The development and maintenance of marital relations is necessary to work all my life. Otherwise, a situation will arise rather quickly when one of the pair becomes not interesting to the other. And most often in the role of the outcast is a woman, no matter how sad it is to hear. At some point in time, the wife focuses on children, housekeeping, while the husband fades into the background. And he is increasingly moving away from his wife - resting separately from her, making new friends, and less and less interested in his wife.
How to become an interesting husband again? Women turn to a psychologist for advice, and almost every specialist has a similar list of tips and advice.
Perfect wife
The lack of intimacy between spouses does not always mean that the wife has become indifferent to her husband. Perhaps this banal disappointment from the fact that he correctly guessed the nature of the bride at the courtship stage, could not determine her dreams and hobbies. And over time, all deviations from the ideal became apparent.
In fact, every man holds in his head the image of an ideal wife. For each he has his own, but most husbands see the future life partner as a kind of βhome fairy,β gentle, all-forgiving, and very kind. Real women rarely fit into this picture.
But there are certain criteria by which a man evaluates a girl and determines her suitability for a long relationship, this:
- Beauty and femininity. How to become interesting and desirable for a husband? You need to be beautiful, graceful, or at least just attractive.
- Thrift. This point is not in vain in second place, immediately after beauty. The ideal wife should be the mistress in the house, which means order in the rooms, a lot of tasty and varied food and well-ironed shirts.
- Independence. This criterion does not always work positively: most men like it when their spouse has their income, interests and circle of friends, while others are authoritarian and see a quiet and obedient girl as a life partner.
- Pleasant character. Itβs a very individual criterion: one likes modesty and a good disposition, others like a girl with a weirdo and funny, but someone is attracted by the ability to masterly bargain in the market.
- Unity of purpose. Wherever the spouse moves, the wife should contribute to this advancement. And again, everything is individual: some save for three apartments and a cottage, others for travel and entertainment.
- Attention. A husband should always come first, even if there are children.
How to become interesting for a husband? You should go over all the criteria for evaluating the ideal spouse and find your discrepancy. It is very difficult for a man to desire a woman if the house is dirty and his other half is always grumbling.
But this scheme does not always work. It often happens that a spouse is an ideal wife in every sense. But her husband is not at all interested in her - neither sexually, nor as a person, nor as the closest and dearest person. As a result, the woman feels unhappy, abandoned and unnecessary, and nouye thoughts appear: βWhat to do? My husband was not interested! Maybe he has a lover? β
All this does not contribute to raising self-esteem, and the wife drives herself into depression, from which it is sometimes difficult to get out. So how to become interesting for a husband? The advice of a psychologist will help you take the necessary steps in order for the man to again become interested in his wife.
Change of wardrobe
We have already talked about the importance of attractive appearance. And the first thing you need to pay attention to is the wardrobe. Husband most often sees how his wife, in something smart, goes to work, and upon returning, turns into a home monster in an old washed-up gown. Therefore, we change things for the house - we throw out all the torn, old and washed up junk and buy cute and more sexy outfits. For example, short bathrobes, sexy shorts with T-shirts, and always beautiful nightgowns.
Everyday wardrobe and things for work and leisure are also better to change. Pick up something new, according to the figure, but in accordance with age and position. The spouse will notice such obvious changes and will certainly appreciate it.
Appearance improvement
The next step leading to how to become an interesting woman for her husband is to improve her appearance. A new fashionable haircut, updated hair color, proper makeup, well-groomed nails will make a woman more attractive and desirable. Besides the fact that she will look like this in the eyes of her husband, she herself will feel much better, and this will affect her. The eyes will shine brighter, a smile will appear, a proud gait and other signs of a confident woman.
If you have enough funds for radical measures, then you need to strive to be well-groomed. Down with the bunches on the head and unevenly trimmed nails! It is worth moving around the house in beautiful things, with a neat haircut on your head and always looking tidy - even standing by the stove or washing the floors.
