Gemstones of Capricorn by horoscope

Very useful is the information which gems suitable for Capricorn will help them to establish their life in all its aspects. Talismans can help find a partner or improve relationships, improve health, find a suitable profession and build a career. The strength of the stones is great, therefore, representatives of the earth sign should carefully look at their characteristics in order to avoid many problems and unimpededly realize their dreams.

Features Capricorn Characteristics

Capricorn begins its procession in the zodiac circle on December 22 (which is the day of the winter solstice) and ends on January 20. The constellation belongs to the earth element and is ruled by the planet Saturn. Representatives of the sign are distinguished by perseverance and strength, as well as incredible performance, but at the same time they are inconsistent in their statements and actions. In this regard, Capricorn suitable gemstones that will help develop character determination. The most optimal in this case will be red gems.

The influence of Saturn makes people of this sign too gloomy and pessimistic. They need constant moral support, because Capricorns are prone to melancholy and even prolonged depression. Very often, representatives of the sign suffer from the energy of bad people, which adversely affects their nervous system. In addition to nervous diseases, they may face a violation of the musculoskeletal system and digestive system. In all these cases, saving gems for Capricorn will be gems with dark cold shades.

Decade stone selection

Stones have a strong impact on human life. Depending on this, for each zodiac sign their own options for gems are selected. But even this is not enough, because even the decade of birth is of great importance in the choice of talismans. In the case of the Capricorn, recommendations for choosing stones look like this:

  1. December 22 - January 2. People born in this decade tend to accumulate knowledge and material values ​​throughout their lives. The agate, malachite, tiger eye, rhinestone and serpentine will help them distribute their forces intelligently.
  2. January 3 - January 13. Representatives of the earthly elements born during this period strive to become leaders, entrain other people and receive the recognition of others. If this does not happen, they tend to fall into melancholy. Gemstones of Capricorn that will help in the realization of their own healthy ambitions will be onyx, opal, sardonyx and chrysoprase.
  3. January 14 - January 20. Capricorns born during this period are prone to quickly wasting their own energy. In order not to lead your body to a breakdown and properly balance energy reserves, it is necessary to purchase opal, ruby, hyacinth or tourmaline.

Mascots for women

Stone carnelian

Some talismans can benefit women directly. This does not mean that men should not use these gems to improve their lives. Just these gemstones for Capricorn women will help much more effectively.

  • Garnet. The stone will help girls become more sensitive and open in the manifestation of emotions. He is also good for achieving his goals, especially in a personal relationship.
  • Cornelian. It is especially useful for young unmarried girls, as it helps to find their own, to preserve youth, tenderness and femininity. Beneficial effect on the nervous system of its owner.
  • Rhinestone. It will help a strict, pragmatic and demanding woman to relax, become softer and condescending. The girl will begin to trust people more and see in every act the surrounding people a threat to herself.
  • Agate. This talisman will give good health and peace in the family. Agate will protect its owner from unnecessary gossip, from poverty and bankruptcy, quarrels and misunderstandings in communication with others. The stone will help the girl become tender, sexy and feminine.

Mascots for the male half

Onyx stone

Gemstones for Capricorn-men will help to achieve significant success in personal life and business, as well as improve health. The main thing is to learn how to skillfully select them.

  • Onyx. Representatives of the sign strive for leadership, but their behavior often hinders the achievement of their goals. Men are distinguished by arrogance, excessive severity and isolation. The stone will help to neutralize negative traits of character, adding such properties as sociability, responsiveness and goodwill. It will also help to avoid accidents, disasters and dangers of various kinds.
  • Rauchtopaz. The gem will help the owner become less selfish, jealous and fanatical. It contributes to the development of intellectual and mental abilities, helps restore the nervous system and more positively assess the surrounding reality.
  • Chrysoprase. This stone will be useful for men who have (or want to have) their business. Chrysoprase will provide a favorable atmosphere for conducting its business, increase communication skills, support the creative endeavors of its owner in any field of activity. It will save from damage and the evil eye, it eliminates negative energy as much as possible, balances the expenditure of physical and spiritual forces, and allows you to receive the long-awaited recognition of others.


