Christians turn to the Lord through prayer, Muslims have a dua. These are the names of special texts from the Qur'an that are read for a specific purpose. Dua for trade is also a prayer, but at the same time a peculiar conspiracy. The fact is that Muslim magic is closely connected with religious tradition. Let us examine in detail how to use the dua for trading, to whom this prayer helps.
Islam and its philosophy
People from different religious faiths are trading, atheists also do not refuse support from above. Each person seeks to get a "magic wand", which would provide a steady income without failures. Therefore, Christians and Muslims, Jews and atheists turn to the dua for trade (read - to prayer, request). And, it should be noted that there are no prohibitions, except for one. For Muslim prayer to work, you need to tune in and understand its essence.
The basis of this religion is complete humility. The believer does not grumble, but thanks Allah for his share, no matter how evil and unjust it may seem. It may be difficult for a person who is not familiar with such a philosophy of life to perceive it immediately, but it will have to. Otherwise, the dua for trading will bring difficulties, not the desired support. Allah will hear pride in the request, for which he will give a lesson. In our case, it will be the absence of customers. Instead of income, get losses. And all because the wrong tuned to prayer.
How to read dua
Muslims claim that suras and prayers should be pronounced in Arabic. This complicates the task for everyone else. Dua to trade need to learn and read in Arabic. Translated, prayer turns into a conspiracy. And this is a slightly different magic. It is recommended that you consult Muslim friends about the pronunciation or find an audio recording of the dua. A prayer is said in the morning. It should be read clearly, loudly enough. All you need to repeat the dua three times. Only after this can you start daily business or go to work.
By the way, in the Muslim environment it is not customary to turn to Allah in a dirty state. That is, you need to wash, but rather take a shower before you read the text. In general, physical purity in this religion is taken very closely. The house must be in order, the floors are washed, and things are laid out in places. This, on the one hand, shows respect for the Almighty, on the other hand, it accustoms a person to discipline, which contributes to the realization of his abilities, including in trade. You should pray alone or with like-minded people. It is impermissible to be distracted.
Dua to shop
They begin prayer every time with praise of Allah. Do not forget to tell the Almighty that you accept your share with gratitude, are ready to accept all circumstances. Only after that you can ask. Dua looks like this:
- “Allahuumma, ba'ir lahuum fe Mikyalimim. Wah Borik lahumi fi Sayehim wa wise. "
Say should be thrice. Translated, this phrase looks like this: “Oh, Allah! Give with your blessing and grace the things weighed on these scales. ” But you need to read in Arabic, having in mind the image of what exactly the words mean. The shopkeepers are advised to say this prayer when you open the doors of your establishment. It’s also good to have a crescent-shaped mascot in the room.
Dua for market trading
We all go shopping, sometimes we sell something. Dua will help everyone: merchants to sell goods, and customers - not to fall under the influence of a scammer. We will give an almost universal prayer. There she is:
- “Leah Elijahim ilyal-lauha Leah Shariak. "Liaiahu lialyul-yelku wa Liahahuul-hamdau yuh-uui ya-yumitou huua zay-yun liya yamutu Biyadiihil-hayair uh huag Gyalya kuli shay-inn kyadiir."
Speak in chant with the translation in mind. He is: “Above all on earth, Allah! There is no other deity one. All power belongs to him. Praise be to Allah the Great. He resurrects with his command, and also deprives life. Allah is immortal. Grace is in His hands. Allah is omnipotent! ”By the way, after this conspiracy one can repeat the one given above. This will help to sell more goods and more profitable.
If you need to sell something
Not all people trade. But sometimes we have to sell a car, for example. Muslim duas can also be read in this case. Be guided by the two prayers given. In the morning of the day when you want to make a deal, wash yourself or take a shower. Then read the prayer praising Allah, followed by the shorter one. Repeat both in this order three times. Go to the place of transaction. As the client approaches, whisper to yourself again praise to Allah. See, the goods will not last long. But do not forget to thank your heavenly patron. And if you can’t immediately sell the goods, don’t complain either. Remember humility. If you haven’t bought it, then Alla leads you to a more generous buyer. Thank him for the care and labors. It should be remembered that prayers help only those who do not hold evil in their hearts. Try to meet the requirements of Allah, since they decided to appeal to him. Good luck