The main types of leisure are not just different options for spending time with ordinary people, but a real topic for a full-fledged scientific research, which has been repeatedly proved by the authors of serious works. At the same time, attention was paid not only to the formulation of the concept of leisure itself, but also to the allocation of its structure. It is customary to talk about several levels that differ from each other in significance in terms of culture, psychology, emotional response and spiritual activity.
It can't be easier
Of all the types of leisure activities, the easiest is leisure. This term is used to denote the time that is spent on restoring the energy spent during labor activity. There are varieties of rest: passive, active.
By this term it is customary to denote this type of leisure, entertainment in which a person is calm, fatigue gradually passes, strength reserves are restored. Man planning such a pastime does not pursue any distant goals. In fact, positive leisure in passive rest is present in its infancy. This is an individual spending time in a passive state. For any healthy person, passive rest is the key to maintaining mental and physical health. Psychologists say that this pastime allows you to prepare for complicated forms of creative activity.
Such types and forms of leisure fall into this category when human strengths are not just restored to their former volume, but even become larger. Activities in the pastime involves activation of the mental, physical functions of the body that are not involved in core employment. A person can move and enjoy this process, his emotions replace each other. Active rest is also an interaction with friends, friends, relatives.
Active is quite different from a passive form, a form of leisure. To begin actions, you need to have some minimum supply of strength, have the proper training, and apply willpower. The classic ways of spending time like this are sports, exercises related to mental activity, tourism, watching movies, visiting museums, theaters, concert venues, reading, contacting friends.
Level up
The second category of modern types of leisure is entertainment. In the habitual understanding of the layman, this term designates such activity in free time from work and other obligatory tasks, when the individual has fun, forgets about worries and gets all kinds of pleasure. Entertainment by default requires a certain level of activity, so you can’t talk about passive or active options here.
Rest - this is a form of leisure, which is designed to restore the body. Entertainment, in turn, makes it possible to relieve mental stress, overwork associated with mental, emotional state. You can not neglect the entertainment or consider them, as it has become fashionable recently in certain circles, an empty pastime. The emotional charge that a person receives during such a vacation is extremely important for an adequate perception of everyday life. This makes it easier to tolerate stresses caused by everyday work, problems.
Third stage
The next level of leisure activities is even more difficult, but also more productive. This is cognitive activity. It is based on outdoor activities and requires regular careful study of serious publications. Must visit exhibitions, museums. If the previously described pastime is primarily aimed at discharge during stress, emotional overstrain, then cognitive activity is a method of educating one's own feelings and a way to broaden one's horizons.
The cognitive type of leisure is a purposeful human activity, which must be systematic in order to bring real benefits. Spending time in this way, a person thereby expands his knowledge and capabilities, gets acquainted with cultural values. This is most important for young people, as it helps to expand their spiritual world and become a full-fledged, comprehensive, deep personality.
What's next?
The fourth, most complex and effective level of all known types of leisure is creativity. This is the most serious method of spending free time. In fact, this is the only kind of leisure that is aimed at creation, not consumption. As psychologists say, within any person there is a need for creativity, but often we simply cannot realize this. The most pronounced desire for creativity at a young age. Creativity is a source of incredible pleasure, it is a means through which you can develop, improve yourself and your spirit.
Maslow Theories
In accordance with the postulates of this scientist, all human needs can be divided into:
- basic (sleep, nutrition);
- the need to be safe;
- the need to belong, to love;
- the need for self-respect on the part of himself and other personalities;
- growth needs.
The latter category includes the desire for being a whole, perfect personality. A person strives for justice, completeness. It is they that are expressed in creative activity.
Man, relaxation and fundamental issues
Regardless of what types of leisure a person prefers, they are, to one degree or another, related to his personality, the process of formation of which is associated with a search for oneself and unique answers that reveal the essence of the existence and purpose of this phenomenon. For any person, sooner or later it becomes extremely important to find out what nature is and for what it is necessary to maintain relations with other representatives of society. Through the creative process, which is the most difficult of the possible types of leisure, the person gets the opportunity to find a suitable answer for himself. Of course, there is no universal and final solution, but spirituality is the very process of finding formulations that are suitable for a particular individual, convincing answers.
Creativity: what are we talking about?
It is believed that the best types of leisure for children are precisely related to creativity. At the same time, this term is quite extensive, so not everyone can immediately grasp what kind of activity he suggests, and what can’t be attributed to creativity. In general, they understand:
- technical;
- applied, decorative;
- art.
And if in more detail?
Technical types of leisure for children and adults - design, invention of something new. This includes innovation. The decorative and applied areas include cooking, the creation of some products, objects, burning and chasing. Even flower cultivation at home is also creativity.
