Creeping inflation - what is it? What is observed during creeping inflation?

What associations do people have when they hear the word "inflation"? Usually these are only negative emotions. Inflation, as you know, entails an increase in prices for goods and services and, as a result, a decrease in the purchasing power of the population. What does a person think if he hears that inflation can be useful for society and the development of the state as a whole? Most likely he will laugh at such words. But in vain. You should correctly understand the meaning of the term "inflation", as well as distinguish between the types of this economic phenomenon.

What is inflation?

Inflation (in English inflation) is a situation in a country where money circulation channels are overflowing with payment marks, which causes an increase in prices for goods and services, and as a result a decrease in the solvency of the population.

creeping inflation is

In economic theory, the term "inflation" appeared in the 20th century, but the phenomenon of depreciation of money was observed earlier, for example, during the war. But not every price increase should be called inflation. The seasonal increase in the cost of certain goods or services is a completely normal situation in a market economy. It is important to remember that inflation is primarily a long-term process, and not a one-time phenomenon. All countries of the world that exist in a market economy are subject to inflation. But is it bad? Not always. You need to be able to distinguish between types of inflation and their impact on society.

What types of inflation

Inflation can be completely different in terms of development dynamics, causes of occurrence and form of manifestation. First of all, it is very important to evaluate inflation by the rate of development:

  • moderate
  • galloping;
  • hyperinflation.

Creeping inflation is characterized by a moderate increase in prices: up to 10% per year. With this type of inflation, the value of money is preserved, and business transactions are made at nominal prices.

creeping inflation is characterized

Galloping inflation is accompanied by a jump in price fluctuations: 10-2000% per year. In this situation, the contracts are signed taking into account changes in the price level, the population invests in currency or material values. The government is carrying out many reforms, there is a difficult economic situation, which, as a rule, leads to a protracted crisis.

Hyperinflation is the most dangerous phenomenon for a country. The price increase is more than 50% per month. Economic relations are being destroyed, enterprises are closing down, unemployment is growing. Money has no value, people move to commodity exchange (barter). Even the most affluent segments of the population find themselves in a difficult situation; business and entrepreneurship are collapsing. The situation requires emergency measures by the government.

7 reasons for inflation

Specialists in economic theory have identified seven main reasons for the depreciation of the money supply:

  • Wrong economic policy of the state, in which "the printing press is turned on", that is, there is an issue of banknotes in excess of the required amount. Such money is not backed up by the country's gold reserves and is depreciated. Especially often this situation is observed during the war.
  • Mass lending to the population, as a result of which there is more money in circulation than goods.

what is observed during creeping inflation

  • The monopoly of large organizations in determining prices.
  • Monopoly of trade unions on the establishment of wage levels.
  • Reduction of production, due to which the amount of money in circulation remains the same, and the volume of goods produced is significantly reduced.
  • Depreciation of the national currency (depreciation).
  • Increase in state duties and taxes.

What is observed during creeping inflation

Moderate (creeping) inflation is a completely normal process for a country's economy. A constant and uniform increase in the price level positively affects the economic processes of production. Experts are sure that creeping inflation is necessary for each country. For example, technologies are being improved, thanks to which the manufacturer has the opportunity to produce more functional models, unlike their counterparts. But such product improvement requires certain costs, which affect the increase in the price level of the final product. However, the buyer has a choice: purchase expensive products with distinctive features or save and choose a budget equivalent.

inflation creeping galloping hyperinflation

Creeping inflation is an increase in prices by no more than 10% per year. Such a phenomenon does not affect the quality of life of the population and does not reduce the purchasing power of consumers. Most often, employers increase wages, so that a slight increase in prices does not hit the buyer. But for enterprises and private businesses, a gradual increase in prices is crucial for successful future development.

The negative side of inflation

Inflation entails a decrease in the purchasing power of the population and a reduction in production. The increase in prices is much faster than the increase in wages. The stratum of the population that has income from the state budget suffers: pensioners, orphans, students.

creeping inflation examples

There is a deterioration in the quality of services, goods, queues are increasing, the black market and the shadow business are flourishing. Creditors and budget organizations, as well as depositors, suffer losses. When the inflation rate rises above the bank interest rate, the money invested in the deposit starts working "minus".

What are the benefits of inflation?

In the process of inflation, there is an increase in the market value of housing, which encourages market participants to invest in construction and real estate. Creeping inflation is a gradual increase in prices (not more than 10% per year), which forces consumers to make a purchase immediately without putting money β€œunder the pillow”, and also contributes to the development of production and the improvement of products. Enterprises invest money in various industries and projects, which positively affects the economy of the country as a whole.

moderate creeping inflation
In addition, a decrease in purchasing power has a positive effect on debtors. If you do not take into account the accrued interest, then inflation "eases" the debt burden. The borrower borrowed a certain amount of money, but after a certain time the purchasing power of the same amount decreased, making it easier to repay.

Briefly about the main thing

Inflation entails a decrease in the purchasing power of money, and there are three types of rates of development: moderate, galloping, and hyperinflation. It is hard to say whether inflation brings benefits or only losses from it. If this is creeping inflation, then it is impossible to give a definite answer. This phenomenon contributes to the development of production and stimulates consumers to actively use money. Other types of inflation (galloping and hyperinflation) are dangerous for the country and may entail a prolonged economic crisis.

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