"Propeller" (3 in 1) - and no blackheads!

Acne, like any other, causes a lot of problems. But here is a special case. A rash often appears on the face. It is able to negatively affect the psyche of not only a child, but also an adult. Scientific medicine does not stand still, it creates many means of effective control of acne. Invented are all new, more advanced drugs.

Currently, unique propeller preparations are used. Very popular "3 in 1" On the page - one of the varieties of this brand of cosmetics. The choice is based on the versatility of the remedy.

The cause of acne.

They may be different. In adolescents, acne can occur during puberty. In both adults and children, the cause of acne may be a lack of Vitamin A. It can also adversely affect the health and contribute to rash, an increase in cholesterol. Non-observance of personal hygiene, use of cosmetics without a doctor’s appointment, stress and unhealthy diet are all additional factors contributing to the onset of the disease.

All these factors as a whole or one of them causes a violation in the body. Sebaceous glands cease to function normally and produce secretions in excess. There is a blockage in the ducts, and the resulting plug provokes the growth of bacteria. This place is inflamed, acne is formed. There are open and closed Comedones.

Acne treatment involves the use of various drugs that can relieve the face and body of acne. Choosing a remedy, you need to consult a dermatologist, get an opinion, advice from those who used creams. And, of course, the price should be acceptable. All these positive qualities are contained in the product (3 in 1).

"Propeller" (3 in 1) - what you need from acne!

What are the main advantages of this brand.

• Stops bacterial growth

• The skin is deeply cleaned

• Ducts open due to skin cleansing of old cells.

• The skin takes on a healthy normal appearance (without oily sheen)

• Profitability from using one cream with different medicinal properties

How to use cream

• Gently apply a little preparation to the face.

• Wait until the cream settles (no more than two minutes)

• Palm form a light foam on the skin

• rinse with water

Up to two times per week can be used. This will be enough for effective treatment. In this case, the recommendations of the doctor should be followed, especially for those who have hormonal, gastrointestinal and other disorders.

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