Darsonval in cosmetology: features of application, advantages and effectiveness

Darsonvalization is a modern procedure that belongs to the category of physiotherapeutic methods of therapeutic effects on the human body. Darsonval has not been used in cosmetology for a long time, but he received well-deserved respect quite quickly. Treatment with this device is an electrotherapy with alternating pulse current.

darsonval in cosmetology for rejuvenation

The founder of this procedure is the well-known French physiologist by the name of D'Arsonval. He devoted his whole life to the study of the influence of alternating currents on the human body, for which he received respect and recognition from others.

The use of high-frequency currents in the medical industry began in 1891. And later, the technique of D'Arsonval was gradually improved and began to be called in honor of its discoverer.

The essence of the method

Darsonval in cosmetology, which has been used since the end of the 19th century, affects the human body with a current whose frequency fluctuates between 110-400 kHz. The procedure can be either local (local) or general (inductotherapy). Their main difference is that in the first method, capacitor electrodes are conducted to the patient himself, and in the second method, they are placed in a solenoid.

The procedure, during which darsonval is used in cosmetology, is based on a positive discharge between the mucous membranes, as well as the epidermis with vacuum electrodes. Inductotherapy is based on the principle of electromagnetic induction.

The use of darsonval in cosmetology is usually prescribed by a physiotherapist. This procedure is considered an auxiliary technique for the conservative treatment of individual cosmetic problems.

darsonval cosmetology reviews

The use of darsonval in cosmetology

Darsonval current can be used both separately and in conjunction with various procedures (massage, cleaning, mask and so on). Most often, people with pronounced defects in the skin of the face resort to the procedure, but often patients turn to it in order to get rid of minor problems.

Darsonval indications in cosmetology are simple:

  • removal of edema in the area under the eyes;
  • elimination of acne, dermatitis, irritation and inflammation;
  • exposure to excessively dry or oily skin;
  • the elimination of facial wrinkles;
  • cleansing pores and reducing porosity of the skin;
  • smoothing scars after acne, vascular networks.

In most medical rooms and specialized salons, the current is used for 2-4 courses, consisting of 10-15 sessions and alternating with rest in 3-4 weeks.

Current efficiency

The technique is able to positively affect the human body, showing excellent results by the middle of the very first treatment course. The local effect is determined by the anti-inflammatory effect of several electrical discharges, combined with ionization and ultraviolet radiation (insolarization).

Darsonvalization, in comparison with similar chemically acting methods, does not lead to injuries or burns of the epidermis. During the procedure, bacteria and microorganisms that infect damaged areas of the skin die, and the scars are disinfected and quickly smoothed out.

Due to the effect of current on the nerve receptors of the skin, you can notice the following effects:

  1. Stimulation of collagen synthesis. Many people use darsonval in cosmetology for rejuvenation. It is because of the synthesis of collagen that the skin becomes more toned and young.
  2. Normalization of sweating and the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Darsonval in cosmetology with sweating hands is especially good. Thanks to this procedure, you can forever forget about wet hands, irritations and rashes on them.
  3. Vasodilation With an increase in blood vessels, blood circulation in certain areas of the skin is normalized.
  4. Fast recovery process. After exposure to current, microdamages heal almost instantly.
  5. Increased skin tone. If you go through several stages of treatment, the smoothness of the skin, elasticity and firmness will be clearly visible, and its color will become more fresh.


As an auxiliary technique, darsonvalization is often used comprehensively for the treatment of problems such as:

  • joint diseases (bursitis, arthritis);
  • phlebeurysm;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • problems in the oral cavity (periodontal disease, stomatitis);
  • dermatological diseases (acne, baldness, psoriasis, eczema).

use of darsonval in cosmetology


Darsonval is often used in cosmetology, because many people want to test its effect on themselves. But there are some restrictions, because of which it is strictly forbidden to go to the procedure. The main contraindications include:

  • pregnancy;
  • active stage of tuberculosis;
  • heart failure syndrome;
  • diseases or severe damage to the epidermis;
  • frequent epileptic seizures in any form;
  • bleeding disorders.

In addition, the specialist may insist on canceling the nearest session or stopping the course of treatment in the presence of fever, poor health, and nosebleeds.


The innovative device appears on the market in various variations and is a compact cosmetic and physiotherapeutic device designed for darsonvalization.

