Female hormones: name, norm, symptoms of deficiency

Female hormones are the most important substances that largely determine the functioning of the menstrual cycle, reproductive abilities and overall health. Each of them has a name and features. Now they will be discussed, and more will be told about the norm, symptoms of hormone deficiency and an increase in their level.


This is the name of the main, most active female hormone, which belongs to a subclass of estrogens that the follicular apparatus of the ovaries produces.

The greatest amount of estradiol is produced by the adrenal cortex (paired endocrine glands). This is a steroid hormone, and this origin indicates its high biological activity.

The main function of estradiol is to ensure active growth of tissue covering the uterus from the inside, as well as to increase blood flow.

The concentration of estradiol in the blood is not constant. With age, it decreases. It is important to make a reservation that estradiol is also in the male body. It is important for men, its lack leads to the development of persistent infertility.

Female sex hormones

Why is estradiol in the body?

Each female hormone estrogen has a huge list of features that determine its benefit to the body. And here, in what processes is estradiol involved:

  • It provides the correct formation of the genital organs of women.
  • Normalizes and regulates the menstrual cycle.
  • It affects the formation of secondary sexual characteristics that occur in adolescence.
  • Participates in the formation of the egg.
  • It affects the increase in the uterus that occurs during the period when the fetus develops.
  • Participates in the formation of sexual behavior. It has an effect on this factor at the psychophysiological level.
  • Delays the excretion of water and sodium from the body.
  • Activates bone renewal.
  • Helps to eliminate cholesterol.
  • Enhances blood coagulation.
  • It prevents the formation of blood clots, as it reduces the level of blood fat.
  • Positive effect on sleep.
  • Strengthens the heart muscle.
  • Improves the absorption of substances such as zinc, potassium, magnesium, copper, iron and thyroxine.

As you can see, this female sex hormone is extremely important for the full functioning of the body. If the doctor fixes his deficiency, then the patient is prescribed a course of medications containing artificial or natural analogs of estradiol.

Also, with insufficient production of estradiol, it is recommended to use products that include phytoestrogens. Among them:

  • Beans, lentils, peas and beans.
  • Soya.
  • Grain, flaxseed, barley and wheat.
  • Vegetables: cucumbers, beets, potatoes, peppers, pumpkin, carrots, eggplant.
  • Fruits: plum, apples, pomegranate.
  • Olive oil and yeast.

But none of the above is recommended to be used in the presence of individual intolerance or contraindications.

Thyroxine - female beauty hormone

Norms, causes of abnormalities and symptoms

The concentration of estradiol in a healthy girl can vary from 225 pg / ml to 475 pg / ml. The rate of female hormone depends on a mass of factors, including age, phase of the menstrual cycle, nutritional characteristics, exposure to stress, etc.

Estradiol deficiency typically occurs for the following reasons:

  • Inflammation and disease of the reproductive organs.
  • Dysfunction of the endocrine system and pituitary gland.
  • Delayed sexual development.
  • Excessive exercise.
  • Poorly balanced diet. These include high-carb diets, a raw food diet, veganism, and overeating.
  • Dramatic weight loss or, conversely, intensive weight gain.
  • Addiction to alcohol and smoking.
  • Drugs used in chemotherapy.
  • The use of inappropriate oral contraceptives.
  • During pregnancy - placental dysfunction, the threat of premature birth or miscarriage.

A number of reasons may indicate that the girl does not have enough female hormone in the body. Which ones? The most noticeable include:

  • Dryness and worsened skin elasticity.
  • Hair falling out. In rare cases, hirsutism (i.e. male-type hair growth).
  • Swelling of the extremities.
  • Irregular menstrual cycle.
  • Mood swings and irritability.
  • Reduced sex drive.
  • Constant fatigue.
  • Chest pains.
  • Insomnia.

In any case, estradiol levels can only be determined by analysis of venous biomaterial. Prior to his fence, a woman will not be allowed to smoke, drink alcohol, physically strain, have sex, get nervous and drink medications. It is advisable to take the analysis on the 5th day of the cycle, and control blood sampling on the 20th day. However, the doctor will say everything more precisely.

Female hormones: names and norm


This is an inactive female hormone, also related to estrogen. Its synthesis begins only after fertilization. This happens under the influence of chorionic gonadotropin, the level of which is constantly growing during pregnancy.

