Tattoo on the left hand: images of the wolf, owls and interesting inscriptions

Many people dream of a tattoo. But you can’t go to a tattoo master if you don’t know which image to choose. Hand tattoo for men or laconic drawings with meaning will never go out of style. Among the huge selection, we will analyze the most creative tattoos.

Why on the left hand?

In ancient times, men tattooed for ritual purposes. In this case, various parts of the body were used. It used to be that a tattoo adds what a person lacks. For example, courage, confidence or strength. Missing character traits.

arm tattoo

Today, people lack faith in their own internal systems. Therefore, he resorted to tattoo images or tattoo inscriptions to the whole world to declare their position.

Often you can find a tattoo on the left arm. It is generally accepted that a sign, a drawing on a hand forms the desire and interests of a person. For the individual who made the tattoo on his left hand, the following creed is characteristic: "I want and I like it." About the tattoo holder on this arm, we can confidently say that it is one-sided in making a vital decision. It is generally accepted that a person with a tattoo on his left arm is slightly dependent on the opinions of others.

Wolf Tattoo

The wolf is the most proud and noble beast. A lot of stories, legends and signs are associated with it. The image of the wolf is ambiguous: it can be loyal, independent, aggressive and alone. It is because of these criteria that the image of a wolf is so widely in demand.

The "wolf" tattoo on the left hand is a symbol of courage, stamina and strength of character. Not for nothing that in ancient times, wolves were treated with special reverence.

A person who has chosen a tattoo with this image should understand that the wolf tattoo does not harmonize with the supple and soft character.

We will analyze the tattoo for signs:

  • A wolf howling at the moon is a symbol of loneliness. Most often, such an image is chosen by those people who have recently experienced a betrayal of a loved one or a big loss.
tattoo wolf on his left hand
  • The white wolf is a symbol of a brave lone warrior. Usually chosen by those who are non-standard bright personality, and those who always go against the established rules.
  • The wolf and the she-wolf are undoubtedly the most striking symbol of devotion to their partner, demonstrating family values.
  • A wolf pack speaks of a strong-willed character of a person, shows his desire to protect loved ones.
  • A wolf with wolf cubs is a symbol of fidelity and care.
  • The grin of a wolf - cruelty, fearlessness. Most often, such an image is chosen by those people who are constantly fighting for life and uphold their views. Firmness, decisiveness, perseverance and moral principles are the main characteristics of this drawing. The image of a wolf with an open mouth symbolizes a strong and dangerous person who is ready to attack first.
  • Paw of a wolf - power and unwaveringness of the wearer.
  • Dreamcatcher with a wolf - protection from evil external spirits (people).

Often depicted as a wolf with feathers or in the form of an Indian. Such a tattoo on the left arm has a sacred meaning. It means that its bearer has an inner strength that blends harmoniously with outer calm.

Owl Tattoo

For many, the image of an owl is made up of books read in childhood or viewed cartoons. The most popular associations are: a wise owl from the Soviet cartoon “Winnie the Pooh is visiting” and a companion of the young wizard from the film adaptation of John C. Rowling's novel “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone”.

It is generally accepted that an owl is a symbol of wisdom, intelligence, erudition and judgment. Owl tattoo on the left hand is suitable only for an adult and a wise person.

owl tattoo

In many cultures, an owl symbolizes dark forces. For example, in Celtic culture this is the embodiment of death, and in Chinese - evil. Even many Christians consider an owl a symbol of sorrow.

There is another sense of an owl on the body: nocturnal lifestyle. Perhaps due to the fact that the owl is a nocturnal predator.


Hand tattoo for men is a classic of the genre. Suitable if the media wants the whole world to declare its position concisely and concisely. Increasingly, you can see tattoos in the form of inscriptions.

When choosing a language for the inscription, each has its own criteria. Some people like sounding, for others, non-standard spelling is important. Usually, if a tattoo inscription is made for yourself, and not in the entire hearing, then the language of the inscription is chosen rare. Mostly Latin, Hebrew. The main thing is to correctly translate the phrase before applying it to the body.

hand lettering

Often they fill a famous quote with a motivating phrase on the body.

Examples of phrases in Latin:

  • Damnant quod non intellegunt - Condemn what they do not understand.
  • Nitinur in vetitum semper, cupimusque negata - We always strive for the forbidden and wish for the unlawful.

Examples of phrases in English:

  • Success is the child of audacity - Success is a child of courage (Benjamin Disraeli).
  • Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success - Success is not the key to happiness. This happiness is the key to success (Hermann Kane).

Recently, many men have been tattooed on their left hands, preferring to stand out in society and make themselves known.

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