How does an orgasm in women? What happens in a woman’s body after an orgasm?

Much has been said about female orgasm. The achievement by men of a “peak” is not of such interest, since this case is more understandable and simple in physiological terms. Girls are a little more complicated. How does an orgasm in women? What is going on with their body at this moment? What sensations are experienced, with what are they comparable? These and many other questions will now be answered.

What happens to a woman during an orgasm?

Clitoral Orgasm

What happens to a woman during an orgasm is actively discussed by sexologists and psychologists. And everyone has different points of view. According to the most common version, girls experience several types of orgasms. And, as it was already possible to understand, now we will talk about the clitoral.

It occurs due to the impact on the eponymous erogenous zone, which is the main one in most women. Stimulation does not have to be immediate. It occurs during intercourse (impact on the inside, friction on the outside).

Excitation of the erogenous zone occurs due to a strong desire experienced by a girl or after the onset of an act. The discharge can occur both in 2-3 minutes, and in an hour - everything is very individual here. As in terms of sensations.

Usually, before the onset of orgasm, the girl feels an intense surge of heat to the anterior abdominal wall, which is instantly replaced by sharp pleasant sensations in the region of the main erogenous zone and a strong pulsation. And it's all as if on the surface. Sensitivity increases significantly. Therefore, after orgasm, even a light touch on the clitoris can cause pain.

What happens in a woman’s body after an orgasm?


Talking about how an orgasm in a woman occurs, one can not help but mention his most common form. More precisely, about which most girls are able to experience.

Although, of course, there is controversy about vaginal orgasm. There is even statistics according to which (allegedly) only 14% of girls are able to experience it. And again - everything is individual here.

Whether a woman will receive true pleasure depends on her physiological characteristics and partner. The first factor, no matter how it sounds, is the shape of her vagina. Depth and width, to be precise. Yes, it is distinguished by its flexibility and elasticity, but in fact elasticity and the ability to contract are not characteristic of it to the same extent. The smaller it is, the brighter the sensations.

The second factor is the partner. A lot depends on his skills in this matter, and also on the “dignity”, which, so to speak, should be proportionate. Many may object, saying that this factor is not important. However, it is not. The larger the size, the denser the male organ adjoins the walls and more intensively affects the sensitive ends.

What happens to a woman during an orgasm of this type? Pleasant sensations seem to fill from the inside, cause a desire to experience them further - that is why the girls during the act tend to snuggle closer to their partner with hips and belly.

Why does an orgasm occur in a dream in women?


It is distinguished by its duration. What happens when a woman experiences an uterine orgasm? The organ begins to contract very much, goes to the lower segment, with the neck as if it “sticks” to the upper part of the vagina.

At this moment, the girl experiences intense pleasure that does not let her go. What happens after a woman’s orgasm? The feeling continues! Even if partners have completed the process. This is a special uterine orgasm - the girl continues to be in a state of bliss, actually being at rest.

A man can easily recognize this. If a girl in a relaxed position, with her eyes closed, does not say a word and breathes evenly deeply, she had a uterine orgasm.

How to reach it? Not very easy. Because you need to get to the cervix. And here is a reference to the previous chapter - you need the appropriate size of male dignity and the "narrowness" of the vagina. But the chosen position also plays a role. And if three factors are combined, then the orgasm is definitely ensured.

So, to achieve pleasure, the girl needs to lie on her stomach, having previously placed a small pillow under it. "Level" should increase by 7-10 centimeters. Another option: lying on your back, throwing both legs upright on your partner’s shoulders. But this is not suitable for everyone, since to translate this pose into reality, you need to be flexible.

Point G

This is the name of a small area on the front wall of the vagina, located at a depth of about 3-6 cm. It is in this area that the paraurethral glands are located. They secrete a special fluid, the ejection of which occurs at the culmination of the pleasure experienced from stimulation of the G point. Yes, it is now about a jet orgasm.

How does this process occur in women, also called ejaculation and squirt? From a physiological point of view, everything looks like this: upon stimulation of the G-spot, the glands swell, since a fluid begins to be produced in them, which is released by an intense pulsating stream when the maximum level of excitation is reached. This happens through the urethra.

Here a certain ethical nuance arises. Many girls do not know what happens in the body of a woman with an orgasm of this type. They restrain themselves, as there is a sensation similar to the desire to go to the toilet. Naturally, who would not be afraid of such an incident. But fears are superfluous. This sensation arises due to the filling of the paraurethral glands. And the ejected liquid is the secret, not urine, which has been experimentally proven. Yes, and the absence of a characteristic color and smell allows you to verify this.

Why is there a multiple orgasm in women?

Squirt: a description of the sensations

You can not ignore this topic, talking about how an orgasm in women occurs. Indeed, not every girl can experience a squirt. To do this, you need:

  • To be liberated, not clamped.
  • Know the characteristics of your body and how the body "behaves" during intimacy.
  • Have a responsive and skillful partner.
  • To be able to give free rein to their emotions and feelings.
  • Concentrate on the sensations and not think about anything else.

Many are very upset that they cannot achieve this pleasure. But here you need practice and patience. For some, the G-spot does “sleep”. Gradual stimulation and cognition of one's own sensations will be able to come to an understanding of what needs to be done to achieve the desired result.

