How to become an astrologer: courses, training, certification, start of activity and advice of astrologers

To the majority of inhabitants, the word "astrologer" appears to bearded man in a pointed hat with stars, mysteriously peering into the night sky. In fact, an astrologer is an interesting and profitable profession in the modern world. This lesson involves the creation of natal charts, analysis of the influence of planets on a person, depending on his date and place of birth, and not only. The profession is complex, as it requires a person who wants to become a professional astrologer and reach the heights of mastery of perseverance, attentiveness, true love of work and certain mathematical abilities.

Astrologer looks to the sky

What is astrology?

The birth of astrology as a science began even before our era. The creation of the first personal horoscopes dates back to the IV-V centuries BC. e. As a science, astrology was formed in ancient Greece. The word "astrology" is translated as "speech of the stars." So, a person who is thinking about how to become an astrologer must understand this language and correctly interpret it.

Astrology encourages us to look deep into ourselves, it does not call for action, it does not determine fate, as many believe. Astrology only indicates possible paths that open before a person.

In the old days, the position of an astrologer was considered important and influential at court. Unfortunately, over time, people began to use ancient knowledge for their own selfish purposes, astrologers were ranked as charlatans and fortunetellers. But at the beginning of the XVII century, interest in teaching fell, until the end of the XIX century astrology was considered pseudoscience. Since the beginning of the 20th century, science has revived, astrology has become a prestigious profession.

Zodiac circle


This concept is interpreted in astrology as follows: a diagram showing how the location of the planets and their energy in a certain period of time affect a person. Horoscope is not a prediction, according to our compatriots. It shows the options for the energetic influence of the planets on a particular person. How this person will act depends only on him, on his individual abilities, the environment in which he grew up, and his character traits. This side of the work needs to be learned before becoming an astrologer and learning how to make horoscopes. Astrology is closely intertwined with psychology and psychiatry, since the qualities of a person and their behavior largely depend on the type of human consciousness.

How to become an astrologer, where to start

Choose whether you are ready to study with a teacher or want to study independently. A beginning astrologer will need a lot of literature to study the basics of science. To understand how to become an astrologer, first buy the book "Astrology for Beginners", experienced specialists recommend studying the works of Absalom Podvodnoy ("Lectures on the Introduction to Astrology", "Zodiac Signs" and others). Learning is best combined with practice. Unanimous opinion of teachers of astrology - study your own horoscope.

Book of astrology


The advantage of independent study of astrology is only that it is free. A novice astrologer will have to shovel a mountain of literature in order to somehow structure knowledge. Fortunately, there are no problems with sources of information now, Internet and stores with thematic literature are available to anyone who becomes an astrologer. The disadvantage of such training is a waste of time looking for the right information, digesting, getting the right and the right result. This method is more likely designed for the amateur than for the professional.

Classes led by an experienced astrologer

If you decide to work with a teacher, then the advantages are more obvious: the information is studied in processed form, the grains are separated from the chaff and the training will go much faster. The only negative here is the pleasure is expensive. The average cost of an astrology course for beginners is 50,000 rubles. The price is due to the fact that the courses are mostly all copyright courses, the student communicates directly with the curator. At the end of the course, the astrologer receives a certificate confirming his qualifications.

Graduate School of Astrology

The third option is to enter the Higher School of Astrology. This institution teaches the profession of astrologer remotely. The price is acceptable - from 5000 rubles per semester. The downside to this advanced training method is the deadline. You can get a diploma in three years, but the school administration meets the students and allows you to take the course in a couple of years, taking exams ahead of schedule. But the education is fundamental, direct communication is organized with practicing astrologer-curators, webinars and an electronic library are available for viewing. The result will be a diploma of a professional astrologer.

Natal chart

Abilities and predisposition

Astrology as a science is divided into directions, for example: natal astrology, karmic, predictive, synastric, horary and others. For some species, it is desirable to possess developed intuition (karmic and predictive), but in general, specific talents are not needed to study astrology. A healthy share of enthusiasm and perseverance, the ability to process and remember a continuous stream of information - this is what is needed in the initial stages.

Business and Astrology


It’s better to start practical exercises on the horoscope of the person you know best of all β€” on your beloved. This practice allows you to immediately notice the mistakes and captivate the student. After drawing up your own individual horoscope, practice with your close ones: children, parents, interested friends. Thus, the foundation for the practice of performing horoscopes on order will already appear. The beginning astrologer will be able to choose the direction that is most interesting for him personally, and already begin to train.

Why astrology is needed

The natal chart allows a person to see the possibilities for the development of future events, to discern within himself a personality with all the advantages and disadvantages, to come to terms with them and use them for the good and to achieve their goals. Often astrology is used to establish personal relationships, this direction of astrology is called the synastry. It studies the influence of planets on the character traits of a person, considers the compatibility of partners. Studying excerpts from articles on the synastry of famous astrologers, one can understand: the familiar expression β€œmen from Mars, women from Venus” has the most direct meaning. The consultants of this direction help to establish family ties, to learn the prospect of romantic relationships.

Zodiac signs

How to make money to an astrologer

The first steps and tips of experienced astrologers:

  • Create yourself an advertisement (business card). Do not use hackneyed wording. Tune in to the same wave with the client, find out which request is most often addressed to you. This will bring up phrases suitable for advertising the provision of services.
  • Find your niche. In modern business, it is important to be in a trend and interest the client. As an option: the study of astrological influence on business. To be closer to the end user, to speak a clear language with him and to be useful in his business is the main task of a modern astrologer. Important: the astrologer must thoroughly understand his niche. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly improve qualifications.
  • Creating your own website and blogging will allow you to directly communicate with customers, receive feedback. It will bring you the trust of customers.
Money and Astrology


Astrology does not solve problems in human life, but with its help you can cope with them much faster. A person always has freedom of choice, it depends on the level of consciousness and moral maturity. After the decision to become an astrologer appeared, it is important not to forget that a person should determine his fate himself, astrology is not a panacea for life’s turmoil, but a tool that allows you to find the right way out of a difficult situation.

While you are studying, studying literature, listen to yourself, is this your occupation? Are you ready for this business for years? Having made a positive decision, remember: the basis of the profitable activity of an astrologer is the maximum amount of practice. And for your favorite business to generate income (and very good for experienced astrologers), constant development is required. Astrology is similar in this regard to medicine - mastery is constantly increasing. It doesn't matter if you practice for a year or twenty years.

A modern astrologer is also a businessman. Students are interested in how to become an astrologer and earn money. Shoot video with forecasts, drive a channel on Youtube, create a blog. This is a small part of the tools for development, because in the current reality, the one who owns the information owns the world.

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