Hand line: what palmistry says

The line of moving on the hand, indicated quite clearly, in the art of palmistry can reflect the most diverse destinations; there is a wide variety of situations associated with it. But in general, these interpretations are united by a common meaning, easily confirmed in practice. This article will talk about this in detail.

Features of the moving line

Palmistry science helps in difficult situations when you need to make an ambiguous decision. For example, the plans are for a complete move, but with thoughts about this, the intuition of a person is clearly restless, a bad foreboding appears. In such cases, a moving line in the palm of your hand, which will support either one scale or the second, can be crucial.

travel lines

Where is the crossing line located?

The trait itself, which is responsible for travel, is located near the trait of life, is its branch. Moving away from the main feature, she rushes to the hill of the moon. The moving line on the hand in the photo with the decoding presented in the caption below the picture is shown below. In general, the presence of this line predicts that a given person, born in one part of the world, will spend most of his life away from his small homeland. She will change her place of residence in search of a better life. Here you need to remember that this does not mean just moving a short distance, for example, to another house, an apartment with a different number or to another part of the city, a neighboring town, the changes will be more global.

Travel line on hand

The coordinates will change over time quite seriously. It will be a big move over a considerable distance, this includes moving to other countries and even to other parts of the world. Other signs that mark the palm will tell you about the move. So, if a person is predetermined from above to once call his country another, that is, to become an emigrant, manifestation on the main lines will certainly testify to this. For example, this will symbolize the gap on the line of Life. He can step aside and predict a global change of residence along with a change in the whole way of life, working environment and even the profile of activity. See the line of movement on the hand in the photo above.

What is the difference between the lines of emigration and relocation?

Despite the similarity of values, they still distinguish between emigration and moving, drawn in the palm of a person. With the intended emigration, the moving line on the arm is much brighter, more expressive, larger in size. Its volume, length and severity on the human hand are directly proportional to the significance and scale of future changes in the place of residence. No less attention should be paid to the line of travel, which found its place on the hill of the moon. It is from these marks that it is easy to find out the number and nature of a person's movements in the course of life. How often he will travel the world, for what reasons he will do it, that he will push him into such a nomadic way of life that motivates him to move, or maybe even makes him emigrate - the answers to all these interesting questions should be found here.

all lines in palmistry

The real, true line of moving to another country on the hand often surpasses in its severity, depth of imprint even the most important feature in the palm of your hand - the line of Fate. To unravel this symbol, you need to pay no less than her attention to all the symbols in the palm of your hand. Consider in detail the nature of the hillock of the Moon, the features of Fate, especially focusing on the places in which the line of moving grows from it. It is important to consider the presence or absence of cuts in this area.

Is the move a positive or negative sign?

It is also important to clarify that the line of movement is essentially a positive symbol, speaks of joy, long-awaited changes, followed by genuine human happiness. For example, it is she who can report a good successful marriage or marriage.

palmistry lines

It is often associated with interpretation as a feature of joy. It symbolizes positive emotions that can affect the most important and hidden experiences of a given person. This is understandable, because each change of residence implies an improvement in life, its conditions, a movement towards a new and better and a rejection of the downward pulling past. It is also a means of human self-improvement, anticipates internal changes, spiritual growth and at the same time is a consequence of good work on oneself and one's standard of living.

How does the leveling line fit with other signs?

However, when combined with other symbols that insidiously surround a happy omen, the meaning of its interpretation may undergo changes. It is important to consider where the trait stretches, to which places it rushes especially brightly. Most often, the moving line on the arm is a regular straight line next to the hill of the moon. Like in the picture above.

Such a picture suggests that this person will make many trips, to the sea, to the mountains. If the line rushes down, then this is an omen of an impending move to another country or city.

fortune telling

In the vicinity of a mole on the moon hill, the line on the arm warns of the failure and dangers associated with travel. If the lines on the hill of the Moon are horizontal, this means water trips, long voyages.

If the crossing line is on the hill of Mars, then the trips will be mostly land.

The square at the end of the line indicates the danger lurking in the journey.

The cross at the end of it means longing, anxiety and sadness, an unsuccessful trip.

How to decide whether to move or not to move?

In cases where a line of moving is observed in the palm of your hand in conjunction with plans for emigration in life, it is necessary to listen more to the world around. It is possible that only a small effort will be needed to implement what was planned, since fate itself will help this person move, after which his life will obviously become better, and he himself will be happier.

Will palmistry tell about everything?

Of course, not all trips can be learned using this science. The main thing here is the very attitude of a person to his life, his experience. If a large number of trips made leaves a person indifferent, then it is not surprising that he has no travel notes. This is typical for those who get used to the nomadic lifestyle and perceive it as the norm. It happens that a person constantly breaks away and dreams of moving a lot, but he does not have such opportunities. The line of movement on the hand can reflect his exuberant imagination.

all life in the palm of your hand

What will tell about the character of the moving line?

The travel line symbolizes human restlessness, a constant desire to run forward, move. Restless individuals like a breath of air need room for maneuver, they die in a routine. They need to break with the past in order to strive to build a new better future. And so in a circle, as if in a cycle of samsara. Palmistry explains the moving lines on the hand, depending on who they are guessing at. This trait symbolizes the significance of an event specifically for a given person. However, for all, the degree of influence is different. What will become changes for one will not cause emotions in the other. For example, someone goes to the forest for mushrooms and will be delighted, filled with sensations and emotions. And there will be no other way. The more important a person’s change of residence is, the more pronounced this line will become. Also, by the palm of your hand, it’s determined, if not quite accurate, but the approximate time of this event. This date is calculated in the direction from the bottom up from the bottom of the hand towards the fingers.

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