For Capricorn people, the opal gem is the most important and useful talisman in the horoscope. The name of the stone in the ancient languages ​​of the world is translated as a jewel, and as such it is in fact. In nature, there are more than fifteen types of opal, which are semi-precious ornamental stones. Opal will bring its owner loyalty and hope for a happy future.

Men will be able to develop a positive outlook on the world (which this gloomy sign lacks so much). Women will improve their health (especially eye diseases and chronic headaches).


Ruby stone

This is a stone that is universal for happiness. It will help to find honor and recognition among others, build a career, find personal well-being. Ruby will add determination, courage and determination, help ensure the good disposition of people. If Capricorn is counting on mutual feeling, he should give a ruby ​​to his partner. A loved one will definitely respond to the call.


Onyx is an uneven variety of agate. This stone is intended for leaders and leaders, as it provides an opportunity to defend their interests in the most difficult situations. The gem protects from fear, insecurity, relieves insomnia, helps strengthen the nervous system. Onyx is good at protecting heart affairs from quarrels and turmoil.


Zircon stone

Zircon is also a precious talisman for Capricorn. This gem is distinguished by positive energy and will be able to share it with its owner. Since the representative of the sign is characterized by self-doubt and others, the stone will give benevolence, openness and optimism. Zircon will also allow its owner to acquire the intuition necessary for him.


The stone allows you to improve all the positive character traits of its owner. Purposefulness, strength, patience, respect for traditions and caring towards loved ones will begin to manifest themselves to a greater extent. If a strip of failures suddenly catches up, hyacinth will help to overcome it with the least losses and rush to the distant future with a positive attitude.


Jade stone

Jade is a powerful amulet that will help radically change your life. He will give strength to deal with troubles in various areas of life, is a defender in love affairs. If a person takes the wrong path, jade will certainly give a good sign. It will become darker.


The gemstone of the Capricorn zodiac sign is turquoise. It is especially suitable for those born in December. The stone will help to achieve mutual understanding between lovers, helps build a career, gaining material well-being and significant status in society.


Obsidian Stone

Representatives of the earth sign must choose obsidian dark red. It will help to find inner protection, the ability to make the right decisions, protect from the commission of rash acts. The gem promotes the attainment of internal harmony, reduces the impact of negative factors affecting human life.


Black or green tourmaline is a useful gem for the Capricorn sign. It provides protection from evil eye and damage, protects against communication with bad people and the negative effects of negative energy. This is a healing stone, since it can relieve back pain, normalize the work of the cardiovascular system, relieve fatigue and increase immunity.

Dangerous stones

The Capricorn constellation is the opposite of Cancer, so you should beware of stones that are recommended for a representative of the water element. Gemstones for Capricorn should not be white and opaque. The following gems should be wary:

  • Pearls. A woman who prefers this stone may become unhappy in love and family relationships.
  • Sapphire. He is able to take away positive energy, so he turns his master into an egoist, cynic and conservative.
  • Citrine. This is a stone of vice, which will give the wrong direction to Capricorn in his life's journey. A person will become reckless, reckless, uncontrollable. Its practicality and pragmatism will turn into pedantry, prudence, cunning and cunning.
  • Emerald. It is a stone of mystery and depth. That is why the closed and secretive Capricorn should be wary of this talisman. With its help, a person will become completely asocialized, contactless, closed and retrograde. The stone will take away from him sensual emotional energy, which is already in short supply.
Emerald stone

Choosing a suitable stone, you need to listen to your feelings. First of all, it should be an aesthetic pleasure, since a chosen talisman can serve as a wonderful decoration. The next factor will be tactile perception, as well as energy interaction. If all the characteristics merge together, then there is no doubt in solving all problems and improving life.

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