Every driver knows that the battery is exactly that part of the car, without which no driving is possible. It depends on her its performance. After the battery failure, each motorist has the right to independently decide what to do next. Many are in a hurry to replace it, because the warranty period has expired. In order to be sure that the battery is exhausted, you need to know the signs. The simplest of them are:
- fast discharge of battery capacity;
- frequent recharging.
There are many opinions on the rational use of this equipment.
Most car owners believe that restoring a battery is completely pointless and a waste of time. More frugal drivers prefer to experiment and try to fix the flaws. What if she still serves some time?
What is required to restore it?
We need the following components:
- electrolyte;
- distilled water ;
- a device that allows you to measure the density of a substance;
- charger;
- special desulphating additive.
Reasons for the malfunction
Before restoring automotive batteries, you need to understand the causes of the malfunction.
The main malfunctions:
- Sulfation of the plates, contributing to the complete discharge of the battery.
- Corruption of electrolyte, which leads to the destruction of coal plates.
- Electrolyte boiling due to short circuit. One of the most serious problems.
Important! A swollen and frozen battery cannot be recovered! In order to never be confronted with the issue of restoring automotive batteries, you must take into account the recommendations listed below.
Recommendations for the care of equipment:
- Check the density of the electrolyte several times a month.
- Under low-temperature operating conditions for vehicles, the density of the electrolyte should be 1.40 g / cu. cm.
- Its charging should be accompanied by a current of 10 times less capacity.
- At temperatures below -25 degrees, it is forbidden to leave vehicles in an open parking lot, since there is the possibility of freezing the battery, as a result of which it will fail.
DIY car battery repair
Since it is an indispensable part of the machine, movement without it is impossible at all.
In appearance, these devices are divided into acid, alkaline and lithium. In some cases, acidic ones are called lead-helium. Let's talk about this type of battery. Their main applications are cars and flashlights. Their service life is small, but they are subject to repair. Consider DIY car battery repair.
Method number 1
This is a method of reusable charging with a small current with short breaks between charges. Gradually, the battery begins to increase voltage, it ceases to take charge. During this time, the following occurs:
- Plate alignment.
- Reduced battery voltage during a short break. This occurs due to the spreading of the dense electrode into the interelectrode space. The capacity recovery of maintenance-free car batteries occurs as the battery is full. There is an increase in the density of the electrolyte, which contributes to its bringing into a healthy state.
Method number 2
Complete electrolyte replacement. Practiced in acid batteries.
To do this, completely drain the electrolyte from the old battery and rinse it thoroughly with water. Rinsing should be done several times. It will be better if the water is hot. Next, prepare a solution consisting of 3 tsp. soda and a glass of water. Dilute with boiled water, pour again and wait 20 minutes. Then you have to repeat this procedure several times. Preferably at least 3 times. Restoring car batteries requires patience.
When the battery inside looks like brand new, you can fill in the electrolyte and carry out a new charge during the day. It should be remembered! A refurbished battery needs to be charged once every ten days. The duration of the charge is 6 hours.
Method number 3
The method of "return". This will require additional equipment. An ideal option would be a welding machine. The charging process should be carried out in reverse order. Do not be afraid if the battery boils. This is a normal process for this method. The charging time is half an hour. After the procedure, you need to drain the old electrolyte, thoroughly rinse the parts and fill in a new one. Next, take a regular charger 10A-15A and recharge the restored battery. Caution, do not get confused! After repair, the factory plus will be a minus, and vice versa.
Method number 4
The fastest and most efficient. The battery can fully recover within an hour. A discharged battery is pre-charged and the electrolyte is drained. Then a thorough flush should be performed. Pour an ammonia solution consisting of 2% trilon and 5% ammonia into a clean battery. The desulfation process will begin, which will be accompanied by splashes. The cessation of gas emissions will indicate that the process is nearing completion.
If sulfation is too enhanced, this indicates that you still need to repeat the treatment with the solution. Rinse the battery again after processing. Now it is ready for filling with new electrolyte. Next, the capacity of the car battery is restored . It should be equal to that recommended in the technical passport. As you can see, the restoration of car batteries is possible. And this is not a myth at all.
To facilitate the work, there is a device for the restoration of car batteries. It is used in case of failure as a result of improper operation. Usually they have a sulfated appearance.
What does this method give?
This method allows you to:
- quickly carry out battery recovery;
- use the device for preventive purposes.
There is also a technique for restoring an element by charging with an asymmetric current. The restoration of car batteries, the scheme of which is given below, can provide an accelerated charge.
Battery failure can be associated not only with the expiration date, but also because of its prolonged inactivity. If this happened, you need to make him an emergency resuscitation and bring to life.
To do this, you need to restore the car battery charger. The question immediately arises about which device will cope with the task faster and better. It turns out that charging should have a higher voltage indicator than the battery.
All of them are divided into the following groups:
- Transformer having a transformer and a rectifier of large size.
- Pulse - able to work from a lightweight transformer.
This article discusses all the basic ways to repair a battery, including restoring a maintenance-free car battery. In conclusion, I would like to draw attention to the fact that only the prevention of malfunctions can extend the life of the equipment.
To do this, you should carefully treat each part of the part. Perform regular maintenance. Be guided by the technical specification that is attached to the item when it is purchased.
The battery itself does not require close attention. The main thing is to recharge it in a timely manner.
Do not save on the purchase of a quality charger. It is better to fork out once and be sure that it will always be at hand at any time. Before charging, check the electrolyte level. If it does not correspond to the norm, eliminate the defect. When performing this action, do not forget to pay attention to the density, which must be checked in each bank. There should not be differences between the indicators. Minimum error allowed. Before installing the battery, carefully check the voltage that the generator gives to avoid overcharging. When installing only a purchased battery on a car, please fasten it firmly to prevent damage to parts.