Estriol affects the uterus and, accordingly, the fetus. It stimulates its growth and development, activates energy metabolism and enzyme systems, regulates biochemical processes, improves blood flow.

Before the fourth week of pregnancy, the content of estriol does not exceed 1.4 nmol / L. But then the level increases. At the end of the term, it can reach over 106 nmol / L.


Its other name is folliculin. The third hormone related to estrogen. It is 5 times less active than estradiol. But this does not detract from its significance. Moreover, in the peripheral tissues and in the liver, the notorious estradiol is converted to estrone. On the contrary, too.

If we talk about properties, here are the processes involved in estrone:

  • Stimulation of cell division of the internal mucous membrane of the uterus.
  • Normalization of the cycle.
  • Correction of glucose level.

It is worth noting that estrone is prescribed as a drug for inadequate ovarian function. These include infertility, underdevelopment of the genitals, irregularities in the uterus, an irregular cycle or lack of menstruation, as well as menopausal disorders.

How to make up for the lack of female hormones?


This is a typical female sex hormone of pregnancy. He really is called that. Progesterone also has a chemical origin. Interestingly, it is synthesized from cholesterol.

If it is not enough in the female body, then the fetal egg simply can not join the uterus. And the fertilized egg will be rejected by the uterus, as it will continue to contract. It is progesterone that โ€œstopsโ€ it and contributes to its increase in size.

It should also be noted that this hormone prepares the female breast for the milk production process. The rest of its properties include:

  • Stimulating appetite.
  • Regulation of the general hormonal background.
  • Relaxing effect on the smooth muscles of the intestinal tract. This helps the stomach fully absorb the beneficial substances that come with food.
  • Normalization of the emotional and mental state.
  • Regulation of fat reserves.
  • Positive effect on muscle building, its rapid recovery.

Interestingly, in combination with other hormones, progesterone gives a contraceptive effect, so it is used in the manufacture of oral contraceptives.

According to doctors, this hormone is not contained in the products. However, other sources claim that it is part of olives, raspberries, red bell peppers, avocados, raw nuts, seeds, seeds, fish oil and tuna.

Norms and lack of progesterone

Progesterone is such a female hormone, the indicators of which throughout the life of a girl are in dynamic equilibrium. This can be indicated as follows:

  • The first phase of the cycle. The maximum normal value is 3.6 nmol / L.
  • Ovulation days. From 1.52 to 5.4 nmol / L.
  • The cycle period from ovulation to menstruation. From 3.01 to 88.8 nmol / L.
  • Postmenopause. Typically, the maximum value is 0.64 nmol / L.

By the way, if any female hormone โ€œrollsโ€ during pregnancy, it is progesterone. In the third trimester, its indicator can be more than 770 nmol / L.

Deviations from the norm occur both in a smaller and a larger way. They usually occur for the following reasons:

  • Endocrine pathology.
  • Lack of nutrition or strict diets.
  • Luteal phase deficiency.
  • Strict diets.
  • Endometriosis or fibroids.

Lack of progesterone manifests itself in PMS, difficult conception, changeable mood. But its excess is indicated by excess weight, chronic skin problems (not excreted acne and acne), swelling, depression and jumps in blood pressure.

In any case, most conditions are amenable to the so-called drug correction. So you should not be afraid to see a doctor. You will only need to undergo an examination, pass an analysis for female hormones and get recommendations.

Female hormone oxytocin causes increased sentimentality


So-called female hormone of the posterior pituitary gland. It stimulates the smooth muscles of the uterus, increases contractile activity and, to a certain extent, the tone of the myometrium. The rate of free oxytocin varies from 0.8 to 2.2 ng / ml.

It is also called the "hormone of tenderness." It is believed that it is precisely sentimentality and sensitivity that indicates precisely an excess of oxytocin. And also increased tearfulness and obsession. The peak of its concentration occurs in the postpartum period.

In general, it is a hormone neurotransmitter. It has a direct impact on the psycho-emotional sphere and social behavior. And here is what could be causing a lack of female hormone:

  • Menopause (natural or surgical).
  • Prolonged stress and depression.
  • Fibromyalgia.
  • Thyroid impairment.
  • Multiple sclerosis.
  • Constant loneliness.
  • Schizophrenia.
  • Autism.