And what happens when a woman gets an orgasm? It is difficult to describe in words. This is not a comparable sensation. They are keen, vibrant, very powerful and long-awaited. This is a real discharge. The girl approaching the squirt feels it. Before that, it passes through the vaginal, clitoral, and often uterine orgasm. And such a “finale” causes a real firework of sensations that overwhelm the whole body in an instant.

The tremendous tension caused by the highest concentration obtained in the process of pleasure is replaced by relaxation and complete relaxation. There is an increased heartbeat, rapid breathing, disobedience of the limbs, pleasant cramps and trembling. And, of course, complete satisfaction.

What happens in a woman’s body with an orgasm?

Breast orgasm

This well-known erogenous zone should also be discussed. Why is there an orgasm in women? Because they enjoy. And proper breast stimulation can also have a fantastic effect.

It is interesting that during such caresses in the brain the same areas are activated as when receiving all the previously mentioned orgasms. Moreover, this fact was confirmed by scientists from the University of Rutgers, who conducted relevant studies, the results of which were published in 2011 in the journal The Journal of Sexual Medicine.

It is also important to note that stimulation of this erogenous zone leads more quickly to other orgasms. Indeed, one excitement is enhanced by another. And this also affects the brightness of sensations.

Does the chest seem insensitive? This is a mistake. Here, in the same way as in the case of a squirt, you need practice and a little patience to know your body. Sensitivity can be developed with regular massage using coconut oil. Naturally, this should be done by the partner. Daily practice will give a very quick result. In addition, it is also a way to diversify sex life.

Multiple orgasm

Without exaggeration, we can say that this is a real gift from above for a girl. After all, it implies the ability to receive an unlimited number of orgasms, and for a small time period. This possibility depends on many factors, which include the level of libido (excitability), love for intimacy, sympathy for a partner, personal sensitivity and physiological characteristics.

Why does a woman have multiple orgasms? Because she was lucky with physiology and a partner. If some girls can hardly reach the peak at least once, then such lucky ones simply may not leave their climax.

It is important to make a reservation that there are two kinds of multiple orgasm.

The first is in-line. Differs in duration. The girl begins to feel it at one moment, it continues for a certain time. The end moment is not defined. There are both minimums and maximum intensity, however, its characteristic feature is continuity. And this is accompanied by constant tides of voluptuous trembling. For the girl herself, her feelings may come as a surprise, since even she does not know how strong the next “peak” will be.

The second type is undulating. It manifests itself in a whole series of consecutive orgasms, following one after another. Intervals can be either fractions of a second or several minutes. True, in the second case, these are sequential orgasms, and not multiple ones.

What happens when a woman experiences an orgasm?

After discharge

Many are also interested in knowing what happens in a woman’s body after an orgasm.

This can be called the process of descent "from heaven to earth." The girl slowly wakes up. The heartbeat, pulse and breathing are normalized, a state of relaxation, calm, relaxation comes. There are no thoughts in my head. Then, of course, they appear, and, as a rule, they concern that it would be nice to drink or have a bite. There is nothing to be done, because proximity is an energy-intensive process.

But that’s not all that happens after a woman’s orgasm. Many have an irresistible desire to fall asleep. After all, simultaneously with orgasm, a huge amount of prolactin is released, and this substance wakes up a feeling of both pleasure and drowsiness. If you believe the conclusions of scientists, then during sex it is produced 400 times more than in the process of self-satisfaction.

In addition to prolactin, oxytocin is also produced. It also causes drowsiness, which lasts about half an hour. But it is most noticeable in the first five minutes. It is interesting that the intensity of drowsiness depends on the strength and brightness of the received pleasure.

Unconscious pleasure

As part of the topic under discussion, I would also like to talk about why women have an orgasm in a dream. Erotic visions are usually the cause. They arise due to the fact that in life a woman does not feel satisfaction or it is not enough for her.

Sexual sleepwalking is considered even more interesting. This is a violation that is characterized by the fact that a person during sleep shows an activity of an intimate nature. He can have sex with a partner or begin to satisfy himself. The peculiarity is that all this happens unconsciously, i.e. there are no memories in the morning. But the body of sensation remembers.

What happens when a woman experiences an orgasm in a dream? They say the sensations are even brighter than in reality. This is because consciousness at such moments is absolutely relaxed.

How does a female jet orgasm occur?


One cannot help but pay attention to such a concept as a psycho-emotional orgasm. Occurs in both women and men. But girls more often.

This is real ecstasy. A complex experience, revealed on the basis of physiological orgasm in people who are characterized by emotionality and psychological sensitivity. It arises only if between partners there is not only desire, but also passion, sincere feelings, affection, sympathy, love.

By the way, female ecstasy is strongly influenced by the emotional state of her partner. If a man shows feelings, demonstrates the pleasure he feels, accompanies it with sound manifestations and affectionate words, then the girl’s excitement only intensifies. She begins to feel loved, unique and most desired, she notices her importance for him, understands in what way he perceives her.

It is more than sex. The psycho-emotional orgasm is so strong that its effect can be compared to a narcotic one. There is a feeling of weightlessness and flight, previously not experienced bodily sensations, bizarre associations appear. This is a real ecstatic state, often accompanied by a violation of perception. Many call this a feeling of liberation, joy, and true happiness. And it's hard to argue. If we talk about relationships between people, then what could be better than receiving fireworks of physical pleasures from a person who is crazy about you, and is it mutual?

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