Checkpoint VAZ-2110: device, operation and repair

Every motorist knows what the VAZ-2110 looks like. Despite the fact that this car was stopped producing more than 5 years ago, it is still in demand in small cities. The car in all trim levels was equipped with a manual gearbox. Few people know her device. Well, let's look at how the VAZ-2110 checkpoint is arranged and what kind of “disease” it has.


A gearbox is a node necessary for transmitting torque from an internal combustion engine to a vehicle’s wheels. The internal combustion engine has a narrow range of revolutions of the crankshaft, at which the peak torque reaches maximum values.

box repair
In simple words, the motor has a “cutoff”. Thus, in one gear, the car cannot move at different speeds. She either lacks traction or she will drive very slowly. For this, there are 5 speeds in the VAZ-2110 gearbox. Thanks to a different gear ratio, maximum torque can be achieved at any speed. This allows the car to move dynamically in all engine operating conditions.

How does it work

Torque from the engine flywheel is transmitted to the secondary shaft and then to the primary shaft. Thanks to the gearbox, torque energy is transmitted to the axle shafts, and then to the wheels. But it cannot be permanently engaged with the gearbox engine. Therefore, the design provides clutch. On the "top ten" it is the most ordinary - dry, single-disk. By depressing the pedal, the driver squeezes the clutch disc. Next, the gearbox lever VAZ-2110 is moved to the desired position. The pedal is released, the car rides in the next gear. But since the “ten” has a transverse motor arrangement, the wings are withdrawn to control the box.

input shaft
Each speed has its own gear ratio. On a mechanical box, this coefficient is clearly attached and does not change when moving, as on a variator. The largest gear ratio - in first gear. Her car is the most high-torque. The smallest (less than one) - on the fifth. The car loses traction, but at the same time more speed. In first gear, the car can only go up to 30 kilometers per hour, then the “cutoff” is triggered. Also, the VAZ-2110 gearbox has a reverse gear. Additionally, the mechanism is equipped with locking devices and locks. These elements prevent transmission from spontaneous shutdown. The locking device does not allow the inclusion of two speeds simultaneously.


Surely experienced car owners remember how the gears were switched on the old ZILs and GAZones - a double squeeze with a rebase. There were no synchronizers on the boxes of these trucks.

gearbox vaz 2110
Now they are equipped with any modern car. In order to exclude the loss of time and inconvenience during “overgas”, the VAZ-2110 gearbox is equipped with synchronizers. Thus, during the rotation of the shaft, you can easily engage the desired gear. It is worth noting that the speed at which the flywheel and the input shaft rotates differs when the clutch is squeezed. If the synchronizers fail, a characteristic crunch is heard when trying to turn on the desired gear. All the fault - a big difference in gear ratio. You can temporarily use "rebuilding", but you should not ride with broken synchronizers.
gearshift lever vaz 2110
This is an important component of any gearbox. It is she who equalizes the angular velocity of the gears of the shafts during their rotation.

Operational Issues

The box is a complex mechanism, and sometimes malfunctions arise in it. The most common car VAZ-2110 are:

  • Noises at work. The box is characteristic buzzing. This means that oil has been produced inside or its level is low. Check the probe. If the gears worked for a long time “dry”, the replacement of the VAZ-2110 gearbox will be required. To avoid this trouble, regularly check oil level in transmission. By the way, at the VAZ-2110 checkpoint, the price is about 16 thousand rubles.
  • Tight gear shifting. This fault is related to the clutch or to the synchronizers. Check fluid level in reservoir. If there is a breakdown in the clutch master or slave cylinder, the drive will not work. The rubber boot is often damaged due to production. From there all liquid flows out. If the cylinders are dry, check the release bearing. If it makes noise when you press the clutch pedal, it means that the VAZ-2110 gearbox needs repair. To replace the bearing will have to completely remove the transmission.
  • Gearshift lever play. The gearbox lever may have been damaged. Also check the fittings at the joints.
  • "Flies" transmission. If a sudden shutdown is observed while driving, check the condition of the engine mountings. There are three of them - with large vibrations, the motor provokes a gear off.
  • Speeds turn on with difficulty, a characteristic sound arises. If the problem is solved with the use of “rebuilding,” the synchronizers are most likely to have failed.

If there are oil leaks

Check up a condition of sealing elements - laying and epiploons. If oil flows from them, replace elements. New ones are installed on the sealant (red, silicone).

Proper operation

How to extend the life of the box? Everything is very simple - adhere to the oil change regulations.

VAZ 2110 gearbox Price
Yes, it is not a working fluid here, as in the automatic transmission torque converter, and is only half-filled. But it is this small part that provides lubrication of the friction gears. The manufacturer recommends replacing the oil every 90 thousand kilometers. Many car owners are sure that the mechanical boxes are maintenance free and the fluid is filled in them for the entire period. But over time, metal chips accumulate in it - production from gears. The oil itself is very dark. Oddly enough, but a simple replacement of lubricants increases the resource box at times. When buying, pay attention to viscosity. Experts recommend the use of a liquid with a parameter of 75W90.

Driving style

Not only oil affects the transmission resource. An equally important characteristic is the driving style.

gearshift lever vaz 2110
Often motorists do not hold pauses when switching from first to second gear. Some simply "tear", and with great force. The result is deterioration of synchronizers, production on shafts and drive gears. To ensure the safety of all elements, the gears are engaged smoothly. This is especially true for overclocking. When switching to the second, the gearbox selector should be moved to the neutral position for 0.5-1 second. Then fully include the second gear. You will immediately notice the effect. After such manipulations, the transmission engages very easily. Box easier to work in this mode. The load on the transmission elements will be minimal.
Replacement gearbox VAZ 2110
Also, do not switch through two gears. So you wear out a lot of synchronizers. If there is such a need (for example, when overtaking, you need to gain a good torque), apply the “gas rebate” described above. And only raising the engine speed, engage a lower gear. The load on the synchronizers will be minimal, and the gearbox will not tolerate impacts.


So, we found out how the gearbox VAZ-2110 is arranged and works. Adhering to the oil change regulations and calm driving style, you can delay the repair of the box for a long time. Practice shows that under such conditions the transmission “nurses” more than 300 thousand (the motor will break faster than the gearbox itself).

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