The state standard has established the approximation of buildings in two forms - C and Sp. This means the limit shape, marked perpendicular to the axis of the path, inside which absolutely no devices and structures should be located (except for rolling stock). An exception that allows the space where the dimensions of the approximation of buildings are located are devices designed specifically for the operation of rolling stock. These are contact wires, car moderators and the like.
The size of the approximation of buildings of types C and Cn has GOST 9238-83. The first exists for tracks, devices and structures of a common network of railway lines and for access roads to the territory of industrial enterprises from adjoining stations. The second dimension of the approximation of buildings - Sp - has smaller vertical dimensions and is installed for tracks, devices and structures that are located in the territories of transport and industrial enterprises, at railway stations, as well as between these territories. This International Standard is still valid.
How are building approximation dimensions calculated? The horizontal ones are counted from the axis of the track, and the vertical ones are from the UGR (level of the rail head). Curved verticals - from the inner rail. The dimensions of the proximity of the buildings are quite small, and therefore it is forbidden to be beyond the size of the train, this is a mortal danger. According to GOST, the gauge of railways is 1520 millimeters, which was developed in the USSR by the Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Railways.
A bit of history
Regarding the distance between the rail heads, that is, along the gauge, people have not yet come to a single standard. There are (only the most common) eight variants of different railways: from 1,676 millimeters (Indian gauge) to meter "narrow gauge railways", which previously served mainly industrial enterprises in our country. The Sakhalin railway with a gauge of 1067 millimeters still functions, and in South America, Africa, Southeast Asia, the narrow gauge has been established, it seems, forever, and changes in this regard are not expected.
Since there is no agreement on this issue, it is necessary to overcome obstacles in the transportation of passengers and the transport of goods. Cargo is being reloaded, passengers are transplanted from one carriage to another. Also used is a method of moving a car onto a carriage of a different size. The technology of recent decades allows the introduction of automatic change of gauge. Docking points are created or rails are laid in parallel with different widths for many hundreds of kilometers. There are also multi-gauge combined railway tracks, where the instruction on the dimensions of the approximation of buildings is also, accordingly, not one. From the legacy of the USSR, today we have the most diverse railways. Depending on their functions, GOST โDimensions of approximation of buildings and rolling stockโ was approved.
State standard
The extension of the state standard to various dimensions of approximation of buildings and rolling stock of railways applies to all types of gauge in the general transport network. Also, these dimensions depend on the speed of trains: if the rolling stock moves faster than 160 kilometers per hour, other overall standards are established for such cases, which were developed by the Ministry of Railways together with Gosstroy in the Soviet Union.
The same dimensions of the proximity of buildings to the railway tracks are valid for gauges with a width of 1520 and 1524 millimeters and apply to all access roads to the territories of transport and industrial enterprises from adjoining stations, that is, external access roads, as well as tracks that are located directly on the territories of transport and industrial enterprises, that is, internal access roads. The same dimensions apply to the entire distance between them.
The approximation of buildings and the size of rolling stock established by the standard are used in the design of new railways and their construction, including external and internal access roads of transport and industrial enterprises, devices and structures on them. Also, according to the standard, reconstruction (amplification) of existing paths, devices and structures is carried out. The same rule applies to the construction of parallel (second) paths, electrification, and the like.
The established proximity of buildings and the size of the rolling stock are also necessary in the implementation of the rolling stock project, its repair, modernization and manufacture. There are industry standards for individual cases where access roads of transport and industrial enterprises cannot withstand all the requirements of the established standard. And therefore GOST "Dimension of approximation of buildings" is not fully provided here, only its individual types. Special industry standards are also permitted, which are developed and approved by the relevant departments and ministries in consultation with the Ministry of Railways and the State Construction Committee.
Instruction manual
On the application of the dimensions of the approximation of buildings with an explanation of the features of individual norms during construction and operation, as well as in the reconstruction of tracks, devices, structures and rolling stock (this also includes what was built before the standard was put into operation), there is a special instruction that is approved in the established order of the Ministry of Railways.
This standard is fully consistent with the recommendations on the CMEA PC 5706-77, which approves the approximation size of freight cars and buildings, including the relatively rolling stock of international traffic. Standardization has incorporated all the provisions of this manual regarding the required dimensions for the passage of a building, device, rolling stock.
