Leos are significantly different from the rest of the horoscopic signs of the zodiac with an indomitable disposition and wild temperament. Very often they enter into relationships and create families not out of love. In the chosen one, they are more attracted to social significance and material well-being than to human qualities.
Love compatibility
Leo and Leo - compatibility in marriage is quite low and in some cases is doomed to “failure” between people. According to astrologers, such a union is extremely rare, since both signs see each other as competitors and strive to be leaders in relations, they are not ready to make concessions and compromises. A serious relationship is possible only if two Leos will be engaged in a common cause that can unite their views and channel irrepressible energy in the right direction.
They are not able to constructively solve boring everyday life and everyday problems - their routine unbalances them. Family life will be like on a “volcano”, everyone is trying to drag a blanket over himself and dictate the rules of life. In this difficult battle, no one will make concessions. Even an intimate life cannot reconcile a couple - Leo is not ready to make the slightest compromise. Compatibility in marriage is very complex, and sometimes after a long relationship there is a gap.
But there are exceptions to the rules, in case both are able to pacify their pride. Then their life will turn into real pleasure, and nights into long hours of pleasure. People of this sign know how to give sex life a romantic character, they can play foreplay for hours and enjoy each other's company. Harmony in intimate life is not a myth, but a completely attainable reality. It is worth noting that in the tandem of Leo and Leo, compatibility in marriage can be successful, but very rare.
general characteristics
The element of Lions is fire, they are under the auspices of the planet of the Sun. From early childhood, they occupy leading positions, are always active and cheerful. Those born under the constellation Leo appreciate magnificence, luxury, chic, are eager to control the world around them, like to manipulate people and subordinate to their will. But, despite the despotism and prevalence in the nature of tyranny, these signs are very fair and noble.
They are stubborn, their innate excessive frankness and a complete lack of a sense of self-preservation sometimes confronts themselves. A zealous desire to resolve unclear situations and conflicts often becomes a problem and unbalances them. Their character also has good sides, such as honesty, loyalty, nobility and loyalty. The society and even his family is very demanding zodiac sign Leo. The general characteristic only generalizes the similarity of the characters of all people born under this constellation. The main disadvantages are vanity, flattery, self-confidence and pride.
Psychosexual characteristic
Fiery signs are extremely passionate and sensual personalities. Lions are easily amenable to passionate love impulses. Although they rarely, because of their pride, resort to casual sexual relations. With great desire, this sign will be able to seduce a partner he likes and easily charm him.
A typical Leo is powerful and at the same time gentle, he presents himself as a real conqueror and strives to be on top. It is important for him that the partner be completely faithful, only then he will perform sexual activities. Both men and women of this horoscopic sign prefer a gentle and lasting connection.
Lions are very constant in behavior and prefer proven "paths", rarely change their habits. They surround themselves only with noble allies, clearly fulfilling their desires and orders. They position themselves as highly intelligent people who know how to control the world.
Lion Woman: compatible with other characters in marriage
Lionesses never remain without male attention, there are always crowds of fans near their person. They are vain by nature and love luxury. If a man does not pay due attention, does not give gifts and flowers, then such a fan is worthless, he will never gain favor.
It is impossible to tame the Lioness, therefore, choosing such a woman, think whether you will pull her or not. It is worthwhile to carefully study the astrological horoscope of compatibility of signs. Leo will be able to understand from him which of the zodiac constellations is most suitable for him, and with whom ideal relationships can develop.
Both passionate and eccentric natures, the union is favorable.
Marriage ties are impossible, as both are very stubborn.
The union is strong and durable. The pair will be dominated by Leo.
The prognosis with Cancer is generally favorable, since Cancer is fully surrendered to the partner.
Lion and lion
Marriage compatibility is hard to imagine, because two leaders in the same apartment will be crowded. Relations promise to be hot and passionate to the very end.
With a Virgo man, family life will turn into hell. Royal authority, eccentricity and obstinacy are not to the liking of Virgo.
With Libra, it is also unlikely to be able to build a serious relationship. The tempestuous temper of Leo and the freedom of love of Libra will not be able to get along.
The union with Scorpio is dysfunctional.
Here is the perfect option for Lioness. He will constantly inspire his wife.
With Capricorn it will be very difficult. Both will fight for a place in the sun.
Aquarius and Pisces
Unwanted marriage with Aquarius and Pisces.
Leo Man: compatibility of the zodiac signs
With Aries - a successful and long alliance, although frequent scandals and misunderstandings are possible.
With Taurus - heavy marriage bonds. There will always be conflicts in the relationship, but this is unlikely to provoke a divorce.
With Gemini - a favorable relationship. Reasonable twin women will be able to find an approach to the emotional and eccentric Leo. Harmony and romance will accompany the couple for a long time.
With Cancer - promises a quick separation.
The compatibility horoscope Leo with Leo promises a long and vibrant relationship. Inevitable friction and emotional outbursts. In sex life, everything is fine.
With Virgo marriage will be perfect, but in the event that the couple does not get hung up on household problems.
With Libra, a warm and sincere contact is quickly established. Living together will be calm and joyful.
With Scorpio, communication is kept only on an intimate life. Marriage is inevitably doomed to failure.
With Sagittarius successfully formed a business and sexual union.
With Capricorn, a gloomy and short-lived relationship.
There are conflicting ties with Aquarius, although divorces are extremely rare.
With Fish, a completely successful and prosperous alliance. Leo needs to carefully monitor the faithfulness of his wife, so as not to stay with his nose.
How to arrange Leo
It should be noted that Lions are greedy for flattery, therefore, if you want to attract his attention, often say affectionate and laudatory words to him. They adore when they admire, idolize, show affection and kiss. Women of this sign are ready to listen to compliments for days on end. Male Lions are no different from them - the longer the companion admires his courage, strength and determination, the more affection and love she will receive in return.
Lions categorically do not accept when they are compared. They are real daffodils and carefully monitor their appearance, they demand the same from a partner. Everyone who wants to seduce Leo, simply must look good and expensive. People of this sign are very scrupulous in designing their love nest. To create an intimate atmosphere, they are ready for a lot. To curb the stubborn Leo is almost impossible, you can only adapt to it.
Lions are ready to enter into a relationship with a less graceful, intelligent and sexy person, but this union will exist until the life partner dissolves completely in it, cater to all the whims, desires, share his point of view and be on the “sidelines”. The male lion chooses for his wife only a meek and modest girl of royal blood. Women Lions, on the contrary, are ready to consider an ordinary guy, the main thing is that he be generous, attentive and affectionate. Practice shows that the partners of this zodiac sign lose their individuality, dissolving into a satellite.
Summing up, I want to note that all the information presented on astrological compatibility carries an introductory function, on the basis of which you can imagine the approximate zodiac affiliation in general terms. A more detailed horoscope is compiled by the dates of birth of the couple. From the foregoing, it can be concluded that the signs Leo and Leo can live a long and happy life . The compatibility in the marriage of two representatives of the same constellation largely depends on planetary aspects. Learn to compromise and listen to each other, then no horoscopes can separate you.