Vkneo.ru - reviews about the site. What is the function "Guests" "VKontakte", and how not to fall into the trap of scammers?

In the Russian segment of social networks, there are two of the largest communities - VKontakte and Odnoklassniki. Of course, in addition to them, you can name other services, for example, “My World”, however, these two sites are ahead of others in terms of the number of active users.

Interest in these networks also arose for another reason. In Odnoklassniki, you can view friends who have visited your page. This function is called "Guests", and it is useful for those who are interested in those who viewed their profile.

Who watched your VK profile?

As for the other service - VKontakte, this function is not provided here. You can’t see who was interested in your page. This cannot but upset active users who are interested in learning which friends regularly watch your photos, statuses, and more. Perhaps this desire is explained by the following logic: if a person came to my profile, it means "I am interested in him." It may well be that people are thus looking for their secret admirers or checking who they are potentially interested in.

www vkneo ru

At the same time, many people, including scammers, are now using such a desire of people sitting in VK to know who visited their page. Sites like "Vkneo.ru:Guests" are constantly being developed, which supposedly help to find out who was on your profile. It is noteworthy that this can be not only online services, but also real programs and applications that need to be installed on a computer or mobile device. What kind of programs are these and how they work, we will describe in this article.

What is www.Vkneo.ru?

There are a lot of sites and services offering to see guests. It’s not so difficult to find them, rather, they themselves are obsessively suggesting checking their page, flickering in ad units. True, if you call the first one that comes to mind when mentioning this topic, then this is the site Vkneo.ru. The reviews left on it claim that using this resource to find out who was on your page, as well as to compile statistics of such visits in order to identify the most “active fans”, is easy and simple. Just go to the site through a special form that allows you to set your profile - and all the information will be available at a glance.

vkneo.ru guests

A trusting user can do all these actions, but, unfortunately, he will not see any “guests” of his VK page. And the thing is that sites of this kind are a hoax, like Vkneo.ru. Reviews that describe how great this service is are likely to be fake. And the developers of this product are ordinary scammers.

Cheating scheme

How people are lured to sites like Vkneo.ru, we have already written. In fact, developers simply play on the feelings of a person who is interested in who visits his profile. After the user is interested, the next stage of deception comes into effect - extortion.

After the registration procedure, a person sees a message in front of him, requiring payment for the search and collection of data about users who have logged into your profile. This requirement can be expressed in various forms, for example, by asking to “identify” your mobile phone by sending a message. Another option is to send an SMS to your number with a request to enter the code that was sent to you in the field on the Vkneo.ru page (reviews of the deceived ones fully confirm). Maybe someone does not know about this, but such a scheme is used to connect the “Subscription” service, which is available from many domestic operators. In the future, after its activation, funds are debited from a person’s account, which he may not even be aware of.

Ultimately, after the debited money, the user does not receive information about his "guests", but understands that he was deceived.

How not to fall into the trap?

vkneo.ru reviews

Not getting caught by scammers is easy enough. First, read about sites like Vkneo.ru, reviews. Just do it not on the portal itself, which offers you services, but on the Internet on other, real sites. There, the same users as you will write whether it is worth dealing with this resource. Secondly, carefully monitor what you are asked to do. If in order to get the service you are looking for, you need to carry out some actions with passwords from accounts, with a mobile phone or, moreover, with a credit card - it is better to refuse it. Thirdly, think for yourself: if the VKontakte site has not connected a function such as showing the "guests" of your profile, then how can a third-party resource do this? Of course, nothing.

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