Instructions Provisions
The enumeration of parameters begins with the general rules that have already been presented above: the dimensions of the approximation of buildings are perpendicular to the axis of the path or the ultimate transverse outline, inside which there should not be any parts of the structure and device, only rolling stock. Separately, materials, spare parts and equipment lying near the tracks are mentioned. Only devices directly interacting with the rolling stock can be located here - for example, contact wires, details of their fastening, all kinds of trunks of hydraulic columns for water collection and the like.
And this is only if the position of all these devices is strictly linked in the oversized space with the rolling stock and its individual parts, which must be in contact. They should not be in contact with other elements in the rolling stock. In the dimensions of the rolling stock - perpendicular to the axes of the track, transverse outlines should be placed not only new, but also with acceptable wear of the rolling stock, without going outside from the position where it is installed on a straight horizontal track. The most unfavorable position in the rut and the absence of lateral inclinations, as well as dynamic vibrations at the springs both in the loaded and empty state, are checked.
Design and construction outlines
For all sections of the designed composition, design and construction outlines are defined. Between the size of the rolling stock and the proximity of the structures for moving the composition and the loaded loads, there is a space to prevent contact caused by deviations in the state of the railway track in the permissible content standards, lateral slopes of the carriage on springs, vertical vibrations. This space must be installed taking into account the security of the staff located there.
In addition, the space between the dimensions and the construction outline serves for horizontal movement of the rolling stock resulting from structural clearances in the chassis with the maximum wear allowed, taking into account the tortuosity of the track, and also due to the vertical movements that occur at the maximum wear rates of the chassis due to static spring deflections caused by the design load. The space between the design and construction outlines is also necessary in order to compensate for the plus tolerances that appear during the manufacture and repair of the composition.
In the field of application of dimensions, there are established designations. C - dimensions for devices, structures and tracks of the general railway network and external access roads from the adjoining station to the territories of transport and industrial enterprises are indicated.
Cn - dimensions for devices, structures and tracks that are located between and directly on the territory of factories, plants, depots, workshops, sea and river ports, freight yards, mines, warehouses, bases, quarries, peat and forestry developments, power plants and other transport and industrial enterprises, including the Ministry of Railways. This also includes industrial railway stations.
Designations for rolling stock
In the field of application of dimensions and rolling stock also has its own established designations. T - dimensions for rolling stock approved for use on a common network of railway tracks, as well as internal and external access roads of transport and industrial enterprises, if devices and structures on such rolling stock meet the requirements of the standard dimensions for approaching buildings C, where non-electrified lines are drawn on top, and the requirements of the standard Sp.
Designation - for dump trucks and tanks, which are allowed to be circulated through a common network of railway tracks, as well as internal and external access roads of transport and industrial enterprises. Devices and structures on them must meet the requirements that are listed in the instructions. Designation TPR - for the dimensions of gondola cars.
Other rolling stock
1-T - the dimensions of the rolling stock allowed in all ways of communication. 1-VM (0-T) - this rolling stock is approved for use on all the country's railways and a number of other railways in gauges of 1520, 1524, 1435 millimeters (for international traffic).
0-VM (01-T) - dimensions for the same rolling stock, with slight restrictions in some areas. 02-VM (02-T) and 03-VM (03-T) - the dimensions of the trains for any railways, where the gauge is 1520, 1524, 1435 millimeters in Russia, as well as in European and Asian countries.
Dimensions C and C
The approximation dimension of buildings C must comply with the established standard: 670 and 760 millimeters with a gauge size of 1520 millimeters; 672 and 762 mm with a width of 1524 mm. The same clearance C will correspond to that installed at stopping points and stations. The width of the gutter on the crossings where the sections of the track are straight should not be less than 75 millimeters.
The height of the cargo and passenger platforms must also comply with the instructions. High platforms are accepted more than 1100 millimeters from the top of the rail head, cargo platforms are located at least 1750 millimeters from the track axis, if traffic safety and maintenance personnel are ensured. In any case, poles, supports, masts and other structures and devices should not limit the visibility range of semaphores and traffic lights established by the standard.