Social structure and social relations - what is it?

Starting from the most primitive relations, even during the primitive communal system, when the goal of people was survival, to this day, human relations have undergone a number of changes. Some of them disappeared altogether, for example slavery. Others have changed. But society is still a complex social structure. And social relations within it are the interaction of various classes, castes and layers.

social structure and social relations

Social structure

This concept is associated with the totality of all forms of relations and interconnections that are formed between various elements of society: from small groups and cells to social institutions and communities. It consists of parts that interact as a single multidimensional organism, which can be divided into 2 subgroups:

  1. The composition of society. These are all kinds of components that fill it: from individual individuals to social communities. They can be both small and large structures located at different positions relative to each other.
  2. Social institutions are the aggregate relationship of all organizations that influence or are responsible for managing society. These include political institutions, such as parties, parliaments and the state as a whole, as well as economic ones.

The social structure and social relations within each type of institution consist of organizations and groups that are filled with specific people who are members of certain sections of society. At the same time, representatives of these structures, such as the president of the country or members of parliament, may change after the next re-election. At the same time, the "skeleton" of the presidential-parliamentary institute itself remains unchanged.

the concept of the structure of social relations

Ideally, with a truly democratic system, the social structure, social relations, and social institutions are equal in their rights and among themselves. But, as life shows, often one of them somewhat dominates the others. For example, the status of a director of a company is much higher than that of a manager, and that one has its advantages over ordinary employees. And so in all social structures.

Elements of social structure

A social structure is the so-called skeleton of any society, which includes classes, castes, groups, institutions and cells filled with people of various levels. Such a division indicates the differences in the relations between people in them and the division into dominant and secondary parts.

A group is a relatively small social structure, and social relations in it are built on the interaction of people who have created some kind of political, economic, creative or other connection with each other. Classes are large groups of individuals. They can be divided according to the law of origin (high society, titled persons), economic grounds (rich, middle class or poor), social strata (workers, farmers, intelligentsia, creative elite). Each class has its own rules of conduct, a code of honor, psychological collective portraits and its own values.

elements of the structure of social relations

A stratum is a group of people conditionally united by income, occupation, or other characteristics. For example, the creative elite (beau monde) unites artists, musicians, artists, etc., who have achieved professionalism, success, and recognition in their profession. Castes are groups consisting of people who hold the same views, lead a traditional life and marry within it. Preserved in some countries, such as India or religious communities. These are the basic elements of the structure of social relations.

Concept of social community

This is the name of groups of people that are different in number, but united by a common labor activity, social characteristics or the same economic situation. Social relations, social structure are directly dependent on the filling parts. And those, in turn, are from the individuals included in them. For example, the same person can:

  • To represent a citizen of a certain state.
  • Belong to a specific ethnic group.
  • Be a resident of a certain part of the country.
  • To unite with other people by belonging to a certain profession: doctors, teachers, politicians.
  • Enter a certain economic layer (middle class, poor, tycoon).
  • Be at the same time a member of such small cells and groups as a family, work team, circle of friends and others.

All individuals included in the community create from it a holistic system that is in constant development and interacts with other social objects.

social structure social relations social institutions

Forms of the social structure of society

Existing communities have a variety of forms and types. For example, the following classification exists:

  1. By the number of individuals: from a few people to millions.
  2. By the duration of existence and development: from several hours (for example, some committee) to many millennia.
  3. By its main differences: territorial, ethnic, professional and others.

The social structure of society, social relations within it directly depend on the groups that fill it: both large and small. The relationship of people in these groups is determined by what unites them. For example, these may be shared values.

socio-economic relations structure

Signs of social relationships

In their daily lives, people constantly interact with each other, not realizing that even minute communication affects the development of society as a whole. Moreover, contacts can arise both at the household or professional level between individuals or their groups, and between states or peoples. In sociology there is no single name for this higher form of social behavior of individuals and their interaction. Therefore, the name “public relations” was invented for her.

The concept of “structure of social relations” includes the relationship between classes, ethnic groups, national associations, group or party alliances, relations between people at all levels (from friendly and family to professional, economic or political ties).

Any sphere of society’s life is built on the points of contact that each individual creates in them when they come closer to each other. Social relations are a relationship between people, formed not only on interpersonal contacts, but also on the unity of economic, political or professional views on the development of society.

social relations social structure

The concept of social institution

The social structure and social relations in it are formed on the basis of social institutions that fill it and ensure its unity. Let's talk about this in more detail. In a broad concept, a social institution is a stable, vibrant and constantly evolving organism in which people work together. And in the narrow sense, this is the system of values, norms and relations that is obliged to satisfy the needs of both society as a whole and its individual groups or people.

social structure of society social relations

Types of Social Institutions

As society develops, the social structure and its institutions are constantly changing, leaving only those connections that bring help and ensure its stability. Public institutions include:

  • A family that represents the institution of kinship.
  • The state is the largest political structure of society. She is obligated to ensure the safety and prosperity of her citizens.
  • Education. It belongs to the social institute of culture, the main purpose of which is not only the educational and educational process, but also the transformation of the individual into a full-fledged citizen of the country.
  • The basis of the church institute is the unification of people by unity of religion.
  • The Institute of Science unites people producing knowledge in any scientific field.
  • The institute of law is a combination of all norms and relations. They guarantee people their freedom and responsibilities.

All these institutions are part of the social structure of society.

social structure and social relations

The structure of socio-economic relations

One of the types of social relations are economic relations. The basis of any society is socio-economic relations, the structure of which is divided into international (trade, investment, the movement of capital and other between states) and social (property law, legal relations and others). Socio-economic relations are determined by forms of ownership and are based on how people produce, distribute, exchange or consume different types of goods and services.

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