Promotional Products. Types of promotional products: list, description, advantages

The modern world uses all kinds of advertising, including special products, to promote and promote brands. Its varieties are innumerable, and each category fulfills its functions and tasks, follows the set goals, and differs not only in production technologies, but also in semantic load.

The most important rule to rely on when choosing the type of promotional products is the goals and target audience of the products. Branding chips are used in absolutely any sphere of life - from political events, presentations and conferences to exhibitions, theatrical productions and in the design of places for the sale of goods.

Some types of promotional products are applicable in all areas. For example, stands that are easy to assemble and install at any event and place on the street, and the advantage of such a design is its small size and light weight. Therefore, it can easily be used anywhere and anytime.


Varieties of both advertising and products are based on a large number of factors that are used to determine the target audience and the profitability of use. Russian legislation establishes the following classification:

  • political
  • economic
  • social
  • a commercial.

Promotional products are used in all these areas, but the most popular type is commercial. The manufacture of such products is an important step in any public relations campaign.

creative advertising

Types of promotional items

Varieties of commercial advertising depend on many factors. Separation categories include:

  • tasks,
  • place and method of placement,
  • scale.

Classification of promotional products by purpose:

  • Traditionally, commercial, or informational, its task is to inform the target audience about the advertised company, services or person. This is mainly printed matter;
  • Comparative, which helps potential customers to take advantage of the company through comparison;
  • The task of reminder products is to give the audience the opportunity not to forget about the product and the company. Often this category includes promotional items.

Each of the categories occupies an important place in the promotion and promotion of any brand.

By location and method of placement

This is an important factor in the separation of promotional products. The purpose of this category is to identify the places where the potential target audience often resides. According to the place and method of placement, advertising happens: outdoor and souvenir, printing and television, direct and hidden. And this is not a complete list of varieties.

advertising formula 1

Effective and ineffective

Another division point of view does not have many categories. It involves only 2 types of advertising - effective and ineffective. The most important rule is an individual approach. Advertising can even be on a spaceship - everything is possible in this world. But most importantly, this method should be effective.

advertising poster

Advertising installations

This type is in special demand, because they are located in front of potential buyers. This is an opportunity not only to tell the target audience about a product and service, but also to constantly remind about the existence of the company. This type of advertising also includes signs that are installed in front of shops, bars, restaurants, and company offices. This type has been used since ancient times, it does not lose its relevance and effectiveness to this day. Marketers say that in terms of audience reach, signboards compete only with the Internet and television. They are the hallmark of any institutions and large companies, which makes a first impression on potential consumers of goods and services.

Any outdoor advertising requires an initial project, after which the manufacturing and installation process only begins. There are no restrictions on the size and shape of such structures. In order to produce the most positive effect on the target audience, you should develop a catchy slogan, a high-quality picture and not skimp on the photo material so that the paint does not โ€œdissolveโ€ after the first rain or snow.

advertising signs

Posters and stands

Each type of promotional product has its pros and cons, but the most commonly used type is a poster. The second place for centuries belongs to the stands. These two types of promotional products are indispensable for exhibitions, conferences, presentations. For the target audience, posters and stands are an opportunity to study the most important information about a product or service, for companies it is an ideal chance to express themselves and leave a pleasant first impression.

Promotional Rack

No less popular with manufacturers of goods are promotional promo stands. This type is a great opportunity to demonstrate products to potential customers and attract attention. Promotional racks are tasting and presentation tables. This kind is considered very convenient and compact.



No less popular type of promotional products. Simply put, these are sheets with one or more folds. The purpose of the booklet is to familiarize the target audience with the products or services offered. One of the most inexpensive advertising options that allows you to reach a sufficient number of potential customers. The design of the booklet must be bright and memorable in order to remain in the memory of a person. Printed advertising products are an important element that should be given special attention.


This type allows not only to advertise a product and attract a buyer with pleasant promotions and discounts, but also to enable an audience to study products, descriptions and prices. Colorful photos and great offers in the catalog are the key to success.


Truly the most inexpensive way, which, however, is very effective. The leaflet performs the following functions: first of all, it must convey information about the product or service, familiarize the consumer with the conditions and advantageous offers. An important task of advertising printing products is to generate interest in the buyer to purchase goods and services, to attract attention.


There are several types of them:

  • Pocket,
  • quarterly
  • tabletop
  • wall mounted.

This type of promotional products is a souvenir and is often given to partners and employees of the organization to maintain the image. First of all, this applies to wall calendars. They look expensive and presentable. It is customary to give such gifts for any serious holidays.

Pocket calendars can be handed out on the street as leaflets. It is convenient and attracts the attention of the target audience with a bang. They are convenient to use and will certainly prove useful in everyday life.

Quarterly calendars are usually placed in the offices of large companies, as they are very convenient to use. They are presented in the form of a quarterly grid. They are considered the most popular form of promotional products among calendars.

The desktop type is an indispensable element of arranging the desktop. Such promotional products, which are always in front of your eyes, will definitely be remembered by the information posted on it.


The most commonly used look at conferences, trainings and presentations is a pen with a logo. It will stay long with your customers for a long time. This is a convenient promotional souvenir product that will allow those who attend this or that conference to immediately record the necessary information. People usually use such stationery for a long time, and the company logo depicted on a pen or notebook remains in memory for a long time.

logo pens

Without the manufacture of promotional products, it is difficult to imagine quality promotion and promotion. The most important thing is that these things have their own zest and are remembered by potential consumers. Even a pen with a logo is a step to success.

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