The following elements are always present in the composition of devices:

  • generator;
  • transformer;
  • electrodes.

The nozzles of the apparatus, that is, the electrodes, exist in several forms. Each of them has its own purpose. The most common and frequently used nozzles are: scallop, T-shaped and mushroom-shaped.

darsonval indications in cosmetology

Types of Darsonval

More details about how darsonval is used in cosmetology will be described below, but first you should familiarize yourself with the varieties of this device. The most popular are:

  1. GEZATONE BT-101. A device for home use with a comb, a nozzle in the form of a fungus. French pulse massage apparatus does not differ from the others in the method of application and does not cause special difficulties in use.
  2. Gezatone Healthy Skin. Another impulse massager designed exclusively for face and hair care. Often it is acquired by people for the purpose of use in neurological diseases.
  3. Gezanne. A high-frequency device copes with acne, wrinkles, and redness. When caring for facial skin, such a device is simply indispensable.
  4. Gezatone Family Doctor. The innovative device differs from the rest in its appearance. It is made in a more modern style, so it attracts the attention of young people even more.
  5. "Crown". The Ukrainian device is no less popular. It is intended for use at home and for the treatment of hair, problem skin, as well as respiratory and neurological diseases.
  6. "ELAD MedTeCo". A portable device made in Russia is very widespread in cosmetology. It is used by many professional salons in order to achieve an almost instant result. Complete with it there are nozzles of various types, comb and accessories.

the use of darsonval in cosmetology

Darsonval for hair

Before carrying out the procedure on the head, it is necessary to free this area from all kinds of metal objects and comb your hair well. The treatment is carried out using a special nozzle, which looks like a regular comb. Her specialist performs smooth movements, moving from the forehead to the back of the head. The power of the current increases slowly until the patient experiences a slight tingling sensation. One such procedure takes approximately 10 minutes.

The device will give a positive effect only if you use it regularly, without interruption in the treatment course. Repeat the procedure 4-5 times a year. With proper use of the device and its current, hair begins to grow noticeably.

Darsonval for the face: all the advantages and disadvantages

Using the device for cleaning and improving the condition of the skin of the face, you can get rid of such shortcomings and defects as:

  1. Expression wrinkles. The skin is cleansed of makeup and dirt, and then dried. Then, using a mushroom-shaped nozzle, circular movements are carried out, heading from the nose to the ears. The current should affect the skin for no more than 20 minutes.
  2. Lifting. The skin is prepared for the procedure the same way as to eliminate wrinkles, but the electrode itself does not touch the skin, but acts on it at a distance of about 5 mm. After several sessions, you can detect deterioration of the skin, but you should not be afraid of this. During this period, the activation of the epidermis's ability to regenerate occurs, and after 6-7 sessions the face will become rejuvenated and fresh.
  3. Acne and acne. The face is cleaned of all kinds of contaminants and dried. Further, all inflammatory elements are cauterized with a sharp nozzle, and then the skin is processed with a flat nozzle. In this case, with a flat tip, it is necessary to avoid any festering elements. Procedures should be performed every day, the duration of one session is 2-6 minutes, and the course of treatment is 15 sessions.

darsonval in cosmetology

What is it combined with?

After the procedure, you should not act on these same areas with ultrasound. Also, at first, you will have to refrain from using other electrical procedures. If there is a desire to enhance the effect, it is allowed to use some massagers (mechanical effects). You can use lymphatic drainage massage, facial cleansing and so on.

Heat treatment of zones subject to the procedure is also not prohibited. Wraps, heating, saunas - all this will help to increase the effectiveness of the procedure. Also, applying beauty products (masks, oils, lotions with anti-cellulite effect) will not be out of place.


Darsonval in cosmetology has been collecting reviews for quite some time. Over the entire period of the existence of this apparatus and the procedure itself, there were not so many negative comments from patients. People speak positively about such a miracle remedy, because it really can cure everything.

darsonval in cosmetology for hyperhidrosis

Women and men who struggled with acne and redness on their faces for a long time using various methods quickly got rid of their problems after a standard course of treatment with darsonval.

Many patients of different age categories could not find flaws in darsonvalization, even despite the presence of contraindications. Therefore, you can safely refer to this procedure, regardless of gender or age.

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