Stretch marks on the hands: causes, symptoms, methods for removing striae, skin resurfacing and preventive measures

It is generally accepted that stretch marks can appear only in women, but in fact, men also suffer from this cosmetic defect. Striae (the so-called stretch marks in medical terminology) - this is quite unpleasant and unaesthetic. They do not pose any danger to health; this is an exclusively aesthetic defect. But to get rid of stretch marks on the hands, you need to make a lot of effort.

stretch marks on the hands

Causes of stretch marks

Stretch marks look like red or white stripes that occur at the site of tissue breaks. As a result of replacing the tissue with connective tissue, skin defects similar to scars are formed. Fresh stretch marks are usually red, white is characteristic of old ones. In women, striae usually appear during pregnancy. In men, stretch marks can be a consequence of sudden changes in weight. When losing weight or gaining mass, the skin does not have time to adjust, resulting in a violation of its integrity.

Striae can appear during the ripening period. The body of a teenager is growing rapidly, and the skin simply does not have time to “catch up”. But men themselves sometimes provoke the appearance of stretch marks on their hands. Rapid muscle building does not always occur harmless to the body. As a result of rapid muscle growth after exercise, stretch marks appear on the skin, which are quite difficult to get rid of. In some cases, striae is a consequence of hormonal imbalance. Among men, this is not very common, so stretch marks more often appear for other reasons.

how to get rid of stretch marks on the hands

Associated symptoms

In addition to the fact that characteristic marks appear on the skin, the appearance of stretch marks can be accompanied by redness of the damaged area, hematomas and bruises, burning in the affected area. The latter is usually the first symptom of skin lesions. Often the appearance of such a defect is accompanied by urticaria and itching. Redness gradually appears in the form of a strip, which increases in size. After healing, stretch marks stand out above the skin. Complete striae formation takes up to one year.

How to get rid of stretch marks

On the arms, stretch marks more often appear in men, but can also be observed in women during pregnancy or as a result of a sharp weight gain. The technique for eliminating such a cosmetic defect depends on the age of the formations. New stretch marks are better treatable with medications, and old ones need to be removed using the hardware method. In addition, proper nutrition is important. The diet should be rich in vitamins, and the most useful in this case is vitamin C. Ascorbic acid is a kind of building material and is necessary for the production of collagen, perfectly supports the skin.

women’s stretch marks

If there are stretch marks on the hands, you need to review your diet. Equally important are vitamins E and A, which increase the firmness and elasticity of the skin. Of the minerals, zinc is the most valuable. It is wise to saturate the menu with food rich in protein. This substance also helps make the epidermis more elastic.

How to remove stretch marks on the hands? In home care, it is good to use the skin exfoliation procedure. Regular peeling will help to significantly smooth out stretch marks. You can use any purchased body scrubs, but still more effective are those prepared at home. The most popular and simplest home scrub is ground coffee. Grape peeling also works well. To prepare the remedy for the procedure, you need to grind grape seeds in a blender and add any shower gel to them. Such scrubs will help to regularly remove the keratinized layer of the epidermis so that tissues are renewed and restored.

how to remove stretch marks on the hands

How to remove stretch marks on the hands? At home, you can do wraps. Honey is best suited for this procedure, which will help minimize stretch marks. Honey should be warmed up a little in a water bath and applied to the skin. From above you need to wrap your hands with cling film and additionally insulate with something else. Keep on skin for forty minutes and then rinse with warm water. This procedure helps smooth out striae on the hands.

Scar pharmacy

From stretch marks on the hands of men (and not only), ointments and gels from scars help. Pharmaceuticals offer a wide selection of such products. You can use Avent, Mustela or Contractubex. The effect of the latter is based on acid. The gel completely destroys the upper layer of scar tissue, and onion extract additionally stimulates collagen production. The gel does not cause allergic reactions due to the herbal composition. With the help of the tool, fresh stretch marks on the hands of women are quickly eliminated. According to reviews, the gel also helps men. Avent and Mustela are cosmetic products that are effective at the stages when itching and burning appear. Later, creams will not have the desired effect.

stretch marks on the hands

Chemical and laser peeling

Old striae must be removed by hardware. You can make an appointment with a cosmetologist for chemical peeling - an effect on the skin with the help of a special chemical composition that helps smooth out even the most old stretch marks. Chemical peeling removes the upper layer of the epidermis and starts the active regeneration process in the deeper layers of the skin. No less effective procedure in the fight against stretch marks is laser peeling. The only difference is that the effect on the skin is carried out using a special device (laser), and not the chemical composition.

Mesotherapy and microdermabrasion

Beauticians recommend mesotherapy for patients with stretch marks on their hands. The procedure effectively helps with any imperfections in the skin. A special composition of anti-aging components is introduced under the skin. True, mesotherapy is only an additional method, which is effective only in combination with other procedures and pharmaceuticals for scars and stretch marks.

stretch mark ozone therapy

Microdermabrasion is the grinding of the upper layer of the dermis using microcrystals of oxidized aluminum. Additionally, during the procedure, blood circulation is enhanced, and the body itself begins to struggle with cosmetic defects. Stretch marks on the hands with microdermabrasion can be eliminated painlessly, but the same cannot be said for ozone therapy. With ozone therapy, a special gas is injected under the skin. In addition, you can apply myostimulation, vacuum massage. Other effective procedures will be advised by a cosmetologist.

How to avoid stretch marks

People who are predisposed to such a skin defect are easier to prevent stretch marks than to treat. When playing sports it is necessary to monitor the dynamics of weight gain. It is recommended to gain no more than 4 kg per month. If at the same time stretch marks continue to appear, then you need to slow down to 1-2 kg per month. You should eat right. The diet should be saturated with vitamins, minerals, amino acids and vegetable fats. It is recommended to regularly use special anti-stretch marks or daily lubricate the skin with oils, which include vitamins A and E.

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