The meaning of the name Evelina. Reveal all the secrets

The origin of the name Evelyn has several options. Its description can be found in Old English (meaning “beautiful bird”), Hebrew (translated “life force”), Old French (meaning “hazelnut”) and Greek (“god of the winds”).

the meaning of the name Evelina
Little Evelina always causes emotion among others, with the help of which she skillfully manipulates parents and close people, always gets what she wants. She is very emotional, which is why her mood often changes: a minute ago she was crying, and now she is laughing. Evelina is an affectionate and obedient daughter, her parents sometimes do not even believe that she can do something wrong, so she is often released from punishment. She likes to seem weak, so she attracts more attention.

The meaning of the name Evelina characterizes her as a sociable, charming nature with an innate gift of a psychologist. These qualities in her school years help her a lot. She is able to find a common language with almost all classmates and even teachers. Evelina is very curious and inquisitive, so studying is easy for her, and she always gets good grades. Her restlessness and lack of endurance prevent her from becoming an excellent student.

origin of the name Evelina
Having matured, it can change a lot. Her circle of contacts is narrowing, only trusted close people are nearby, to whom Evelina is very much attached. The meaning of the name shows her as a good and devoted friend who will never give up in difficult times and will help and support in any way. You can always rely on her.

The meaning of the name Evelina reveals her as a very smart woman. However, she will never demonstrate this, and will easily give up primacy to another person. Evelina is a realist in her life, she will not take risks once again (although her intuition is well developed), and will use only verified facts. It is easy to hurt and offend to the depths of the soul, so when communicating it is worth paying special attention to what has been said, since it can begin to take revenge.

The meaning of the name Evelina speaks of her as a good worker. She is very hardworking, responsive. I'm used to completing any business as soon as possible. She does not know how to lose, however, she accepts failures easily and seriously does not focus on them. Has an analytical mind, always focuses on trifles. Evelina is soft and caring, if she chooses a profession in the service sector, she will always achieve success and recognition of the people around her.

Evelina meaning of the name
She is an attractive and elegant woman, and never goes unnoticed by a male. She must have a strong spiritual connection with her husband. He must always help, support his wife, be calm and patient. Most of the family problems will fall on his shoulders, but this does not apply to the household. In this area, few can compare with his life partner. A born mistress, needlewoman, and also a faithful wife - all this also characterizes the meaning of the name Evelina. She will be a wonderful mother who simply adores her own children. Evelina cooks great and does it with great pleasure. Loves when guests come to her house.

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