Types of ships in the Russian Federation and their characteristics

Let us analyze the main types of ships in the Russian Federation that currently exist. The entire judicial system of our country is established on the basis of the Constitution of the country, the Federal constitutional law relating to this sphere of legislation. In our country, special attention is paid to the system. In order not to put pressure on its representatives, their work was honest and open, there is a special program for the protection of refereeing.

On the unity of the judiciary

To do this, all magistrates and federal judges comply with the rules of production established by the Federal Law. All types of courts in the Russian Federation use constitutional, federal laws, international treaties of the Russian Federation, and other documents existing in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in their work. The status of judges is enshrined in legislative acts; funding is provided from federal funds.

Consider the main types of higher courts of the Russian Federation, their features. Let us analyze the main areas of activity of various types of systems, especially their financing.

types of ships in rf

Functional purpose

Considering the types of courts in the Russian Federation, let us dwell on the structure of general jurisdiction. They include such a court, which considers issues in criminal, civil cases, administrative offenses. What types of ships in the Russian Federation belong to this category? These are republican, regional, regional. They include the Moscow, Sevastopol, St. Petersburg city (district) courts, as well as the military.

types of higher courts of the russian federation

Federal courts

Here are the main types of federal courts of the Russian Federation. The concept of the legislative system provides for the creation of juvenile, administrative, migration courts. In order to automate their work, the RF system “Justice” is functioning.

Courts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation belong to the middle management. They are recognized by higher courts and appeals for district courts operating in the regions of the Russian Federation. It is here that a complaint is filed in case of disagreement with the decision of the judge, the plaintiffs.

types of ships in the Russian Federation and their characteristics

District Court

It is considered in our country as a link between courts of general jurisdiction. It is in it that the cases of primary jurisdiction are considered, and also it performs an appeal function in relation to justices of the peace, who carry out their activities in the territory of a particular judicial district.

More difficult cases are considered here than in magistrates' courts. They are formed in strict accordance with the main federal legislation. If a district court is formed on the territory of several administrative-territorial entities, it is called an inter-district court. The district court employs professional judges. Their number is determined by the number of submitted statements of claim. Currently, far from all judicial regions, the activities of magistrates are carried out. As a result, the duties of the district courts include the consideration of cases that are within the competence of the magistrate. In this case, it is possible to appeal the decision on similar cases in the appellate court.

Included in the jurisdiction of the district authorities and the resolution of all issues relating to pre-trial proceedings. They decide on the following preventive measures:

  • House arrest;
  • money deposit;
  • detention for a specified period;
  • conducting investigative actions (seizure, search, seizure of mail, recording telephone conversations).

District judges also carry out post-trial proceedings. They consider cases relating to the verification of the authenticity of documents, the fairness and soundness of sentences, the issuance of a court order to a claimant.

Judging by the scope of actions performed by the district courts, we can confidently say that these are mid-level authorities. In their competence are any civil cases, regardless of the price of the claim. The exception is only those that are subordinate to the military courts, as well as to the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation.

Basically, civil cases are considered at the place of permanent residence of the defendant or at the address of the actual registration of the legal entity. Sometimes jurisdiction is connected with the choice of the plaintiff himself. Currently, such instances deal with disputes regarding housing, family, land, labor relations, administrative offenses, complaints from citizens about the violation of their rights and freedoms.

types of federal courts of the russian federation


Until such an instance existed, cases were examined by district judges. By Federal Law No. 137 of 2002, justices of the peace appeared on the territory of the Russian Federation. They single-handedly consider those matters that fall within their competence in the Federal Law. Cases of the first instance are considered:

  • criminal cases related to crimes for which the punishment does not exceed three years in prison;
  • divorce cases, in the absence of disputes between spouses related to children;
  • questions about the issuance of a court order;
  • establishment of paternity, deprivation of parental rights, adoption;
  • property issues with a claim price of up to fifty thousand rubles.

District (military) courts

We continue consideration of the issue: “Types of ships in the Russian Federation and their characteristics”. Separately, it is worth considering the military courts that operate in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, are included in the unified judicial system of the country. They used to be called military tribunals. This system assumes its own classification. Allocate the highest level (military college), as well as primary courts. They deal with civil disputes between military personnel, military offenses.

types of constitutional courts of the russian federation

Arbitration Courts

Let us analyze the main types of arbitration courts of the Russian Federation. Their main task is to resolve economic disputes arising between legal entities from administrative, civil, and other types of legal relations. The appellate arbitration courts function as part of the presidium, the judicial board for the resolution of disputes related to civil and other offenses, as well as the judicial board that considers disputes relating to administrative offenses. His powers include checking the legality and validity of judicial acts that have not entered into legal force. It is this instance that reviews judicial acts by which new circumstances have been discovered.

types of constitutional courts of the russian federation

constitutional Court

What types of constitutional courts of the Russian Federation are currently functioning? This is a judicial body that exercises, through special proceedings, an independent and independent judiciary. The order of formation, authority, the algorithm of activity of this instance is determined by the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Financial support for its activities is carried out at the expense of the federal budget.


The judicial system, which currently exists on the territory of the Russian Federation, is a clear thought-out structure in which each individual link has its own functional purpose. With the coordinated work of all components of the judicial structure, civil and other types of disputes are considered within the time limits established by Russian law. If the plaintiff disagrees with the decision made by the judge, he has the right to appeal to a higher court.

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