The body of a woman is transformed throughout the entire menstrual cycle. Changing mood, hormonal background, discharge. Even body weight can differ. All this is physiology and has no deviations from the norm. But often representatives of the weaker sex are tormented by greenish discharge . They can be mucous, thick, creamy or mixed with curd masses, foam. Unpleasant odor in such cases is an additional alarming symptom. Especially women are concerned about the color of the discharge during pregnancy. What to do if in the early stages a woman discovers an unusual color of mucus? Is it dangerous? The presented article will help you answer this question. You will also find out why the yellow-green discharge appears during pregnancy.
Physiology: Conception and Corking
Allocations during pregnancy (in the early stages) are especially frightening for women. But one should not panic; all these phenomena in most cases turn out to be normal. Immediately after attachment of the fertilized cell to the wall of the genital organ, active thickening of the mucus begins in the lumen of the cervical canal. At this point, the discharge will accumulate over the course of all nine months. Before giving birth, a lump will come out in the amount of two tablespoons.
That mucus that did not collect in the birth canal is brought out. That is why an observant woman can detect unusual abundant discharge during pregnancy. In the early stages, they should disturb only when an unpleasant odor and an unusual consistency join. In any case, the expectant mother will soon have a visit to the gynecologist, during which you need to talk about the disturbing manifestations.
Medication, hormones
The discharge of yellow-green during pregnancy may appear due to the use of certain drugs. Naturally, the amount of vaginal mucus becomes larger in the second half of the cycle. This is due to a change in the hormonal background: the production of progesterone. If, after conception, the doctor prescribes drugs based on this hormone, then the discharge becomes even more abundant. This is normal and not dangerous.
Other drugs may also affect the color and texture of the mucus. In the first trimester, many women have to be treated for infections. For this purpose, mainly local preparations are used (Hexicon, Terizinan, Klion-D). They can stain the color of the secretions and increase their volume. This is not dangerous.
Recent sexual contact
Yellow-green discharge (during pregnancy) odorless can normally appear after unprotected sexual contact. Sperm liquefies after a while and flows out of the vagina. In this case, a woman may notice yellowish wet spots on her underwear.
There is no danger in this, but only subject to the absolute health of the sexual partner. If a man has infectious diseases of the genital area, then you should use condoms. Only these contraceptives guarantee the expectant mother and her baby complete safety from infection.
Inflammatory diseases
Yellow-green secretions can also be dangerous. During pregnancy (especially in the first trimester), a woman's immunity decreases. Expectant mother is more susceptible to various diseases. Often they affect the sexual sphere. Therefore, it is so important to monitor personal hygiene.
- Bacterial vaginosis. This pathology is accompanied by the secretion of a thick secret with an unusual smell. In the early stages, an unpleasant odor may be absent altogether. But if you do not treat the pathology, then a stench appears, resembling a rotten fish. The discharge becomes foamy.
- Colpitis. No less dangerous and unpleasant disease. It is accompanied by burning and itching of the genital organs. Allocations acquire a greenish-yellow color and become dense.
Genital tract infections
Separately, it is worth mentioning about sexually transmitted infections. They also cause a greenish discharge. You can earn pathology both before conception, and after it. It is important to identify the pathogen and cure the disease. Otherwise, the outcome may be completely unexpected: from the appointment of a caesarean section to stillbirth or miscarriage. The most common diseases are:
- Trichomoniasis (caused by Trichomonas, affects all parts of the genital area).
- Chlamydia (pathogen - chlamydia, affects the appendages, uterus and urinary system).
- Gonorrhea (caused by bacterial pathogens, which often affect the fetus or lead to its death).
All the described conditions are very dangerous for the future mother and her child. Therefore, if you notice yellow-green discharge (during pregnancy or in its absence - not so important), be sure to consult a doctor.
Thrush - a frequent companion of pregnant women
If there is a smell of secretions during pregnancy, then we can talk about thrush. This disease often occurs in expectant mothers at different times. The reason for this is a change in the hormonal background, an increase in microorganisms in the vagina, a violation of the acid-base balance, improper nutrition, and so on. Thrush can be called a non-dangerous disease. It will not harm the development of the fetus and will not disrupt the formation of its organs. Nevertheless, pathology must be treated.
If a woman is bothered by additional symptoms - itching, irritation, discomfort in the intimate sphere, then correction is carried out immediately with the use of the safest drugs. In the event that there are no complaints about additional signs of thrush, therapy is postponed until the second trimester. It is important to eliminate the disease before the time of birth, as in their process infection of the baby can occur.
Doctors Recommendations
If the expectant mother is bothered by unpleasant and unusual colored discharge during pregnancy, the second trimester is the best time for their treatment. At this time, all the systems and organs of the embryo are already formed, the baby is protected by the placenta. In the second trimester, even the use of antibiotics of certain groups is permissible. But only as prescribed by the doctor.
Doctors say that with complaints of a strange color, the expectant mother should be examined. It is important to make a normal smear and establish the degree of purity of the vagina. Inoculation for infection is also prescribed. Often laboratory tests require a blood test and detection of antibodies.
Doctors recommend that you monitor your well-being carefully throughout your pregnancy. If unusual discharge is found, then immediately contact your doctor to establish tactics for further action. Yellow-green discharge in the third trimester of pregnancy is especially dangerous. They can be a sign of leakage of amniotic fluid.
Doctors warn: do not follow the advice of friends and experienced acquaintances, at the slightest doubt contact a medical institution. Only then can you be absolutely sure of the normal course of pregnancy.
All future mothers become suspicious. Often, normal and normal vaginal discharge is taken as a pathology by the woman herself. As a result, panic begins. With unnecessary feelings, you can cause additional harm to your condition. Therefore, do not be lost in conjecture. If unusual discharge or other disturbing symptoms appear, go to the doctor and develop your doubts. The doctor will be able to clearly determine whether the existing signs are pathology or whether it is not as dangerous as it seems. Easy your pregnancy, do not get sick!