Want to learn how to make onions at home?

Since ancient times, men are considered miners, and women are guardians of the hearth. And although the modern world in many ways has turned our ideas about the possibilities of a strong and fair sex, primitive instincts still play an important role in modern society.

That is why weapons continue to attract men regardless of whether they are firearms or using the power of a personโ€™s hands. If you do not want to buy it in the store, then the weapon may well be created with your own hands. About how to make onions at home, and will be discussed in this article.

Choosing the material for the onion

The most suitable tree species for making onions are mountain ash, hazel, juniper, willow, ash, oak, maple, birch or spruce root. In addition, at one time medieval English warriors made it from yew, as many legends tell of.

In order to make onion production at home successfully, you need to know that tree branches are used for it, and not trunk wood processed on the machine. It is 3-4 cm thick branches that possess all the necessary qualities and type of fibers, which in the future will positively affect the flexibility of your product.

It is best to choose onion blanks in winter. It is advisable to cut branches when there is a frost of 10-15 degrees on the street.

Onion making

If you do not want to just shoot at a target in your yard, but want to learn how to make a bow at home so that it really has a long range of flight of the arrow, it is worth stopping at a simple English version.

To do this, you will need two branches, which will become the basis for the two shoulders of the bow, as well as a blank for the handle. Keep in mind that usually the total height of the bow reaches the reach of your arms, so the length of the shoulders should be about a meter.

Bark should not be removed from the workpieces. Just paint over the ends or coat them with a layer of wax three millimeters thick, and leave it in a room with normal room temperature in limbo.

Drying can take a long time. Various sources recommend doing this from three months to a year. But the optimal period will be until the onset of summer. At this stage, you already understand how to make onions - at home it will take time. Therefore, be patient as your ancestors did.

When the wood is completely dry, bark should be removed from it. Now it's time to collect the onion and give it the necessary shape. To do this, take a board of such a diameter so that it matches the thickness of the shoulders, and fasten the shoulders to it using any fasteners - from wire and clamps to ordinary rope.

Now we need to understand how to make onions at home so that they have the necessary flexibility and power. Currently, there is a method of quickly treating wood instead of soaking it in various liquids or fats. We will use steam processing for this.

After steaming, the onion acquires the necessary plasticity, and to give it the necessary shape is quite simple. After that, it should be placed in a special form that will help maintain the necessary bend. Here it should be for several days until it dries completely.

Now we not only understood how to make onions at home, but also learned how to make it. It remains only to cut out small grooves for the bowstring and pull it. To make the outer part of the onion more durable, it can be soaked with hot wax to a depth of no more than 2-3 mm. Otherwise, the bow may lose elasticity.

In order for you to be able to use your product for a long time, it is advisable to wear a bowstring on it only for the period of shooting. In addition, it should be stored in a room with small temperature fluctuations - within 15-25 degrees Celsius.

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