Beautiful underwear
How to become interesting for a husband? First of all, you need to attract him sexually, and this is quite easy to achieve if you purchase a pair of new sets of underwear. Firstly, the attractive roundness in the lace foam will interest the spouse much more than the familiar naked body. Secondly, this can make sex life more vibrant and diverse. Thirdly, beautiful underwear shows that the wife is interested in her husband as a lover, and this flatters him. He feels welcome, interesting and responds with similar emotions.
Do not forget about everyday underwear. It should also be beautiful, albeit strict, without unnecessary decorations. The wife often undresses in front of her husband, and you donβt need to embarrass him with old "grandmother" panties and a washed out bra that is not in color.
Self development
Often the question arises of what to do if it is not interesting to live with your husband. Usually this happens against the background of a smooth family life, which is 99% of everyday life. And at some point, the wife feels locked in the "groundhog day", only with each new year lived wrinkles are added. In this case, the spouse is often happy with everything, and only a woman feels an emotional emptiness.
Self-development helps here, namely:
- professional growth at work, courses, change of position to a more difficult and interesting one;
- new hobbies and hobbies - skiing, hiking, games, fitness, needlework, interest groups in the city and on the Net, etc.
- a new circle of friends and renewal of communication with old friends.
In search of a new one, do not leave your husband on the couch - take it with you, and you will have common interests. It is also worthwhile to organize common social life and joint leisure, that is, more often to see relatives, friends, get out of the house for cultural events.
How to become an interesting person for a husband? It is necessary to act according to the same scenario, but just do not force the spouse with you. And if he sees that his other half is so passionate about something that her eyes are burning and she is happy, then he will most likely show interest. And, perhaps, he wants to share emotions.
The most common advice from psychologists is: βDo you want to become an interesting personality for your husband? "Become interesting for yourself and others, and he will pay attention to it!"
The next stage in how to become interesting for a husband is that everywhere and everywhere he should feel the support, care and love of his other half. This means that the husband needs to listen and praise his successes, not scolding for mistakes and failures. Just do not need to cross borders and turn into a caring mother - you need to select words so that he feels like a man and not a child who is comforted.
About sexual relations
Good marital relationships suggest having sex. And here women make common mistakes, because of which intimacy suffers:
- Not interested in sex.
- They are waiting for sex as a holy masculine duty.
- Do not show initiative.
- They require too much from a partner.
Intimacy is a mutual pleasure. Not a duty, not a duty, and it is not necessary to give it back. You just need to try to make your partner happy, show him your interest in regular contacts, and at the same time not to expect that he will possess the abilities of a superlover. And in the intimate sphere harmony will come.
What annoys a man
How to become interesting for a husband? If all the previous tips did not help much, then perhaps the fact is that the spouse is annoyed with her other half. This happens most often for the following reasons:
- The wife imposes her opinion: how to dress, with whom to meet, how to spend leisure time, etc.
- Spouse often criticizes - with or without. A constant assessment of all actions in a negative way kills the tender feelings in the bud.
- The wife interrupts in a conversation with friends, does not allow to finish the thought, thinks out something for her husband.
- The wife expects the man to read her thoughts and guess what she wants from him.
- The wife screams, the conversation is always elevated.
All these signs indicate a grumpy, bad spouse who does not consider her husband a full-fledged personality. And he pays her exactly the same.
What you need to do in a relationship
In order to arouse interest in your husband, you must do the following:
- Touching a man is encouraging, gentle, or with a sexual connotation.
- To be grateful - for help with housework, gifts, little things, like a cooked breakfast, etc.
- Give compliments. They are loved not only by women, but also by all men. It is also important for the husband to hear that he is the most beautiful, strong and courageous in the whole world.
- Master the massage. By pleasant sensations, this procedure is in second place after a full intimacy. The more a man enjoys tactile sensations, the more intensively hormones of happiness are produced in his presence in the presence of his wife.