Family man is: the main qualities of man and woman for the family

A family man is a rather abstract concept for everyone. It all depends on what qualities a woman primarily values ​​in men. For one woman, it is important that her husband bring money to the family and completely take care of security issues, and another it is important that he knows how to cook deliciously, be affectionate with children and with her. Some men are attracted to business and independent girls, and others are calm and quiet housewives. The ideal family man option is when all these qualities are combined. Consider what psychology says about this and what qualities a good family man needs.

family man is

Who is a family man?

To begin with, we will understand who such a family man is by definition. A family man is a person who has married and has all the qualities necessary for family life. But what are these qualities and are they divided into male and female? Let's start with the strong half of humanity.


At the head of the family man's qualities, psychologists placed precisely generosity, and for good reason. It is not only about material security, although gifts and flowers can be given without reason. Lovely signs of attention, the desire to give love, and not just to receive it from your woman, attention to her needs is also a manifestation of generosity.


Another quality family man. A man must constantly try himself in something new, think, reflect, learn to work with his hands and so on. If there is no movement, a regression takes place, and he seeks solace in his mistresses, thus feeling his significance.

Decisiveness and Responsibility

A man must be decisive in order to start a relationship, develop it. Over time, determination will develop into responsibility for your woman and family. Decisiveness also manifests itself in the man’s ability to remain faithful to his beloved, despite all the difficulties.

The feminine qualities of a family man are somewhat more, we will tell you more about them.

qualities of a family man

The ability to control the behavior of homework and smooth out “sharp” corners

This is not about total control and tyranny of the husband and children. A woman should be able to guess the mood of her husband and be able to predict how his behavior will change and try to suppress negative moments before they pour out. The same can be said of children.

Ability to calm

Men are harder than women to suffer failures, betrayals, problems at work. At such moments, a good wife becomes a mother who can pity her husband, provide support, motivate for new achievements.

To be inconspicuous

Another indispensable feminine quality is the ability to be invisible when a loved one is not in the mood. Men are inherently less flexible, they need time to switch from work to home. If you see that now it’s better not to touch your spouse - wait until he is “released”, do not ask about anything and keep quiet more. Otherwise, you run the risk of getting a scandal at best.

Be content

Remember the beginning of your relationship, you needed so little to be happy, and over time, many problems fell. Turn off the list of requirements and claims for the spouse, better thank him for what he has already done for you and, believe me, he will appreciate it. Stay in this state of gratitude, it will improve family life.

To be a lover

Do not dwell heavily on this point. Try to bring something new into intimate relationships, remember what your man asked you for a long time and do it. If the husband is satisfied, then emotions will return to normal and the risk of a lover will be reduced to zero.

The listed qualities of a family man are not mandatory, this list can be supplemented depending on the individual preferences of each person.

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