Finally, art is the most understandable pastime for the masses, obviously connected in the mind of man with creativity. This includes dancing and singing, folklore and painting, participation in amateur performances. A very important type of leisure - creativity associated with the scene, literary activity is no less significant.
It's curious
Mostly the types of leisure and recreation associated with creativity are amateur activities. Quite rarely, activities reach a professional level, few are able to truly reach the heights. But even the amateur level is already an important base for revealing one's own potential, identifying and developing talent. This is largely due to the strong effect exerted on the public by the results of such activities.
My rest is to create it for others
This is such a special leisure subspecies, which involves the organization of a collective pastime. The person taking responsibility for this thereby agrees to come up with ways to include in the solution of the common problem all participants in the situation. To do this, you need to be able to find compromises between personal interests: your own and those around you. In order for the result to be as effective as possible, you must be able to captivate all participants in the pastime by the organizational process. The result is determined not only by the quality of the organization, but also by the ability and recreation skills of each individual involved in the situation.
Leisure activities
Currently popular types of youth leisure can be divided into groups, taking into account the features:
- content (entertainment, cognitive activity);
- time (brief, systematic, from time to time);
- nature (activity, passivity);
- focus of contacts.
And on examples?
Organized leisure:
- spectacular events in which viewers take an active part;
- games requiring mobility of participants and attracting equally trained, untrained participants;
- Wellness, designed to regulate mental, physical activity, activities that help achieve overall balance and improve well-being;
- logical game situations that mimic the frequent life problems characteristic of participants;
- games that allow you to develop agility, reaction and other parameters;
- rituals, ceremonies, dances that allow you to communicate, spend time, pass on the cultural baggage of the nation between generations.
Leisure and personal qualities
As psychologists say, a person makes a choice in favor of a specific leisure on the basis of his own spiritual wealth: the connection is direct, but at the same time there is an inverse. Cultural is always a rich leisure time that is effective and strongly influences a person who has chosen this method of spending time.
The ability to organize the right and interesting vacation that captivates all potential participants is not an easy task. You need to be able to choose the appropriate form based on a specific group, explain what is supposed to captivate participants, create conditions in which they can receive impressions, skills, knowledge.
Types of family activities
The complexity of this method of spending time is that children and adults have radically diverging interests, ideas about what is valuable, useful, important, significant. The task of older people is to select such ways of spending time that will be interesting to all participants, but at the same time help to develop children and instill cultural skills in them. As mentioned above, the best rest is creativity through which a person can realize his potential. Family leisure should be built taking into account this postulate. If a child shows a desire to create, it is necessary to create suitable conditions for him. If this is not observed, the task of the parents is to organize leisure activities in a playful way so as to gradually bring the younger generation to the desire to create something new on their own.
Classic family vacation options:
- a joint trip to nature;
- you can go to a museum or an exhibition with the whole family, choosing an option that will be interesting to adults and understandable to children;
- spending time on board games that develop strategic thinking.
Youth leisure
Currently, the greatest attention of youth is attracted by all kinds of audio and visual objects. This is more noticeable in large cities, but in recent years and in small towns, villages where there are computers, access to the World Wide Web, such trends cannot be unnoticed. Not only young people, but also older people cannot imagine their daily routine without a computer - a means to study, work, communicate, have fun and acquire useful skills.
At the same time, there is a rather large circle of opponents of such an abundance of electronic computer technology in our everyday life. It is believed that this interferes with the normal individual development of the personality and spoils childhood, wrinkles adolescence, and does not allow one to fully enjoy youth. Instead of the usual forms of communication decades ago, in our time, many are trying to choose the Internet, where many formats of interaction are represented, and games take their last place. Others are convinced that the time that adolescents spend on communicating through a computer does not allow them to receive full cultural and spiritual development, does not allow them to read, play sports and develop as a creative person. There is also an opinion that psychological dependence on a computer is a serious illness, from which it is urgently necessary to develop a cure.
Is it all so clear?
Psychologists pay attention: you can not blame the computer for the narrowness of the development of a particular person. A machine is just a tool that everyone uses as they see fit. The attitude with which the person exploits the technique that has got to her determines the result of this process. A trained user is interested in gaining new knowledge, and it is the computer that gives him many opportunities for this. In particular, the same games allow you to find yourself in non-standard situations where you can make a decision and become independent, understand the importance of being responsible for your actions.
What else to look at?
Another popular leisure of modern youth is associated with a variety of music. It is believed that audio is the most global, maximally covering a wide audience, type of relaxation adapted to our civilization. In countries that have reached a high level of development, there is even an institutional complex that includes numerous creators, companies producing and selling their recordings, organizing concerts. A musical product is accessible to everyone and everyone, and every person is free to choose the most suitable for him - including that which helps to improve his own musical tastes, develop, expand the idea of aesthetics.