The best source of female hormone called oxytocin is hugs, kisses, gentle touches and sex. But it is also believed that its level can be increased by eating dates, avocados and bananas.


Yes, it is androgen, not estrogen. However, it is necessary to mention it, talking about how to increase female hormones. Because in every girlโ€™s body, testosterone plays a crucial role. Namely:

  • Positive effect on the state of bone and muscle tissue.
  • Maintains tone. When testosterone is normal, the girl always feels cheerful and does not face fatigue and overwork.
  • Significantly increases libido and attraction, activating the work of sexual receptors.
  • Causes a feeling of satisfaction and uplifting.
  • Improves memory, increases concentration.

For girls, the norm of this hormone is from 0.31 to 3.79 nmol / L. But it happens that it is exceeded. As a rule, this phenomenon is accompanied by symptoms of a lack of estrogen - female hormones.

Why can testosterone be exceeded? As a rule, this is due to its excessive production by the genitals. Or the use of some drugs.

Of the symptoms that indicate this, insomnia, nightmares, nightmares, increased appetite and sexual aggression can be noted. More often, an excess of testosterone in girls is accompanied by a sharp hair loss, acne, increased hair growth, as well as pain in the lower back and ovaries. A lack is indicated by a decreased libido.

It is believed that its development contributes to the active consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits, seafood, cereals, nuts and herbs. But in general, the girl should consult a doctor for advice on normalizing testosterone levels.

Testosterone is also found in the female body.


Having decided to take a blood test for female hormones, the girl will see this name in the results. In simple terms, thyroxine is responsible for the figure and mind, and also regulates metabolic processes. Its content ranges from 62 to 141 nmol / L. The more optimal the concentration, the better the girl's figure and skin. His lack can be found by the following symptoms:

  • The skin begins to peel off.
  • The tone disappears, it is replaced by drowsiness, lethargy and fatigue.
  • Nails and hair become brittle.
  • The pressure drops.
  • Swelling appears on the face, and an unhealthy blush on the cheeks.

Thyroxine deficiency is treated simply. This helps taking medications with thyroxine substitutes and a high iodine content.

Other signs indicate an excess of the hormone. Namely:

  • Accelerated metabolism. As a result: abnormal thinness and increased appetite.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Sweating.
  • Nervousness.
  • Heart palpitations.

Not only drugs prescribed by a doctor help to reduce the production of thyroxine, but also a diet. The girl needs to limit herself in the consumption of iodine-containing products (milk, seafood, eggs, fish, etc.).


It is conditionally called the hormone of harmony and beauty. It is special in that it is produced only during sleep. Therefore, in order not to suffer from excess weight and to avoid premature aging, it is necessary to get enough sleep. Its production is enhanced by:

  • Healthy sleep.
  • Glucose deficiency.
  • Moderate physical activity.
  • Polypeptide and male hormones.

What are the symptoms of a lack of female hormone? The most notable include:

  • The predominance of fat over muscle.
  • Fragility of bones.
  • Psychological problems and depression.
  • Impaired cardiac function.
  • Weakening of emotional reactions.

Usually, somatropin levels are adjusted to normal sleep and control the amount of sweet foods consumed. There are drugs that increase its production, but they are prescribed for pituitary adenoma, and they are not sold without a prescription.

Analysis for female hormones

The consequences of hormonal failure

In conclusion, I would like to say that the content of all of the above substances cannot be the same for all girls. But it should be optimal for everyone, depending on the characteristics of her body. If you do not pay attention to hormonal failure, and do not begin to correct the situation, then in the future this can lead to serious consequences, including:

  • Miscarriages and infertility.
  • Polycystic ovary.
  • Fibrocystic masses in the mammary glands.
  • Asthma.
  • Uterine fibroids.
  • Diabetes.
  • Malignant formations.
  • Heart attack
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Stroke.

The doctor will quickly determine the cause and prescribe therapy. Before this, of course, you will need to donate blood for a general and hormonal analysis, undergo an ultrasound scan, be tested for STDs. You may have to go to the gynecologist and endocrinologist.

For treatment, drugs containing artificial or natural hormones, homeopathic remedies, and antipsychotics are usually prescribed.

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