying for you, but in reality everything worked out quickly, so you are ready to get to work earlier than agreed. Then the employee should write another paper-statement. Each employee of a large company or a small company should know their rights and obligations.

Health extension

This question may arise for those who have problems during their holidays, for example, due to difficult family circumstances, their health has worsened. Extension of rest is allowed if one more statement is additionally drawn up. Sometimes it is not needed.

statement for the day at your own expense sample 2017

If the entire period of the illness fell on vacation, then the employee is not provided with any additional days of rest. Moreover, leave at your own expense does not imply payments, and in this case you should not count on payments on the sick leave.

Sick leave

If the vacation is over, and the disease does not recede, then from the day you leave, you need to arrange sick leave in the same way as in all other cases. Money will be charged from the day the administrative rest ends.

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